Este é um informativo diário que traz para o(a) leitor (a) notícias e casos de defesa da concorrência das principais jurisdições antitruste do mundo (CADE, FTC, Comissão Europeia, CMA etc).
Nesta terça-feira, os destaques da concorrência pelo mundo ficam por conta da aprovação pela Comissão Europeia da operação de aquisição da Kinetics Holding GmbH pela Exyte GmbH e da investigação realizada pela CMA (autoridade britânica da concorrência) a respeito do Atlantic Joint Business Agreement entre a American Airlines, empresas do Grupo International Consolidated Airlines (British Airways, Iberia and Aer Lingus) e Finnair à luz do Capítulo I do CA 98.
Com relação ao caso Kinetics/Exyte, a Comissão Europeia apresentou as seguintes justificativas para a aprovação, entendendo não haver preocupações concorrenciais para a Área Econômica Europeia:
- Os produtos e serviços oferecidos pela Kinetics nos mercados de serviços de instalação, sistemas de fornecimento de mídia e/ou serviços de gerenciamento de instalações técnicas não são exclusivos e são oferecidos por vários players de mercado alternativos;
- Os fornecedores concorrentes de serviços de instalação e sistemas de fornecimento de mídia não dependem da Exyte como seu cliente;
- Os clientes finais ativos na indústria de fabricação de semicondutores continuariam a exercer um poder de compra compensatório significativo.
- Os serviços de gerenciamento de instalações técnicas são, se for o caso, subcontratados após a conclusão de uma instalação de fabricação e, portanto, não podem ser agrupados com os serviços gerais de empreiteiros da Exyte.
Para o acordo Atlantic Joint Businesss, a CMA, após a decisão proferida prosseguir com a investigação, irá realizar outras etapas de análise e avaliação das provas no período compreendido entre setembro/24 e janeiro/25. Esse processo foi aberto em outubro de 2018.
No Brasil, vale relatar que operação em que figuram como requerentes a Multiplan Participações S.A., Multiplan Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. e Ontario Inc. foi aprovada pela Superintendência-Geral do CADE – SG por rito sumário por não ter o condão de acarretar prejuízos ao ambiente concorrencial.
Adicionalmente, também vale registrar o ingresso de três atos de concentração e que se encontram em análise na SG, cujas requerentes são: (i) Galápagos Ambiental e Participações Ltda. e Latte Saneamento e Participações S.A.; (ii) Serena Energia S.A.; ODATA BRASIL LTDA.; e (iii) Mix Vali Comércio de Produtos Alimentícios Ltda.; Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição. Todos estes ACs estão sendo analisados por rito sumário.
Cade divulga estudo atualizado sobre serviços portuários no Brasil
Publicação integra a série “Cadernos do Cade” e apresenta novos dados sobre a concorrência no setor portuário
Publicado em 30/09/2024 15h22

OConselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Cade) lançou, nesta segunda-feira (30/9), estudo atualizado sobre “Mercados de Serviços Portuários”. Trata-se do vigésimo primeiro volume da série “Cadernos do Cade”, uma versão revisada de publicação produzida em 2017, que aborda os mercados de serviços portuários.
A nova edição apresenta um panorama do setor portuário na economia nacional, os aspectos relevantes da regulação setorial e descreve as análises e decisões do Conselho nos processos relativos a atos de concentração e condutas anticompetitivas nesses mercados, para ao final concluir com os aspectos mais relevantes da análise.
O estudo aponta que os portos, que em 2021 foram responsáveis pelo escoamento de 98% das exportações do Brasil e 92% das importações, em termos de volume, são estruturas fundamentais para o bom funcionamento da economia brasileira.
Segundo a publicação, os portos não são estruturas autônomas, fazem parte de uma cadeia logística que inclui transporte rodoviário, ferroviário e aquaviário, terminais de armazenagem e agências de navegação. Além disso, órgãos públicos regulam suas atividades em aspectos como segurança, meio ambiente e alfândega. Assim, a vantagem competitiva de um porto depende não apenas de sua localização e eficiência, mas também de sua integração com os demais elos da cadeia produtiva.
