

Este é um informativo diário que traz para o(a) leitor (a) as decisões do CADE com relação a aprovação e movimentação de atos de concentração, ao arquivamento/condenação de processos administrativos de condutas anticompetitivas e as publicações do CADE.


Justice Department Concurs with Federal Trade Commission’s Changes to Premerger Notification Form Used in Merger Review

Thursday, October 10, 2024Share right caret

For Immediate Release

Office of Public Affairs

Final Rule Modernizes Premerger Notification Procedure to Help Streamline Merger Review Process

The Justice Department’s Antitrust Division announced today its concurrence with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)’s unanimous vote to finalize changes to the premerger notification form and associated instructions, as well as to the premerger notification rules implementing the Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) Act.

The final rule, which was adopted after a rigorous public comment process, marks the first large-scale material update to the HSR form since it was first established in 1978. The rule will address critical gaps in the information available to the Justice Department and the FTC (the Agencies) when they review merger filings, making the Agencies’ initial review more efficient and effective. In response to public comment on the proposed rule, the final rule contains many changes aimed at reducing the burden on parties while still improving the information the Agencies receive to help streamline initial merger review.

“Access to better information at the beginning of the merger review process ensures that the antitrust agencies can devote our resources to the most important issues and reduces the burden on filers, third parties, and other market participants,” said Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter of the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division. “I’m grateful to the Commissioners who have worked diligently to evaluate the public comments to develop the excellent rule.”

Under the HSR Act, parties to certain mergers and acquisitions are required to submit premerger notification forms that disclose certain information about their proposed deal and business operations. The Agencies use this information to conduct a premerger assessment in the short time allowed under the HSR Act, typically 30 days, to determine which transactions may violate the antitrust laws, and thus require additional review.

The requests added to the HSR form reflect the dramatic changes over the past four decades in global markets and in how mergers and acquisitions are conducted. These additions include:

  • Requiring parties to submit transaction-related documents prepared by or for the supervisory leader of the deal team;
  • Requiring parties to describe their principal categories of products and services as reflected in the parties’ ordinary course business documents;
  • Requiring disclosure of additional information about the buyer’s officers, directors, and investors, including those with management rights over the firm; and
  • Ensuring the Agencies have access to translations of all documents submitted in a language other than English.

This additional information will enable the Agencies to streamline their initial reviews and make decisions more quickly. In some circumstances, it will allow the Agencies to evaluate a merger without opening a preliminary investigation or seeking additional information through a second request. In this way, the final rule complements the FTC’s decision to lift its temporary suspension on early termination of HSR filings. When additional information is necessary to review a merger, the final rule will enable the Agencies to issue more targeted requests, reducing the time and effort required to respond. Under the prior form, the Agencies routinely had to rely on third parties, many of whom were small businesses, to fill in informational gaps. By helping to fill some of these gaps, the final rule can alleviate the burden on third parties as well.

The new information required by the final rule is already within the possession of the filing parties. The rule was carefully structured to provide the Agencies with important additional factual and documentary information that is readily available to the merging parties. Moreover, the Agencies carefully reviewed the hundreds of public comments filed in response to the proposed rule and made substantial changes to reduce the burden on merging parties. The final rule differs from the proposed rule in many ways, including among other things, eliminating the requirements to:

  • Submit preliminary drafts of deal-related documents;
  • Collect and produce ordinary course documents from people who report directly to the CEO;
  • Provide information about employees’ commuting zones and occupation classifications;
  • Report prior acquisitions that are more than five years old or involve entities with less than $10 million in sales or revenue; and
  • Certify that the filer took steps to preserve documents.

These changes eliminated substantial costs to filing parties while ensuring that the Agencies will receive the additional information they require to more effectively and efficiently review merger filings.

The final rule will be effective 90 days after it is published in the Federal Register.

Updated October 10, 2024




Antitrust Division Press Release Number: 24-1290

Concurring Statement of Commissioner Andrew N. Ferguson In the Matter of Amendments to the Premerger Notification and Report Form and Instructions, and the Hart-Scott-Rodino Rule 16 C.F.R. Parts 801 and 803


Date October 10, 2024

By Andrew N. Ferguson, Commissioner


Concurring Statement of Commissioner Andrew N. Ferguson In the Matter of Amendments to the Premerger Notification and Report Form and Instructions, and the Hart-Scott-Rodino Rule 16 C.F.R. Parts 801 and 803 (299.15 KB)

Presentación de la tercera edición del Anuario de la Competencia del Mercosur

Sucedió en el marco del Foro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Competencia de 2024

14 de octubre de 2024

El 10 de octubre, en la reunión anual del Foro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Competencia (FLACC), que se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, se presentó la tercera edición del Anuario de la Competencia del Mercosur.

En esta oportunidad, la coordinación del anuario estuvo a cargo de la Comisión Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia (CNDC). Se trata de una iniciativa que comenzó en 2022 y que refleja los esfuerzos mancomunados de las cuatro autoridades de competencia del Mercosur, la autoridad de competencia de Argentina, el Consejo Administrativo de Defensa Económica (CADE) de Brasil, la Comisión Nacional de la Competencia (CONACOM) de Paraguay, y la Comisión de Promoción y Defensa de la Competencia (CPDC) de Uruguay.

La edición 2024 contiene siete artículos y una entrevista al experto internacional en defensa de la competencia, Herbert Hovenkamp. Los dos artículos aportados por la CNDC se titulan “Antecedentes inmediatos y perspectivas en el control de concentraciones económicas e investigaciones por conductas anticompetitivas en Argentina” y “Hechos destacados en materia de promoción de la competencia en Argentina”.

Edición 2024 del Anuario de la Competencia del Mercosur: Anuario

Atos de concentração – Decisões

Comissão Europeia




Last decision date: 11.10.2024 Simplified procedure


Macquarie Asset Management / Last Mile Infrastructure merger inquiry

  • The CMA is investigating the anticipated acquisition by Macquarie Asset Management of a jointly controlling interest in Last Mile Infrastructure (Holdings) Limited.
    • Updated: 10 October 2024

Autorité de la Concurrence

Secteur(s) :


relative à la prise de contrôle exclusif de la société Groupe Teaminside par la société RB Capital France 2

