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Antitrust Division Releases 10-Year Workload Statistics Report
Friday, January 17, 2025Share
For Immediate Release
Office of Public Affairs
The Justice Department’s Antitrust Division today issued its 10-year workload statistics report, summarizing the Division’s work enforcing the federal antitrust laws from 2015 through 2024. These statistics can be found here.
The report reflects the critical enforcement and advocacy work the Antitrust Division has done on behalf of American consumers, taxpayers, and workers. This includes efforts to put a stop to conduct by monopolists or groups of competitors that harm consumers and workers; block mergers that threaten competition; prosecute anticompetitive crimes; ensure proper application of the antitrust laws in courts throughout the United States; and advocate for pro-competition policies across federal and state governments and with other countries.
More information about the Antitrust Division can be found at www.justice.gov/atr.
Updated January 17, 2025
Antitrust Division Press Release Number: 25-98
Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission Issue Antitrust Guidelines on Business Practices that Impact Workers
Thursday, January 16, 2025Share
For Immediate Release
Office of Public Affairs
Guidelines Replace the Antitrust Guidance for Human Resource Professionals Issued in 2016
The Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) today jointly issued Antitrust Guidelines for Business Activities Affecting Workers. The guidelines, which replace the 2016 Antitrust Guidance for Human Resource Professionals, explain how the Justice Department and FTC identify and assess the antitrust risks of business practices affecting workers.
“For more than a century, the antitrust laws have protected workers from unlawful schemes, abuses of bargaining power, and restrictions on their mobility,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Doha Mekki of the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division. “The Antitrust Division will continue to work with its federal and state partners to ensure the economic freedom and opportunity of American workers and their families.”
The guidelines provide examples and cite cases to explain how the agencies analyze business practices that may violate the antitrust laws, such as information sharing, restrictions on worker mobility, abuses of bargaining power and other restrictive, exclusionary or predatory employment conditions. The guidelines also explain that certain types of agreements between employers, such as wage-fixing or no-poach agreements, may expose companies and executives to criminal liability under the antitrust laws.
The agencies encourage members of the public to report potential antitrust violations, and the guidelines provide information on how to submit these complaints.
Updated January 16, 2025
Antitrust DivisionPress Release Number: 25-71
La CNMC pide reforzar la motivación de los encargos al Grupo Tragsa para garantizar la competencia
Sector: Nota de prensa
Ámbito CNMC: Promoción de Competencia
- Tragsa y Tragsatec son las empresas públicas más utilizadas por las administraciones para realizar encargos.
- La CNMC defiende el uso de los principios de buena regulación y administración para minimizar el daño a la libre competencia.
- Propone, además, ajustes en el texto para que su uso, los precios y las publicaciones sean transparentes y eficientes.
La Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (CNMC) ha analizado el proyecto de Real decreto que desarrolla el régimen jurídico de las empresas públicas del Grupo Tragsa (Tragsa y Tragsatec). (IPN/CNMC/031/24).
Ambas entidades son dos de las empresas públicas más utilizadas por las administraciones para atender necesidades de bienes o servicios a través de encargos directos, sin acudir a procesos de licitación abiertos a otros competidores.
Recomendaciones sobre los encargos
Aunque estos encargos pueden estar justificados por motivos de interés general, como agilidad o flexibilidad, su uso inadecuado puede afectar a la competencia (reducción del mercado, fortalecimiento de la posición de operadores) y reducir la eficiencia en la gestión de fondos públicos.
Por ello, al formular encargos es necesario reforzar el deber de motivación de los poderes públicos, que han de valorar el impacto de su actuación y elegir la forma de aprovisionamiento más beneficiosa desde la óptica del interés general.
La CNMC ha recordado que los encargos, además de cumplir rigurosamente con los requisitos legales, deben adecuarse a los principios de buena regulación y administración.
Se insta al Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, promotor de este Real Decreto, a liderar la implementación de estas recomendaciones, si bien son extensibles a todas las administraciones públicas.
Respecto al texto normativo objeto de informe, se proponen estas medidas:
- Evitar el uso sistemático de encargos en casos de urgencia o ante el fracaso de licitaciones. En lugar de ello, explorar alternativas como nuevos procesos de contratación con ajustes en su diseño o tramitación acelerada.