Na edição anterior sobre mercados de serviços portuários, a pesquisa de decisões do Cade abrangia o período de 1999 a 2016. Nesta edição atualizada, acrescentam-se 36 atos de concentração e seis processos administrativos de investigação de condutas julgados até dezembro de 2023, além de atualizações sobre estatísticas e regulação do mercado.
A economista-chefe Lílian Marques destaca a importância da atualização das publicações institucionais. “A ideia é manter esse procedimento para que as informações sejam sempre uma fonte confiável e atualizada tanto para o público interno quanto externo da atuação do Cade em determinado setor, como é o caso do novo documento publicado sobre serviços portuários”, afirmou.
Cadernos do Cade
Lançada em 2014, a série de estudos “Cadernos do Cade” é produzida pelo Departamento de Estudos Econômicos da autarquia e tem como objetivo consolidar, sistematizar e divulgar a jurisprudência do Cade relativa a um mercado específico, considerando seus aspectos econômicos e concorrenciais.
Na prática, o estudo alinha o Cade à sua missão institucional de contribuir com a geração de conhecimento técnico e prático, bem com a produção acadêmica em assuntos relacionados à defesa da concorrência.
Acesse a íntegra do estudo “Mercados de Serviços Portuários”, edição revista e atualizada.
Commission approves acquisition of Kinetics by Exyte
Page contents
The European Commission has approved unconditionally, under the EU Merger Regulation, the proposed acquisition of Kinetics Holding GmbH (‘Kinetics‘) by Exyte GmbH (‘Exyte‘). The Commission concluded that the transaction would not raise competition concerns in the European Economic Area (‘EEA’).
Exyte is active globally in the design, engineering, procurement, and construction for high-tech industries such as semiconductors. Kinetics provides design and installation services as well as certain equipment for production plants and laboratories.
The Commission’s investigation
The Commission investigated the impact of the transaction in the EEA markets for services and products for semiconductor and other advanced technology manufacturing facilities.
The Commission found that, by acquiring Kinetics, Exyte would expand its presence and gain scale across the EEA for services and products for semiconductor manufacturers, which include: (i) general contractor services; (ii) certain installation services; (iii) certain equipment, in particular gas and chemical supply systems (‘Media Supply Systems’); and (iv) technical facility management services.
Exyte’s and Kinetics’ activities on these markets give rise to moderate horizontal overlaps in the markets for the provision of installation services and Media Supply Systems for semiconductor facilities in the EEA, leading to an unproblematic combined position.
The transaction also gives rise to vertical and conglomerate links. The Commission’s investigation notably confirmed that Exyte has a strong market position as a general contractor for semiconductor facilities in the EEA. Nevertheless, the Commission found that the transaction, as notified, would not significantly reduce competition in the relevant markets.
In particular, the Commission found that:
- The products and services offered by Kinetics in the markets for installation services, Media Supply Systems and/or technical facility management services are not unique and are offered by a number of alternative market players.
- Competing providers of installation services and Media Supply Systems do not depend on Exyte as their customer.
- End-customers active in the semiconductor manufacturing industry would continue to exert significant countervailing buyer power.
- Technical facility management services are, if at all, sub-contracted following the completion of a manufacturing facility and therefore cannot be bundled with Exyte’s general contractor services.
The Commission therefore concluded that the proposed merger would not raise competition concerns in any of the markets examined in the EEA or any substantial part of it and cleared the transaction unconditionally.
Companies and products
Exyte, headquartered in Germany, is active globally in the design, engineering, procurement, and construction for high-tech industries, i.e., for the semiconductor, batteries, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and data centre sectors.
Kinetics, headquartered in Germany, is active in the design and installation services for process, mechanical, plumbing and Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (‘HVAC’) related solutions in the construction of production plants and laboratories, as well as the supply of Media Supply Systems.
Merger control and procedure
The transaction was notified to the Commission on 26 August 2024.
The Commission has the duty to assess mergers and acquisitions involving companies with a turnover above certain thresholds (see Article 1 of the EU Merger Regulation) and to prevent concentrations that would significantly impede effective competition in the EEA or any substantial part of it.