Décision de contrôle des concentrations|

Publication du sens de la décision le : 14 octobre 2024

Atos de concentração – Ingressos


Ato de concentraçãoRequerentesDescrição da operaçãoNatureza da operaçãoAtividade econômicaRitoEdital (DOU)
08700.007844/2024-81Fundo de Investimento em Participações Development Fund Warehouse Multiestratégia Investimento no Exterior; Hotelaria AccorInvest Brasil S.A.; Luminar Participações Ltda.A operação proposta consiste na aquisição pelo Fundo de Investimento em Participações Development Fund Warehouse – Multiestratégia Investimento no Exterior, da totalidade das ações de Hotelaria AccorInvest Brasil S.A. e Luminar Participações Ltda. (“Empresas-Alvo”), atualmente detida por Accor IP B.V. e Compagnie Hôtelière du Brèsil S.À.R.L. No momento anterior ao fechamento, as Empresas-Alvo serão detentoras de 22 empreendimentos hoteleiros, que serão detidos pelo Comprador após o fechamento.Aquisição de controleHotelaria Accorinvest Brasil S.A. (CNPJ: 02.419.765/0001-96); 55.10-8-01 – Hotéis; 70.20-4-00 – Atividades de consultoria em gestão empresarial, exceto consultoria técnica específica; 74.90-1-04 – Atividades de intermediação e agenciamento de serviços e negócios em geral, exceto imobiliários; 82.99-7-99 – Outras atividades de serviços prestados principalmente às empresas não especificadas anteriormente; 82.30-0-01 – Serviços de organização de feiras, congressos, exposições e festas;  64.62-0-00 – Holdings de instituições não-financeiras; 56.11-2-01 – Restaurantes e similares; 56.11-2-04 – Bares e outros estabelecimentos especializados em servir bebidas, sem entretenimento- Luminar Participações Ltda. (CNPJ: 05.879.337/0001-34); 64.62-0-00 – Holdings de instituições não-financeiras.Sumário11/10/2024
08700.007841/2024-48Globo Comunicação e Participações S.A.; Telecine Programação de Filmes Ltda.A presente notificação trata da planejada aquisição, pela Globo Comunicação e Participações S.A. (“Globo), da totalidade do capital social da Telecine Programação de Filmes Ltda., que é, atualmente, detida conjuntamente pela Globo, Lisarb Holding B.V., Universal Studios International B.V. e Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer South America B.V. Após a Operação, a Globo deterá 100% do capital social do Telecine. Aquisição de controle Sumário11/10/2024
08700.007828/2024-99CBR 064 EMPREENDIMENTOS IMOBILIÁRIOS LTDA.; CYRELA BRAZIL REALTY S.A. EMPREENDIMENTOS E PARTICIPAÇÕES, e TECNOLOGIA BANCÁRIA S.A.A Operação consiste na aquisição, pela CBR 064, de imóvel de propriedade da Tecban, localizado no Município de São Paulo/SP para o futuro desenvolvimento de empreendimento de incorporação imobiliária residencial. As potenciais sobreposições horizontais observadas são bastante limitadas. Além disso, não há quaisquer integrações verticais decorrentes da Operação.  Aquisição de ativosIncorporação de empreendimentos imobiliários (CNAE 41.10-7-00)Sumário11/10/2024
08700.007788/2024-85CY 10 PARTICIPAÇÕES LTDA.; BARRALOG PARTICIPAÇÕES E EMPREENDIMENTOS S.A.; NETOS PARTICIPAÇÕES E EMPREENDIMENTOS IMOBILIÁRIOS LTDA.A Operação consiste em joint venture entre CY10, Barralog e Netos para desenvolvimento de um futuro empreendimento greenfield de galpões logísticos no Município do Rio de Janeiro/RJ. Trata-se de Operação que viabilizará o futuro empreendimento, representando, portanto, aumento da oferta de galpões, o que é pró-competitivo. As potenciais sobreposições horizontais observadas são bastante limitadas. Também não há quaisquer integrações verticais decorrentes da Operação.Joint-venture concentracionistaGestão e administração da propriedade imobiliária (CNAE 68.22-6/00)Sumário10/10/2024
08700.007792/2024-43PARTNERS ALPHA INVESTMENTS LLC – BANCO BTG PACTUAL S/A; Eneva S.A.A operação proposta trata de oferta pública follow-on (Oferta Pública) da Eneva S.A. (Eneva ou Companhia), nos termos da Resolução CVM nº 160, de 13.7.2022, a ser realizada no Novo Mercado da B3 S.A. Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (B3), por meio da qual serão emitidas 228.571.429 ações ordinárias, todas nominativas, escriturais, sem valor nominal, livres e desembaraçadas de quaisquer ônus ou gravames, a serem emitidas pela Companhia, totalizando um montante de, no mínimo, R$,00 (Oferta Base). Considerado o preço indicativo de R$ 14,00 por ação no Compromisso de Investimento (conforme abaixo definido) e a possibilidade de emissão de um lote adicional de 71.428.571 novas ações que correspondem ao montante estimado de R$ 999.999.994,00, a Operação poderá atingir o montante total estimado de aproximadamente R$,00 (Operação Follow-on). A Partners Alpha Investments LLC (Alpha e, em conjunto com a Eneva, as Requerentes), que possui os mesmos controladores que o Banco BTG Pactual S.A. (Banco BTG Pactual), se comprometeu a subscrever e integralizar a totalidade das ações da Oferta Base ao preço de R$ 14,00 (Compromisso de Investimento). O Compromisso de Investimento poderá não ser integralmente realizado a depender do exercício do direito de prioridade de outros acionistas e da demanda de investidores profissionais na Oferta Pública. As Requerentes ressaltam que, em 25.7.2024, o Grupo BTG Pactual e a Eneva notificaram ao CADE o Ato de Concentração nº 08700.005284/2024-21, aprovado sem restrições pelo CADE em 19.8.2024. Conforme mencionado no Parecer 413 (SEI 1430199), naquele caso o CADE analisou e aprovou o aumento da participação societária do Grupo BTG Pactual na Eneva, que passará dos atuais 38,35% a aproximadamente 44% do capital social da Eneva após a Operação. A participação final do Grupo BTG Pactual na Eneva deve ser conhecida apenas após a liquidação da Operação Follow-on e o fechamento da Operação Ações e Operação Ativos-Alvo, porque depende de fatores como a colocação de lote adicional da oferta, o exercício de direito de prioridade pelos atuais acionistas, demanda de investidores profissionais no âmbito da oferta e a consequente subscrição de eventual parcela remanesce da oferta que não tenha sido subscrita na oferta prioritária, entre outros. As Requerentes esclarecem que, nos termos do artigo 108, §1º, e 109 do Regimento Interno do CADE, a Alpha não exercerá quaisquer direitos políticos relativos à participação adquirida em razão da Operação Follow-on até a sua aprovação pelo CADE.Outra forma de operação não coberta pelas alternativas anteriores3513-1/00 – Comércio Atacadista de Energia Elétrica; 3511-5/01 – Geração de energia elétricaSumário11/10/2024
08700.007788/2024-85CY 10 PARTICIPAÇÕES LTDA.; BARRALOG PARTICIPAÇÕES E EMPREENDIMENTOS S.A.; NETOS PARTICIPAÇÕES E EMPREENDIMENTOS IMOBILIÁRIOS LTDA.A Operação consiste em joint venture entre CY10, Barralog e Netos para desenvolvimento de um futuro empreendimento greenfield de galpões logísticos no Município do Rio de Janeiro/RJ. Trata-se de Operação que viabilizará o futuro empreendimento, representando, portanto, aumento da oferta de galpões, o que é pró-competitivo. As potenciais sobreposições horizontais observadas são bastante limitadas. Também não há quaisquer integrações verticais decorrentes da Operação.Joint-venture concentracionistaGestão e administração da propriedade imobiliária (CNAE 68.22-6/00)Sumário10/10/2024
08700.007740/2024-77Dexco S.A.; NEW GROWTH BRAZIL II, LLCPor meio de Memorando de Entendimentos, a Dexco e a New Growth comprometeram-se a implementar operação na qual a Dexco constituirá sociedade de propósito específico (?SPE?), cujas ações preferenciais serão adquiridas integralmente pela New Growth. As ações preferenciais da New Growth não terão direito de voto e serão representativas de 50% do capital social total da SPE, que continuará sob o controle unitário da Dexco após fechamento da Operação. Aquisição de quotas/ações sem aquisição de controle64.62-0-00 – Holdings de instituições não-financeiras.Sumário10/10/2024
08700.007752/2024-00Seiko Epson Corporation; Fiery, LLC Operação Proposta refere-se à aquisição, pela Epson, de controle unitário sobre a Fiery, incluindo suas subsidiárias.Aquisição de controle Sumário10/10/2024
Fonte: CADE
WebAdvocacy – Direito e Economia