- Ajustarse a la literalidad de la ley de contratos en cuanto a las finalidades y funciones recogidas en el objeto social del Grupo Tragsa y respecto de los encargos vinculados a situaciones de emergencia
- Ajustar los precios a los valores de mercado. Las retribuciones por los encargos deben evitar cualquier ventaja económica que pueda considerarse ayuda pública.
- Mayor transparencia. Publicar rápidamente la formalización de los encargos y documentos relacionados, como memorias justificativas.
- Limitar la contratación con terceros. Los encargos solo deberían subcontratarse en casos excepcionales, debidamente justificados y publicados.
La CNMC puede actuar de oficio (de acuerdo con el artículo 5.1.h de la Ley de creación) o a petición de las Cámaras Legislativas, el Gobierno, los departamentos ministeriales, las Comunidades Autónomas, las Corporaciones locales, los Colegios Profesionales, las Cámaras de Comercio y las Organizaciones Empresariales y de Consumidores y Usuarios (de acuerdo con su artículo 5.2).
Documento no oficial, destinado a los medios de comunicación, y que no vincula a la CNMC. Reproducción permitida solo si se cita la fuente.
Ato de concentração nº 08700.007318/2024-11
Requerentes: XSYS Germany Holding GmbH, MacDermid Graphics Inc. e MacDermid Graphics Solutions Europe SAS. Aprovação sem restrições.
Ato de Concentração nº 08700.000245/2025-18
Partes: TOPPAN Holdings Inc. e Sonoco Products Company. Aprovação sem restrições.
Ato de Concentração nº 08700.010925/2024-69
Partes: Terraverde Máquinas Agrícolas Ltda. e Veneza Equipamentos Pesados S.A. Aprovação sem restrições.
Ato de Concentração nº 08700.000342/2025-19
Partes: Supermercados Alvorada Ltda. e Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição. Aprovação sem restrições.
Ato de Concentração nº 08700.000048/2025-07
Requerentes: Casa Amarela Compra, Venda e Aluguel de Imóveis Eireli e Bompreço Supermercados do Nordeste Ltda. Aprovação sem restrições.
Ato de Concentração nº 08700.000127/2025-18
Requerentes: Syngenta Comercial Agrícola Ltda. e Olfar S.A. Alimento e Energia. Aprovação sem restrições.
FBA Machine/Passive Scaling, FTC v.
Type of Action
FTC Matter/File Number
Case Status
Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe, In the Matter of
Type of Action
Last Updated
FTC Matter/File Number
201 0031
Case Status
Concurring Statement of Commissioner Andrew N. Ferguson Joined by Commissioner Melissa Holyoak In the Matter of US Anesthesia Partners/Guardian Anesthesia
By Andrew N. Ferguson, Commissioner;
Melissa Holyoak, Commissioner
Matter Number
201 0031
Statement of Chair Lina M. Khan and Commissioner Alvaro M. Bedoya In the Matter of Non-Alcoholic Beverages Price Discrimination Investigation
By Lina M. Khan, Chair;
Alvaro Bedoya, Commissioner
Statement of Chair Lina M. Khan Joined by Commissioner Rebecca Kelly Slaughter and Commissioner Alvaro M. Bedoya In the Matter of Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe
By Lina M. Khan, Chair;
Rebecca Kelly Slaughter, Commissioner;
Alvaro Bedoya, Commissioner
Dissenting Statement of Commissioner Melissa Holyoak In the Matter of PepsiCo, Inc.
January 17, 2025
Melissa Holyoak, Commissioner
Dissenting Statement of Commissioner Melissa Holyoak In the Matter of PepsiCo, Inc. (211.77 KB)
Caremark Rx, Zinc Health Services, et al., In the Matter of (Insulin)
The FTC filed a lawsuit against the three largest prescription drug benefit managers (PBMs)—Caremark Rx, Express Scripts (ESI), and OptumRx—and their affiliated group purchasing organizations (GPOs) for engaging in anticompetitive and unfair rebating practices that have artificially inflated the list price of insulin drugs.
Type of Action
FTC Matter/File Number
221 0114
Docket Number
Case Status
Guardian Service Industries, Inc., In the Matter of
The Federal Trade Commission ordered building services contractor Guardian Service Industries, Inc. (Guardian) to stop enforcing a no-hire agreement that prohibits building owners and managers from hiring Guardian’s employees. In a complaint filed against Guardian, the FTC alleges that Guardian—which operates in New York and New Jersey—includes no-hire agreements in its customer service agreements with residential building owners. These agreements prohibit building owners and competing building service contractors from hiring Guardian’s employees.