The vast majority of notified mergers do not pose competition problems and are cleared after a routine review. From the moment a transaction is notified, the Commission generally has 25 working days to decide whether to grant approval (Phase I) or to start an in-depth investigation (Phase II).
More information will be available on the Commission’s competition website, in the Commission’s public case register under the case number M.11559.
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Investigation of the Atlantic Joint Business Agreement
The CMA is investigating the Atlantic Joint Business Agreement between American Airlines, members of International Consolidated Airlines Group (British Airways, Iberia and Aer Lingus) and Finnair under Chapter I of the CA98.
From: Competition and Markets Authority
Published11 October 2018Last updated1 October 2024 — See all updates
Case type: CA98 and civil cartels
Case state: Open
Market sector: Transport
Action | Date |
Interim measures directions expire | March 2026 |
Investigation continuing: further investigatory steps and assessment of evidence | September 2024 to January 2025 |
Decision taken to proceed with investigation (further update by September) | June 2024 |
Further investigation: information gathering, including issuance of information requests, CMA analysis and review of information gathered | September 2023 to June 2024 |
Decision to issue second interim measures, extending remedy period under 2020 interim measure | 4 April 2022 |
Decision to issue interim measures directions | 17 September 2020 |
Decision not to accept commitments | 17 September 2020 |
Consideration of representations received in response to the consultation on commitments | June to September 2020 |
Consultation on commitments proposed by American Airlines and International Consolidated Airlines Group closed | 4 June 2020 |
Consultation on commitments proposed by American Airlines and International Consolidated Airlines Group | 7 May 2020 to 4 June 2020 |
Discussions with the parties under investigation on proposals for commitments | December 2019 to May 2020 |
Decision on whether to issue a statement of objections | Winter 2019/20 |
CMA analysis of parties’ submissions and assessment | Autumn 2019 |
Further investigation including analysis of further information requests and submissions | April to Summer 2019 |
Decision to proceed with the investigation | April 2019 |
Initial investigation: information gathering, including issuance of information requests, CMA analysis and review of information gathered | October 2018 to March 2019 |
Investigation opened | 11 October 2018 |
Outcome of the 2023 slot award process
30 January 2024: In accordance with the CMA’s Interim Measures Directions issued on 4 April 2022, the CMA has approved the further use of the four available remedy slots by airlines which compete with the AJB airlines, maintaining additional competition whilst the CMA continues its investigation. Following a tender process, Virgin Atlantic Airways has been awarded a daily slot pair to operate services on the London-Boston route for four IATA Seasons commencing in IATA Summer Season 2024. Virgin Atlantic Airways will continue to operate a daily slot pair on the London-Miami route and Delta Air Lines will continue to operate a daily slot pair on each of the London-Dallas (via Atlanta) and London-Boston routes. It is anticipated that all four of the remedy slots will be operated by Virgin Atlantic Airways and Delta Air Lines until the end of IATA Winter season 2025.
Decision to issue interim measures and extending remedies until 2026
4 April 2022: Due to the continued impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on the aviation sector and the fact that material recovery is taking longer than was anticipated in 2020, the CMA wants to ensure that the remedies made available under the 2020 Interim Measures continue to be available for 2 additional years. As a result of these unprecedented circumstances, the CMA is not in a position to complete its investigation in advance of the expiry of the 2020 Interim Measures in March 2024. A tender process will take place in autumn 2023 for the remedy slots for the additional 2 years.
- Decision to issue interim measures (PDF, 418KB) (4.4.22)
- Appendix: Interim measures directions (PDF, 204KB) (4.4.22)
The 2022 Interim Measures issued by the CMA will expire in March 2026, by which time it is expected that the airline sector should be in a more stable position. The CMA plans to complete its investigation and, if appropriate, put in place a longer-term remedy, before the interim measures expire.
London-Boston slot awarded in 2021
22 February 2021: The CMA has approved a Slot Release Agreement which will allow a new competitor, United Airlines, to enter the London-Boston route. The CMA has made this award in accordance with the terms of Clause 3 of the CMA’s Interim Measures Directions issued on 17 September 2020 and following a tender process in Autumn 2020. In that process, United Airlines was awarded a daily slot pair for six IATA Seasons commencing in IATA Summer Season 2021. The CMA understands that United will announce its plans for servicing the route in due course (taking into account the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions).