Este é um informativo diário que traz para o(a) leitor (a) as decisões do CADE com relação a aprovação e movimentação de atos de concentração, ao arquivamento/condenação de processos administrativos de condutas anticompetitivas e as publicações do CADE.


Nota sobre a coletiva de imprensa da Secretaria de Reformas Econômicas do Ministério da Fazenda

Publicado em 10/10/2024 12h27 Atualizado em 10/10/2024 14h45

Nota sobre a coletiva de imprensa da Secretaria de Reformas Econômicas do Ministério da Fazenda

Nesta quinta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2024, a Secretaria de Reformas Econômicas do Ministério da Fazenda (SRE/MF) apresentou os resultados da Tomada de Subsídios nº 01, anunciada em janeiro deste ano, sobre a regulação econômica e concorrencial das plataformas digitais.

A iniciativa teve como objetivo coletar contribuições e sugestões para possíveis alterações na lei de defesa da concorrência, se nova regulação é necessária, quais aspectos devem ser objeto de regulação e como coordenar a ação estatal para gestão do tema, em colaboração com a Secretaria de Políticas Digitais (Secom-PR) e a Secretaria de Direitos Digitais (MJSP).

O Cade, em linha com as conclusões do relatório anunciadas na coletiva, reforçou na contribuição submetida no contexto da Tomada de Subsídios, em abril de 2024, sua competência institucional no tratamento dos desafios concorrenciais das plataformas digitais. A autoridade destacou a necessidade de uma regulação ex-ante, ou seja, preventiva, que complemente a atual Lei de Defesa da Concorrência (Lei nº 12.529/2011). A autarquia entende que a abordagem regulatória e preventiva é essencial para enfrentar questões estruturais desses mercados.

As diretrizes apontadas pela SRE/MF estão em sintonia com a contribuição oferecida pelo Cade à Tomada de Subsídios. Ambas as instituições convergem na defesa de uma modernização do arcabouço regulatório, que deve contemplar intervenções proativas e transformadoras, superando, quando necessário, as limitações impostas pelos instrumentos antitruste tradicionais no complexo cenário digital. A visão do Cade sublinha a importância de uma regulação concorrencial ex-ante, voltada para corrigir as disfunções estruturais dos ecossistemas digitais, que afetam a geração e apropriação de valor. Essas disfunções, por sua natureza, distanciam-se das falhas típicas dos mercados regulados de maneira tradicional, exigindo uma abordagem regulatória mais dinâmica e adaptada às peculiaridades do ambiente digital.

Além disso, o Cade enfatiza a necessidade de criação de uma unidade especializada em mercados digitais na autarquia, conforme apontado pela SRE/MF. Tal estrutura permitiria uma atuação mais direcionada e eficiente no enfrentamento dos desafios concorrenciais característicos das plataformas digitais, alinhada com as práticas internacionais mais avançadas. No mesmo sentido, o Cade ressalta a relevância de um modelo regulatório flexível, com ajustes individualizados e monitoramento contínuo, aspecto igualmente reconhecido pela SRE/MF como essencial para lidar com o dinamismo e a constante transformação do setor digital.

A convergência entre as diretrizes do Cade e as propostas da SRE/MF reafirmam o propósito de garantir um marco regulatório robusto, que assegure a proteção do consumidor e preserve a contestabilidade nos mercados digitais, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento equilibrado e competitivo da economia digital no Brasil.

O Cade reconhece a importante iniciativa da SRE/MF e continuará acompanhando de perto as discussões sobre a regulação de plataformas digitais contribuindo para a evolução das políticas públicas nessa área, visando sempre à promoção de uma concorrência justa e equilibrada.

Acesse o documento completo da SRE/MF e a contribuição do Cade à Tomada de Subsídios.

Publicada pauta da sessão de julgamento da próxima quarta-feira (16/10). Confira!

Quatro casos serão apreciados durante a 237ª reunião do Tribunal Administrativo

Publicado em 10/10/2024 08h22

MicrosoftTeams-image (7) (1).png

Foi publicada, no Diário Oficial da União desta quinta-feira (10/10), a pauta da próxima sessão de julgamento do Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Cade). A 237ª Sessão Ordinária de Julgamento acontecerá quarta-feira (16/10), às 10h, com transmissão pelo YouTube.

Ao total, quatro casos serão apreciados pelo Tribunal Administrativo, sendo um ato de concentração, dois procedimentos de apuração de ato de concentração e um embargos de declaração. 

Confira a pauta de julgamento:

1. Ato de Concentração nº 08700.007543/2023-77

Requerentes: Film Trading Importação e Representação Ltda., PackFilm US, LLC, Terphane Ltda. e Terphane LLC.

Relator: conselheiro Victor Oliveira Fernandes

2. Procedimento Administrativo de Apuração de Ato de Concentração nº 08700.000434/2024-18

Representados: Dom Atacarejo S.A. e DMA Distribuidora S.A.

Relator: conselheiro Diogo Thomson de Andrade

3. Procedimento Administrativo de Apuração de Ato de Concentração nº 08700.005458/2019-98

Representados: Grupo Interalli, Konrad Paraná Comércio De Caminhões Ltda., Fancar Veículos Ltda., Germano Zeni Veículos Ltda., Nelore Participações Eirelli e Vetor Automóveis Ltda.