Type of Action
FTC Matter/File Number
241 0082
Case Status
Dissenting Statement of Commissioner Andrew N. Ferguson Joined by Commissioner Melissa Holyoak Regarding the Surveillance Pricing 6(b) Staff Research Summaries
By Andrew N. Ferguson, Commissioner; Melissa Holyoak, Commissioner
Matter Number
Concurring and Dissenting Statement of Commissioner Andrew N. Ferguson Joined by Commissioner Melissa Holyoak Regarding the FTC Staff Report on AI Partnerships & Investments 6(b) Study
By Andrew N. Ferguson, Commissioner; Melissa Holyoak, Commissioner
Matter Number
Concurring and Dissenting Statement of Commissioner Melissa Holyoak Joined by Commissioner Andrew N. Ferguson In Matter of AI Partnerships and Investments 6(b) Study
By Melissa Holyoak, Commissioner; Andrew N. Ferguson, Commissioner
Matter Number
Concurring Statement of Commissioner Rebecca Kelly Slaughter Regarding United States v. Cognosphere, LLC
By Rebecca Kelly Slaughter, Commissioner
Concurring Statement of Commissioner Rebecca Kelly Slaughter (150.3 KB)
Statement of Commissioner Andrew N. Ferguson Concurring in Part and Dissenting in Part In the Matter of Cognosphere, LLC
By Andrew N. Ferguson, Commissioner
Cognosphere, LLC, U.S. v.
Cognosphere has agreed to pay $20 million and to block children under 16 from making in-game purchases without parental consent to settle FTC allegations the company violated a children’s privacy law and deceived children and other users about the real costs of in-game transactions and odds of obtaining rare prizes.
Type of Action
FTC Matter/File Number
Exxon Mobil Corporation, In the Matter of
Type of Action
FTC Matter/File Number
241 0004
Case Status
Dissenting Statement of Commissioner Melissa Holyoak Joined by Commissioner Andrew N. Ferguson In the Matter of ExxonMobil/Pioneer Resources
By Melissa Holyoak, Commissioner; Andrew N. Ferguson, Commissioner
Matter Number
241 0004
Statement of Chair Lina M. Khan In the Matter of Exxon Mobil Corporation
By Lina M. Khan, Chair
Matter Number
241 0004
241 0008
Statement of Chair Lina M. Khan In the Matter of Exxon Mobil Corporation (174.07 KB)
Statement of Chair Lina M. Khan In the Matter of Caremark/ESI/Optum
By Lina M. Khan, Chair
Matter Number
241 0005
Statement of Chair Lina M. Khan In the Matter of Caremark/ESI/Optum (187.04 KB)
Dissenting Statement of Commissioner Andrew N. Ferguson, In the Matter of Non-Alcoholic Beverages Price Discrimination Investigation
By Andrew N. Ferguson, Commissioner
Comissão Europeia
Last decision date: 17.01.2025 Super simplified procedure
Last decision date: 17.01.2025 Simplified procedure
Autorité de la Concurrence
Secteur(s) :
relative à la prise de contrôle conjoint de la société Greece 138 par les sociétés Caponga, Costalix et ITM Entreprises
Décision de contrôle des concentrations|
Publication du sens de la décision le : 17 janvier 2025
Secteur(s) :
relative à la prise de contrôle conjoint des sociétés Calao 140 et Calao 190 par les sociétés Zin et ITM Entreprises
Décision de contrôle des concentrations|
Publication du sens de la décision le : 17 janvier 2025
Autoridade da Concorrência de Portugal
JBCM notifica a aquisição do controlo exclusivo sobre a Palacios.
AdC adotou uma decisão de não oposição na operação de concentração 90/2024 – CUF / SPSI.
AdC adotou uma decisão de não oposição na operação de concentração 89/2024 – Boyden / Ativos Stahl Holdings.
AdC adotou uma decisão de não oposição na operação de concentração 88/2024 – Grupo Arrow / Minor Vilamoura.
AdC adotou uma decisão de não oposição na operação de concentração 85/2024 – Crest II/Vigobloco.
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