Decisions not to accept commitments and to issue interim measures
21 September 2020: A Monitoring Trustee has been appointed, in accordance with clause 10 of the Interim Measures Directions. Find more information about the AJBA Monitoring Trustee or contact Justin.Menezes@mazars.co.uk.
17 September 2020: Having considered representations received in response to the May 2020 commitments consultation and as a result of the uncertainty created by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on the aviation sector, the CMA has decided that it would not be appropriate to accept the commitments offered by American Airlines and International Consolidated Airlines Group.
The CMA will not be able to complete its investigation before the expiry of various agreements currently in place pursuant to the Commission’s 2010 commitments. This means that an ‘enforcement gap’ (meaning a situation whereby there are no remedies in place to address the competition issues related to the AJBA) would have arisen if action was not taken urgently on an interim basis. Such an enforcement gap would significantly negatively impact the public interest (i.e. the interests of protecting competition and, by extension, consumers). Accordingly, the CMA has decided to issue interim measures directions.
The interim measures which have been imposed effectively extend the terms of the 2010 Commitments for an additional 3 years until March 2024. Airlines currently operating slots on London to Boston, Dallas and Miami routes pursuant to the 2010 commitments will continue to operate these slots for an additional year, until March 2022.
A tender process will take place in March 2022 for these slots for the remaining two years. A tender process will be undertaken this autumn in relation to a second slot on the London to Boston route.
- Decision to issue interim measures (PDF, 411KB) (17.9.20)
- Appendix: Interim measures directions (PDF, 201KB) (17.9.20)
- Decision not to accept commitments (PDF, 122KB) (17.9.20)
- Press release: CMA acts to protect competition on UK-US airline routes (17.9.20)
The interim measures issued by the CMA expire in March 2024, by which time it is expected that the airline sector should be in a more stable position. The CMA plans to complete its investigation and, if appropriate, put in place a longer-term remedy, before the interim measures expire.
Consultation on commitments
7 May 2020: The CMA has published a notice of intention to accept the commitments offered by International Consolidated Airlines Group and American Airlines and invited representations from interested third parties. The CMA is seeking views on the proposed package, but this comes at a time when the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is having a major impact on the aviation sector. In the CMA’s discussions with airlines, they have emphasised the importance of certainty about the future availability of slots, due to the imminent expiry of the 2010 commitments. The CMA is therefore proceeding to market test the proposed package but is also giving additional time for responses if required.
- Notice of intention to accept binding commitments (PDF, 545KB) (7.5.20)
- Press release: CMA consults on BA and American Airlines commitments (7.5.20)
Interim measures application dismissed
30 January 2020: On 4 October 2019, Virgin Atlantic Airways Limited submitted an application to the CMA requesting that the CMA exercise its power to issue an interim measures direction to American Airlines Inc.
The CMA’s final decision not to impose the requested measures was issued to Virgin Atlantic Airways Limited on 10 January 2020. This decision does not have a bearing on the outcome of the CMA’s investigation into the AJBA, which remains ongoing. In the circumstances of this case and in the light of the continuing investigation, the CMA does not intend to publish a summary of its decision at this time.
Case information
On 11 October 2018, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) launched a competition investigation into the Atlantic Joint Business Agreement. In line with the approach of the European Commission when it first investigated the agreement during 2009 to 2010, the investigation is being conducted under the rules on agreements restrictive of competition under the Chapter I prohibition in the Competition Act 1998.
Five airlines are currently signed up to the Atlantic Joint Business Agreement: American Airlines, Aer Lingus, British Airways, Iberia, and Finnair.
Following an investigation under EU competition law, in 2010 the European Commission accepted commitments from the parties in relation to 6 routes to address potential competition concerns: London-Dallas, London-Boston, London-Miami, London-Chicago, London-New York and Madrid-Miami. These included a commitment to make landing and take-off slots available to competitors at either London Heathrow airport or London Gatwick airport. These commitments were binding for 10 years. See the Commission’s Commitments Decision (PDF, 223KB) for more information.