Relatora: conselheira Camila Pires Alves

4. Embargos de Declaração do Processo Administrativo nº 08700.004093/2020-18

Embargantes: Sindicato dos Corretores de Imóveis de Goiás; Federação Nacional dos Corretores de Imóveis (FENACI); Sindicato dos Corretores de Imóveis de Alagoas; Sindicato dos Corretores de Imóveis da Bahia; Sindicato dos Corretores de Imóveis do Ceará; Sindicato dos Corretores de Imóveis do Distrito Federal; Sindicato dos Corretores de Imóveis do Espírito Santo; Sindicato dos Corretores de Imóveis do Pará; Sindicato dos Corretores de Imóveis do Pernambuco; Sindicato dos Corretores de Imóveis do Paraná; Sindicato dos Corretores de Imóveis de Minas Gerais; Sindicato dos Corretores de Imóveis de Sergipe.

Relator: Conselheiro Victor Oliveira Fernandes.

Justice Department Concurs with Federal Trade Commission’s Changes to Premerger Notification Form Used in Merger Review

Thursday, October 10, 2024Share right caret

For Immediate Release

Office of Public Affairs

Final Rule Modernizes Premerger Notification Procedure to Help Streamline Merger Review Process

The Justice Department’s Antitrust Division announced today its concurrence with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)’s unanimous vote to finalize changes to the premerger notification form and associated instructions, as well as to the premerger notification rules implementing the Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) Act.

The final rule, which was adopted after a rigorous public comment process, marks the first large-scale material update to the HSR form since it was first established in 1978. The rule will address critical gaps in the information available to the Justice Department and the FTC (the Agencies) when they review merger filings, making the Agencies’ initial review more efficient and effective. In response to public comment on the proposed rule, the final rule contains many changes aimed at reducing the burden on parties while still improving the information the Agencies receive to help streamline initial merger review.

“Access to better information at the beginning of the merger review process ensures that the antitrust agencies can devote our resources to the most important issues and reduces the burden on filers, third parties, and other market participants,” said Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter of the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division. “I’m grateful to the Commissioners who have worked diligently to evaluate the public comments to develop the excellent rule.”

Under the HSR Act, parties to certain mergers and acquisitions are required to submit premerger notification forms that disclose certain information about their proposed deal and business operations. The Agencies use this information to conduct a premerger assessment in the short time allowed under the HSR Act, typically 30 days, to determine which transactions may violate the antitrust laws, and thus require additional review.

The requests added to the HSR form reflect the dramatic changes over the past four decades in global markets and in how mergers and acquisitions are conducted. These additions include:

  • Requiring parties to submit transaction-related documents prepared by or for the supervisory leader of the deal team;
  • Requiring parties to describe their principal categories of products and services as reflected in the parties’ ordinary course business documents;
  • Requiring disclosure of additional information about the buyer’s officers, directors, and investors, including those with management rights over the firm; and
  • Ensuring the Agencies have access to translations of all documents submitted in a language other than English.

This additional information will enable the Agencies to streamline their initial reviews and make decisions more quickly. In some circumstances, it will allow the Agencies to evaluate a merger without opening a preliminary investigation or seeking additional information through a second request. In this way, the final rule complements the FTC’s decision to lift its temporary suspension on early termination of HSR filings. When additional information is necessary to review a merger, the final rule will enable the Agencies to issue more targeted requests, reducing the time and effort required to respond. Under the prior form, the Agencies routinely had to rely on third parties, many of whom were small businesses, to fill in informational gaps. By helping to fill some of these gaps, the final rule can alleviate the burden on third parties as well.

The new information required by the final rule is already within the possession of the filing parties. The rule was carefully structured to provide the Agencies with important additional factual and documentary information that is readily available to the merging parties. Moreover, the Agencies carefully reviewed the hundreds of public comments filed in response to the proposed rule and made substantial changes to reduce the burden on merging parties. The final rule differs from the proposed rule in many ways, including among other things, eliminating the requirements to:

  • Submit preliminary drafts of deal-related documents;
  • Collect and produce ordinary course documents from people who report directly to the CEO;
  • Provide information about employees’ commuting zones and occupation classifications;
  • Report prior acquisitions that are more than five years old or involve entities with less than $10 million in sales or revenue; and
  • Certify that the filer took steps to preserve documents.

These changes eliminated substantial costs to filing parties while ensuring that the Agencies will receive the additional information they require to more effectively and efficiently review merger filings.

The final rule will be effective 90 days after it is published in the Federal Register.

Updated October 10, 2024




Antitrust DivisionPress Release Number: 24-1290

L’Autorité de la concurrence se saisit pour avis afin d’établir un bilan des réformes relatives aux conditions d’installation et aux tarifs des professions réglementées du droit introduites par la loi Croissance et activité de 2015

Publié le 10 octobre 2024

À l’approche du 10ème anniversaire de l’adoption de la loi n° 2015-990 du 6 août 2015 pour la croissance, l’activité et l’égalité des chances économiques (ci-après « loi Croissance et activité »), l’Autorité de la concurrence (ci-après « l’Autorité ») souhaite effectuer un bilan des effets sur la concurrence de certains mécanismes introduits par cette loi, et dans la mise en œuvre desquels l’Autorité joue un rôle majeur.

La loi Croissance et activité est en effet à l’origine d’une modification profonde du cadre juridique applicable à l’exercice de certaines professions réglementées du droit, qui a généré une augmentation significative du nombre d’offices et de professionnels ainsi qu’une baisse de leurs tarifs réglementés. Elle a, par exemple, entrainé une hausse d’environ 40 % du nombre de notaires entre 2016 et 2023.

Conformément aux dispositions de l’article L. 462-4 du Code de commerce, l’Autorité décide donc de se saisir d’office pour avis afin d’établir un bilan des réformes relatives aux conditions d’installation et aux tarifs des professions réglementées du droit issues de la loi Croissance et activité.

Le bilan de la réforme des conditions d’installation des professionnels

La loi Croissance et activité a introduit un mécanisme de liberté d’installation régulée visant à favoriser l’accès à l’exercice libéral des professions concernées[1], notamment des jeunes diplômés et des femmes, tout en garantissant le maillage territorial et la viabilité des offices existants.

Dans ce cadre, depuis 2016, l’Autorité a rendu tous les deux ans des avis relatifs à la liberté d’installation des notaires, des commissaires de justice[2] et des avocats au Conseil d’État et à la Cour de cassation (ci-après « avocats aux Conseils »). Ces avis, et les recommandations chiffrées dont ils étaient assortis, ont conduit les ministres de l’économie et de la justice à créer de nouveaux offices dans une proportion différente selon les professions sur la période 2016-2023[3] :

Infographie professions reglementées

L’avis de l’Autorité aura donc pour objet d’évaluer les impacts de ces créations d’offices sur la concurrence et l’atteinte des objectifs fixés par le législateur.