On expiry of the parties’ commitments, in 2020, the European Commission may have re-assessed the agreement, but there was no requirement for it to do so. As 5 of the 6 routes subject to commitments are from the UK, and to prepare for the time when the European Commission will no longer have responsibility for competition in the UK, the CMA decided to review afresh the competitive impact of the agreement in anticipation of the expiry of the commitments.
No assumption should be made that the Atlantic Joint Business Agreement infringes competition law.
Further detail of the CMA’s procedures in Competition Act 1998 cases is available in our guidance.
- Parties under investigation: American Airlines Group Inc; International Consolidated Airlines Group SA (including Aer Lingus Limited, British Airways plc and Iberia Líneas Aéreas de España SA); and Finnair OYJ. Aer Lingus is a signatory to the agreement but is not yet operating any services as part of the Atlantic Joint Business Agreement as this is subject to the United Stated Department of Transportation extending Anti-Trust Immunity (currently under review).
- The CMA is liaising with the United States Department of Transportation in relation to the investigation.
- Assistant Project Director: Eren Kilich (020 3738 6887, Eren.Kilich@cma.gov.uk)
- Project Director: April Carr (020 3738 6204, April.Carr@cma.gov.uk)
- Senior Responsible Officer: Ann Pope (020 3738 6786, Ann.Pope@cma.gov.uk)
Updates to this page
Published 11 October 2018
Last updated 1 October 2024 + show all updates
Le replay du webinaire @Echelle sur l’IA générative est disponible
Publié le 01 octobre 2024

L’Autorité de la concurrence organisait le 30 septembre 2024 à 15h, un webinaire en direct intitulé : « IA générative : quels défis pour l’innovation, l’économie et la concurrence ? »
Benoît Cœuré, Président de l’Autorité de la concurrence s’entretient avec Daron Acemoglu, Professeur au MIT, et Charles Gorintin Cofondateur & CTO d’Alan, sur l’IA générative : quels défis pour l’innovation, l’économie et la concurrence ?
La discussion est modérée par Elodie Vandenhende, Adjointe au chef du service de l’économie numérique de l’Autorité de la concurrence.
Margrethe Vestager, Vice-présidente exécutive de la Commission européenne et commissaire en charge du numérique et de la concurrence, prononce le keynote d’ouverture. Video :

Voir le replay de l’événement
Atos de concentração – Decisões
Ato de Concentração nº 08700.007228/2024-21
Requerentes: Multiplan Participações S.A., Multiplan Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. e 1700480 Ontario Inc. Aprovação sem restrições.
Kroger Company/Albertsons Companies, Inc., In the Matter of
The Federal Trade Commission sued to block the largest proposed supermarket merger in U.S. history—Kroger Company’s $24.6 billion acquisition of the Albertsons Companies, Inc.—alleging that the deal is anticompetitive.
Type of Action
Last Updated
September 30, 2024
Docket Number
Case Status
Chevron/Hess, In the Matter of
The Federal Trade Commission took action to resolve antitrust concerns related to Chevron Corporation’s acquisition of rival oil producer Hess Corporation by approving a proposed consent order that would prohibit Chevron from appointing Hess CEO John B. Hess to its Board of Directors.
The FTC’s complaint alleges that Mr. Hess communicated publicly and privately with the past and current Secretaries General of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and an official from Saudi Arabia. In these communications, Mr. Hess stressed the importance of oil market stability and inventory management and encouraged these officials to take actions on these issues and speak about them at different events, the complaint alleges.
Type of Action
Last Updated
September 30, 2024
FTC Matter/File Number
241 0008
Case Status
Comissão Europeia
Last decision date: 30.09.2024 Simplified procedure
Last decision date:30.09.2024
Spreadex / Sporting Index merger inquiry
- The CMA is investigating the completed acquisition by Spreadex Limited of the B2C business of Sporting Index Limited.