Le bilan de la réforme de la fixation des tarifs réglementés

Autre apport majeur de la loi Croissance et activité, les tarifs des professions réglementées du droit doivent désormais tenir compte « des principaux coûts de réalisation du service, tout en assurant une rémunération raisonnable aux professionnels »[4] et sont révisés tous les 2 ans[5].

La méthode définie par le Gouvernement, après avis de l’Autorité, pour parvenir à cette orientation vers les coûts, a conduit à des baisses de tarifs d’ampleur variable selon les professions, compte tenu de la disparité des situations économiques constatées. 

Infographie professions reglementées2

L’avis de l’Autorité aura ainsi pour objet d’examiner si la nouvelle méthode de révision des tarifs a permis d’atteindre l’objectif d’une tarification plus transparente et plus juste pour les professionnels.

Les perspectives d’évolutions possibles des réformes

Enfin, l’Autorité examinera les changements intervenus depuis 2016 susceptibles de faire évoluer son action dans le cadre des réformes issues de la loi Croissance et activité ainsi que les transformations possibles des réformes concernées afin que celles-ci continuent de porter leurs fruits.

L’Autorité rendra les conclusions définitives de son enquête à l’été 2025.

[1] Voir notamment les articles L. 462-4-1 et L. 462-4-2 du Code de commerce.

[2] Depuis le 1er juillet 2022, les huissiers de justice et les commissaires-priseurs judiciaires forment la nouvelle profession de commissaire de justice.

[3] L’infographie n’intègre pas les recommandations de l’Autorité pour la période 2023-2025.

[4] Article L. 444-5 du Code de commerce.

[5] Articles L. 444-2 et L. 444-4 du Code de commerce.

Atos de concentração – Decisões


Ato de Concentração nº 08700.007632/2024-02

Partes: Marseille Fundo de Investimento em Participações Multiestratégia, Rio Grande Investment Pte. Ltd., Companhia Mineira de Açúcar e Álcool Participações, Czarnikow Brasil Ltda. e 2C Energia S.A. Aprovação sem restrições.

Ato de Concentração nº 08700.007338/2024-92

Partes: GSH Corp Participações S.A., HVB Participações S.A. e Laboratório Integrado de Análises Clínicas do Rio de Janeiro S.A. Aprovação sem restrições.

Ato de Concentração nº 08700.007230/2024-08

Requerentes: Betfair Brasil Holdings Ltda. e NSX Enterprise N.V. Aprovação sem restrições.

Comissão Europeia




Last decision date: 09.10.2024 Super simplified procedure




Last decision date: 09.10.2024 Simplified procedure


Macquarie Asset Management / Last Mile Infrastructure merger inquiry

  • The CMA is investigating the anticipated acquisition by Macquarie Asset Management of a jointly controlling interest in Last Mile Infrastructure (Holdings) Limited.
    • Updated: 10 October 2024

Spreadex / Sporting Index merger inquiry

  • The CMA is investigating the completed acquisition by Spreadex Limited of the B2C business of Sporting Index Limited.
    • Updated: 9 October 2024

Autorité de la Concurrence

Secteur(s) :

relative à la prise de contrôle conjoint des sociétés Calao 245 et Calao 265 par la société Pajojema aux côtés de la société ITM Entreprises

Décision de contrôle des concentrations|

Publication du sens de la décision le : 10 octobre 2024

Secteur(s) :

relative à la prise de contrôle conjoint des sociétés Greece 25 et Greece 69 par la société Alma aux côtés de la société ITM Entreprises

Décision de contrôle des concentrations|

Publication du sens de la décision le : 10 octobre 2024

Atos de concentração – Ingressos


Ato de concentraçãoRequerentesDescrição da operaçãoNatureza da operaçãoAtividade econômicaRitoEdital (DOU)
08700.007788/2024-85CY 10 PARTICIPAÇÕES LTDA.; BARRALOG PARTICIPAÇÕES E EMPREENDIMENTOS S.A.; NETOS PARTICIPAÇÕES E EMPREENDIMENTOS IMOBILIÁRIOS LTDA.A Operação consiste em joint venture entre CY10, Barralog e Netos para desenvolvimento de um futuro empreendimento greenfield de galpões logísticos no Município do Rio de Janeiro/RJ. Trata-se de Operação que viabilizará o futuro empreendimento, representando, portanto, aumento da oferta de galpões, o que é pró-competitivo. As potenciais sobreposições horizontais observadas são bastante limitadas. Também não há quaisquer integrações verticais decorrentes da Operação.Joint-venture concentracionistaGestão e administração da propriedade imobiliária (CNAE 68.22-6/00)Sumário10/10/2024
08700.007740/2024-77Dexco S.A.; NEW GROWTH BRAZIL II, LLCPor meio de Memorando de Entendimentos, a Dexco e a New Growth comprometeram-se a implementar operação na qual a Dexco constituirá sociedade de propósito específico (?SPE?), cujas ações preferenciais serão adquiridas integralmente pela New Growth. As ações preferenciais da New Growth não terão direito de voto e serão representativas de 50% do capital social total da SPE, que continuará sob o controle unitário da Dexco após fechamento da Operação. Aquisição de quotas/ações sem aquisição de controle64.62-0-00 – Holdings de instituições não-financeiras.Sumário10/10/2024
08700.007752/2024-00Seiko Epson Corporation; Fiery, LLC Operação Proposta refere-se à aquisição, pela Epson, de controle unitário sobre a Fiery, incluindo suas subsidiárias.Aquisição de controle Sumário10/10/2024
Fonte: CADE
Elaboração: WebAdvocacy – Direito e Economia



Este é um informativo diário que traz para o(a) leitor (a) notícias e casos de defesa da concorrência das principais jurisdições antitruste do mundo (CADE, FTC, Comissão Europeia, CMA etc).


Le groupe Loste est sanctionné à hauteur de 900 000 euros pour avoir fait obstacle au déroulement d’opérations de visite et saisie réalisées par l’Autorité

Publié le 09 octobre 2024


L’Autorité de la concurrence (ci-après l’Autorité) sanctionne le groupe Loste pour avoir fait obstacle au déroulement d’opérations de visite et saisie (ci-après « OVS ») inopinées réalisées les 16 et 17 novembre 2023.

Lors de la phase préliminaire de ces OVS, le dirigeant du groupe Loste ainsi que sa directrice juridique ont fourni des informations inexactes ou incomplètes aux rapporteurs de l’Autorité, entravant ainsi le déroulement de ces opérations.

La sanction, qui s’élève à 900 000 euros, est infligée solidairement aux sociétés Loste et CA Conseils et services (ci-après « le groupe Loste »), en tant qu’auteures, et à leur société mère, la société CA Animation.

Des entraves au déroulement des OVS

Le 16 novembre 2023, l’Autorité a procédé à des OVS dans les locaux parisiens du groupe Loste et de la Fédération française des industriels charcutiers, traiteurs, transformateurs de viandes (ci-après « FICT »), dans le cadre d’une enquête ouverte en 2021 dans le secteur de la charcuterie salaisonnerie.

Au cours de ces OVS, des rapporteurs de l’Autorité ont constaté que :

  • la directrice juridique de la société CA Conseils et services, désignée occupante des lieux du groupe Loste, a donné des informations qu’elle savait inexactes aux rapporteurs présents sur place en indiquant que le dirigeant du groupe Loste n’était pas présent, alors qu’elle l’avait préalablement rencontré et lui avait fait part à cette occasion de la présence des rapporteurs de l’Autorité dans les locaux ;
  • de même, le dirigeant du groupe Loste, également vice-président de la FICT, a donné des informations qu’il savait inexactes aux rapporteurs présents à la FICT en indiquant se trouver en déplacement au Royaume-Uni, alors qu’il était, à ce moment-là, présent dans les locaux du groupe Loste, à Paris.

Des comportements graves

Ces faits, qui sont de nature à entrainer un risque concret de déperdition ou d’altération de preuves et ont pu compromettre l’efficacité de l’action des services d’instruction, se sont déroulés durant la phase préliminaire des OVS. Or, l’Autorité a rappelé que cette phase des investigations est particulièrement importante en ce qu’elle conditionne le bon déroulé des OVS et de la suite de l’instruction dans son ensemble. Elle nécessite de ce fait une pleine coopération de l’entreprise faisant l’objet d’OVS.

Les dispositions relatives à l’obstruction revêtent une importance cruciale pour garantir l’effectivité des pouvoirs d’enquête et d’instruction de l’Autorité. Les entreprises faisant l’objet d’une mesure d’instruction doivent ainsi s’abstenir de fournir des informations incomplètes ou inexactes conformément aux dispositions de l’alinéa 2 du V de l’article L. 464-2 du code de commerce.

Le groupe Loste est sanctionné à hauteur de 900 000 euros

Au vu de ces éléments, l’Autorité inflige, solidairement, aux sociétés Loste et CA Conseils et services, en tant que sociétés auteures, et à la société CA Animation, en tant que société mère, une sanction de 900 000 euros.

L’Autorité a défini le montant de la sanction en tenant compte de la gravité de l’infraction d’obstruction, qui fait obstacle à l’exercice de sa mission de répression des pratiques anticoncurrentielles. Elle a également pris en compte l’ensemble des circonstances de l’espèce, en particulier le fait que l’obstruction résulte des comportements du dirigeant du groupe et de sa directrice juridique en poste depuis de nombreuses années.

Cette décision ne saurait préjuger de la culpabilité du groupe Loste concernant les pratiques présumées qui ont conduit à la réalisation des OVS. Seule une instruction au fond permettra le cas échéant d’établir, ou non, sa responsabilité.

Obstruction à l'instruction : une mauvaise stratégie

Décision n° 24-D-08

relative à des pratiques d’obstruction mises en œuvre
par le groupe Loste

Lire le texte intégral

Merger inquiry outcome statistics

Statistics showing the outcomes of merger inquiries examined under the Enterprise Act 2002.

From: Competition and Markets Authority

Published7 May 2014Last updated9 October 2024 — See all updates

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Merger inquiry outcome statistics

ODS, 6.8 KB

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These figures detail the outcomes of all merger inquiries completed in each year, from 1 April 2004 to the latest full month.

Please note that decisions up to and including 31 March 2014 were given by the Office of Fair Trading and the Competition Commission. Decisions on or after 1 April 2014 were given by the Competition and Markets Authority.

More information about overall UK merger activity is available from the Office for National Statistics’s quarterly statistical bulletin on mergers and acquisitions involving UK companies.

Updates to this page

Published 7 May 2014
Last updated 9 October 2024 + show all updates


OECD Note on Competition Policy in Digital Markets

Atos de concentração – Decisões

Autorité de la Concurrence

Secteur(s) :


relative à la prise de contrôle exclusif du groupe SPE par le groupe SCSO Unikalo

Décision de contrôle des concentrations|

Publication du sens de la décision le : 09 octobre 2024

Secteur(s) :


relative à la prise de contrôle exclusif de la société Ercros par la société Esseco Group

Décision de contrôle des concentrations|

Publication du sens de la décision le : 09 octobre 2024

Atos de concentração – Ingressos

Comissão Europeia




Last decision date: none Super simplified procedure


Investigation phase:1




Last decision date: none Simplified procedure


Investigation phase:1



Este é um informativo diário que traz para o(a) leitor (a) notícias e casos de defesa da concorrência das principais jurisdições antitruste do mundo (CADE, FTC, Comissão Europeia, CMA etc).


Merger inquiry outcome statistics

Statistics showing the outcomes of merger inquiries examined under the Enterprise Act 2002.

From: Competition and Markets Authority

Published 7 May 2014Last updated9 October 2024 — See all updates

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Merger inquiry outcome statistics

ODS, 6.8 KB

This file is in an OpenDocument format


These figures detail the outcomes of all merger inquiries completed in each year, from 1 April 2004 to the latest full month.

Please note that decisions up to and including 31 March 2014 were given by the Office of Fair Trading and the Competition Commission. Decisions on or after 1 April 2014 were given by the Competition and Markets Authority.

More information about overall UK merger activity is available from the Office for National Statistics’s quarterly statistical bulletin on mergers and acquisitions involving UK companies.

Updates to this page

Published 7 May 2014
Last updated 9 October 2024 + show all updates

La CNMC autorizó diez operaciones de concentración en agosto y septiembre

08 Oct 2024 | Competencia Nota de prensa

  • Las diez operaciones se aprobaron en primera fase sin compromisos.

La Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (CNMC) aprobó diez operaciones de concentración durante los meses de agosto y septiembre.

Hines European Real Estate Partners III SCSp (HEREP III) y Grupo Lar Retail Investments el control conjunto de Lar España Real Estate SOCIMI, S.A.

HEREP III es un fondo inmobiliario que opera en todo el mundo. En España, se dedica a la promoción, venta y alquiler de inmuebles.

Grupo Lar Retail es un vehículo de inversión activo en (i) inversión y gestión de capitales (ii) promoción inmobiliaria (iii) gestión de activos y (iv) gestión de bienes inmobiliarios por cuenta de terceros. Además, gestiona los activos de Lar España.

Lar España posee y gestiona nueve centros comerciales y tres parques comerciales.