- Updated: 30 September 2024
Vodafone / CK Hutchison JV merger inquiry
- The CMA is investigating the anticipated joint venture between Vodafone Group Plc and CK Hutchison Holdings Limited concerning Vodafone Limited and Hutchison 3G UK Limited.
- Updated: 30 September 2024
Autorité de la Concurrence
Secteur(s) :
relative à la prise de contrôle conjoint des sociétés Calao 59, Calao 119, Calao 167 et Calao 202 par la société Sofiben aux côtés de la société ITM Entreprises
Décision de contrôle des concentrations|
Publication du sens de la décision le : 01 octobre 2024
Secteur(s) :
relative à la prise de contrôle exclusif de la société Finaxi et de ses filiales par la société Cinven
Décision de contrôle des concentrations|
Publication du sens de la décision le : 30 septembre 2024
Atos de concentração – Ingressos
Ato de concentração | Requerentes | Descrição da operação | Natureza da operação | Atividade econômica | Rito | Edital (DOU) |
08700.007307/2024-31 | Galápagos Ambiental e Participações Ltda.; Latte Saneamento e Participações S.A. | Trata-se de operação pela qual a empresa Galápagos Ambiental e Participações Ltda. pretende adquirir ações representativas de 36,4% (trinta e seis vírgula quatro por cento) do capital social da empresa Latte Saneamento e Participações S.A., detidas, em conjunto, pelo Fundo de Investimento em Participações Turquesa – Multiestratégia Investimento no Exterior e pelo BTG Pactual Principal Investments Fundo de Investimento em Participações Multiestratégia. | Consolidação de controle | 64.62-0-00 – Holdings de instituições não-financeiras | Sumário | 30/09/2024 |
08700.007264/2024-94 | Serena Energia S.A.; ODATA BRASIL LTDA. | A operação consiste em aquisição e, consequentemente, aumento de participação societária, pela Odata Brasil Ltda. e pela Odata SP 01 Ltda., em sociedades de propósito específico detidas, em última instância, pela Serena Energia S.A.1 e nas quais a Odata já é acionista indireta em decorrência do Ato de concentração nº 08700.001218/2023-09, aprovado sem restrições pela SG/CADE em março de 2023. | Aquisição de quotas/ações sem aquisição de controle | CNAEs 35.11‐5‐01 – geração de energia elétrica e 35.13-1-00 – comercialização de energia elétrica | Sumário | 30/09/2024 |
08700.007274/2024-20 | RIO BALSAS PARTICIPAÇÕES E EMPREENDIMENTOS LTDA; TRX REAL ESTATE FUNDO DE INVESTIMENTO IMOBILIARIO – FII | A operação consiste na aquisição, por TRX Real Estate Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário FII (TRX FII ou Superficiário) e TR13 Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. (TR13 ou Proprietária e, em conjunto com TRX FII, Compradores), respectivamente, do direito real de superfície e da propriedade de 4 imóveis que atualmente são detidos por Rio Balsas Participações e Empreendimentos Ltda. (Rio Balsas) e Dom Incorporação Ltda. (Dom e, em conjunto com a Rio Balsas, Vendedoras), bem como a locação desses imóveis em favor de Mateus Supermercados S.A. (Mateus Supermercados ou Locatário e, em conjunto com os Compradores e a Rio Balsas, Partes ou Requerentes), nas modalidades sale-and-leaseback e built-to-sale-and-leaseback (Operação). | Aquisição de ativos | Compra e Venda de Imóveis Próprios – 6810-2/01 | Sumário | 30/09/2024 |
08700.007285/2024-18 | Mix Vali Comércio de Produtos Alimentícios Ltda.; Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição | A operação consiste na aquisição, pela Mix Vali Comércio de Produtos Alimentícios Ltda. (Compradora ou MIX VALI), de um ponto comercial da Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição (CBD ou Vendedora e, em conjunto com a Compradora, Requerentes ou Partes), localizado no município de Vinhedo/SP (Ativo-Alvo) (Operação). | Aquisição de ativos | Comércio varejista de mercadorias em geral, com predominância de produtos alimentícios – hipermercados e supermercados (CNAE 47.11-3) | Sumário | 30/09/2024 |