La concentración no presenta riesgos para la en los mercados, ya que no se observan ni entre las empresas adquirentes y la empresa adquirida.

Tikehau Capital, SAS adquiere el control exclusivo de Trainvest, SAS.

Tikehau gestiona sus activos, directa o indirectamente, a través de cuatro líneas de negocio: deuda privada, activos reales (principalmente inmobiliarios), mercados de capitales (gestión de renta fija/gestión diversificada y renta variable) y private equity.

Trainvest es matriz de la sociedad española Fabricación Asientos Vehículos Industriales, SAU y de la sociedad francesa Etablissements Compin, SAS. Ambas operan conjuntamente en el mercado bajo la denominación Compinfainsa, dedicada a la fabricación de asientos y accesorios de interior para la industria ferroviaria y  autobuses.

La concentración no supone una amenaza para la competencia efectiva en los mercados, ya que no se producen solapamientos horizontales ni verticales en España ni a efectos cartera.

Mutuamad Mobility adquiere el control exclusivo de Anjana Investments. 

Mutuamad Mobility, filial de la mutua de seguros Mutua Madrileña, ofrece servicios de alquiler de coches por días y por minutos (carsharing).  También presta servicios de alquiler de coches, de gestión de planes y fondos de pensiones y de gestión de aparcamientos. 

Anjana Investments se dedica a la distribución minorista de piezas de recambio para automóviles, incluidos neumáticos de repuesto, así como a la reparación de automóviles.

La concentración no plantea riesgos para la competencia efectiva en los mercados, ya que los solapamientos que genera son de escasa importancia.

Caser Residencial Inmobiliaria S.A.U adquiere el control exclusivo de Novallar de Cunit S.L. y Novallar de Mediona S.L.

Caser Residencial forma parte del grupo asegurador Helvetia. Caser complementa su actividad aseguradora con su presencia, entre otros, en el mercado de los servicios sociosanitarios para la tercera edad.

Novallar de Cunit y Novallar de Mediona gestionan centros geriátricos privados en Cunit (Tarragona) y Mediona (Barcelona), respectivamente, ambos con plazas disponibles para centro de día.

La concentración no supone una amenaza para la competencia efectiva en los mercados, ya que los solapamientos horizontales entre la actividad de las partes son muy débiles.
Jacobs Holding adquiere el control exclusivo de Eskillandyou.

Jacobs Holdings es una sociedad de inversión con presencia en varios sectores como la educación, la salud (clínicas dentales) y los bienes de consumo (productos derivados del cacao). En España opera a través de su filial, Cognita, que posee nueve centros educativos que imparten currículos internacionales, europeos o británicos.

Eskillandyou participa en sociedades que ofrecen servicios de enseñanza profesional reglada y no reglada, a distancia, presencial y semipresencial. Además, se dedica a actividades complementarias de enseñanza (como la edición y venta de libros para sus alumnos de formación profesional).

La concentración no supone una amenaza para la competencia efectiva en los mercados, puesto que los solapamientos generados son poco importantes.

Sonepar Ibérica adquiere el control exclusivo de Covamani S.L. y Material Eléctrico Matel Group, S.L.

Sonepar Ibérica pertenece al grupo francés Sonepar que opera a nivel mundial en el sector de la distribución al por mayor de equipos de instalación y, especialmente, de equipos eléctricos.

Covamani es una sociedad dedicada a la distribución y aprovisionamiento de material eléctrico en el mercado español (en concreto dispone de sucursales en Andalucía, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León, Madrid y Baleares).

Matel Group dispone de dos puntos de venta en las provincias de Burgos y Valladolid y se dedica al aprovisionamiento y distribución de material eléctrico en España.

La concentración refuerza la posición de Sonepar en los mercados nacionales de aprovisionamiento de fabricantes de cables, equipos de iluminación y equipos de instalación, aunque las adiciones son moderadas y, además, existen competidores relevantes.

También refuerza su posición en el mercado de distribución mayorista de productos eléctricos en ciertas regiones, provincias, isócronas de 80km o regiones formadas por provincias. Sin embargo, el test de mercado ha confirmado que varios factores mitigarían el riesgo de posibles efectos horizontales.

Por un lado, existen otros distribuidores mayoristas de material eléctrico de gran relevancia a nivel nacional, incluyendo Castilla y León y Castilla-La Mancha.

Por otro lado, los clientes son elásticos al precio y para los profesionales es importante diversificar sus fuentes de aprovisionamiento para reducir los riesgos de suministro. Además, los grandes clientes ejercen cierto poder compensador de la demanda y no existen barreras significativas para la entrada de competidores en el mercado ni costes de cambio para los clientes profesionales.

Por último, se descartan efectos verticales, ya que, aunque la concentración refuerza la posición de las partes en la distribución mayorista, el mercado de aprovisionamiento sigue siendo nacional y cuenta con competidores relevantes, mientras que los fabricantes ejercen un notable poder compensador en la oferta.

Waste Management, Inc. adquiere el control exclusivo de Stericycle, Inc.

Waste Management presta servicios de recogida, reciclaje y eliminación de residuos a clientes particulares, comerciales, industriales y municipales en EEUU y Canadá si bien no ejerce actividad en España.

Stericycle ejerce su actividad principalmente en los sectores de la gestión regulada de residuos sanitarios, la destrucción segura de información y servicios de protección radiológica en EEUU, Canadá y Europa (incluyendo España).

La concentración no supone una amenaza para la competencia efectiva en los mercados: no genera solapamientos horizontales ni verticales en España ni efectos cartera.

Grupo Syrsa Automóviles adquiere el control exclusivo de Almina Automoción S.A.

Syrsa se dedica a la venta minorista de vehículos y a los servicios de postventa y reparación de vehículos. De manera residual realiza actividades de gestoría y seguros.

Almina Automoción se dedica a la venta minorista de vehículos y los servicios de postventa y reparación de vehículos. Previamente a la ejecución de la operación, venderá las unidades de negocio distintas de BMW/Mini y Suzuki, que serán por lo tanto las únicas adquiridas.

La concentración no supone una amenaza para la competencia efectiva en los mercados, puesto que los solapamientos generados son de escasa importancia

Siemens Healthineers AG adquiere el control exclusivo del negocio europeo de fabricación de productos de imagenología mediante radioligandos del grupo Novartis.

Siemens Healthineers AG es una empresa con sede en Alemania, que ofrece soluciones y servicios sanitarios en todo el mundo en relación con cuatro segmentos de negocio: (i) imagenología; (ii) diagnóstico; (iii) Varian; y (iv) terapias avanzadas.

El Negocio Adquirido está controlado por Novartis AG. Se dedica a la fabricación y distribución de productos de imagenología/diagnóstico mediante radioligandos que utilizan los hospitales. También ofrece servicios de radiomarcaje o radiolabelling a través de sus radiofarmacias, así como algunos servicios de I+D directamente asociados con la fabricación/mejora del proceso de fabricación. Además, el negocio adquirido incluye los ciclotrones, generadores y radiofarmacias del grupo vendedor.

La concentración no supone una amenaza para la competencia efectiva en los mercados, ya que no provoca solapamientos horizontales ni verticales en España. Tampoco da lugar a riesgos de efectos cartera.

Avanza movilidad integral adquiere el control exclusivo del grupo Julián de Castro.

Avanza pertenece a la sociedad mexicana Grupo ADO, S.A. de C.V., matriz del Grupo Mobility ADO, que se dedica al sector del transporte de viajeros. Sus principales líneas de negocio en España son: la prestación de servicios de transporte de viajeros por autobús, tranvía y metro; los servicios de alquiler público de bicicletas; y la gestión de terminales de autobuses.

El Grupo Julián de Castro está compuesto por Autocares Julián de Castro, S.A., Autocares Casanz, S.L. y Autocares Beltrán, S.A. Presta servicio principalmente en la
Comunidad de Madrid en el sector del transporte de viajeros en autobús.

La operación no supone una amenaza para la competencia efectiva en los mercados, puesto que los solapamientos horizontales y verticales son poco relevantes.

Contenido relacionado:

  • Blog (29/09/2023): En la CNMC vigilamos las concentraciones entre las empresas

Documento no oficial, destinado a los medios de comunicación, y que no vincula a la CNMC. Reproducción permitida solo si se cita la fuente. 

 Nota de prensa 

 Press release 

Le groupe Loste est sanctionné à hauteur de 900 000 euros pour avoir fait obstacle au déroulement d’opérations de visite et saisie réalisées par l’Autorité

Publié le 09 octobre 2024


L’Autorité de la concurrence (ci-après l’Autorité) sanctionne le groupe Loste pour avoir fait obstacle au déroulement d’opérations de visite et saisie (ci-après « OVS ») inopinées réalisées les 16 et 17 novembre 2023.

Lors de la phase préliminaire de ces OVS, le dirigeant du groupe Loste ainsi que sa directrice juridique ont fourni des informations inexactes ou incomplètes aux rapporteurs de l’Autorité, entravant ainsi le déroulement de ces opérations.

La sanction, qui s’élève à 900 000 euros, est infligée solidairement aux sociétés Loste et CA Conseils et services (ci-après « le groupe Loste »), en tant qu’auteures, et à leur société mère, la société CA Animation.

Des entraves au déroulement des OVS

Le 16 novembre 2023, l’Autorité a procédé à des OVS dans les locaux parisiens du groupe Loste et de la Fédération française des industriels charcutiers, traiteurs, transformateurs de viandes (ci-après « FICT »), dans le cadre d’une enquête ouverte en 2021 dans le secteur de la charcuterie salaisonnerie.

Au cours de ces OVS, des rapporteurs de l’Autorité ont constaté que :

  • la directrice juridique de la société CA Conseils et services, désignée occupante des lieux du groupe Loste, a donné des informations qu’elle savait inexactes aux rapporteurs présents sur place en indiquant que le dirigeant du groupe Loste n’était pas présent, alors qu’elle l’avait préalablement rencontré et lui avait fait part à cette occasion de la présence des rapporteurs de l’Autorité dans les locaux ;
  • de même, le dirigeant du groupe Loste, également vice-président de la FICT, a donné des informations qu’il savait inexactes aux rapporteurs présents à la FICT en indiquant se trouver en déplacement au Royaume-Uni, alors qu’il était, à ce moment-là, présent dans les locaux du groupe Loste, à Paris.

Des comportements graves

Ces faits, qui sont de nature à entrainer un risque concret de déperdition ou d’altération de preuves et ont pu compromettre l’efficacité de l’action des services d’instruction, se sont déroulés durant la phase préliminaire des OVS. Or, l’Autorité a rappelé que cette phase des investigations est particulièrement importante en ce qu’elle conditionne le bon déroulé des OVS et de la suite de l’instruction dans son ensemble. Elle nécessite de ce fait une pleine coopération de l’entreprise faisant l’objet d’OVS.

Les dispositions relatives à l’obstruction revêtent une importance cruciale pour garantir l’effectivité des pouvoirs d’enquête et d’instruction de l’Autorité. Les entreprises faisant l’objet d’une mesure d’instruction doivent ainsi s’abstenir de fournir des informations incomplètes ou inexactes conformément aux dispositions de l’alinéa 2 du V de l’article L. 464-2 du code de commerce.

Le groupe Loste est sanctionné à hauteur de 900 000 euros

Au vu de ces éléments, l’Autorité inflige, solidairement, aux sociétés Loste et CA Conseils et services, en tant que sociétés auteures, et à la société CA Animation, en tant que société mère, une sanction de 900 000 euros.

L’Autorité a défini le montant de la sanction en tenant compte de la gravité de l’infraction d’obstruction, qui fait obstacle à l’exercice de sa mission de répression des pratiques anticoncurrentielles. Elle a également pris en compte l’ensemble des circonstances de l’espèce, en particulier le fait que l’obstruction résulte des comportements du dirigeant du groupe et de sa directrice juridique en poste depuis de nombreuses années.

Cette décision ne saurait préjuger de la culpabilité du groupe Loste concernant les pratiques présumées qui ont conduit à la réalisation des OVS. Seule une instruction au fond permettra le cas échéant d’établir, ou non, sa responsabilité.

Obstruction à l'instruction : une mauvaise stratégie

Décision n° 24-D-08

relative à des pratiques d’obstruction mises en œuvre
par le groupe Loste

Lire le texte intégral

Atos de concentração – Decisões


Ato de Concentração nº 08700.007264/2024-94

Partes: Serena Energia S.A., Odata Brasil Ltda. e Odata SP 01 Ltda. Aprovação sem restrições.

Comissão Europeia




Last decision date: 08.10.2024 Simplified procedure




Last decision date: 08.10.2024 Simplified procedure


Spreadex / Sporting Index merger inquiry

  • The CMA is investigating the completed acquisition by Spreadex Limited of the B2C business of Sporting Index Limited.
    • Updated: 9 October 2024

Autorité de la Concurrence

Secteur(s) : Distribution

relative à la prise de contrôle exclusif du groupe SPE par le groupe SCSO Unikalo

Décision de contrôle des concentrations|

Publication du sens de la décision le : 09 octobre 2024

Atos de concentração – Ingressos


Ato de concentraçãoRequerentesDescrição da operaçãoNatureza da operaçãoAtividade econômicaRitoEdital (DOU)
08700.007661/2024-66Brasol Sistemas de Energia Solar 18 Ltda.; Raízen Energia S.A.A operação proposta envolve a aquisição, pela Brasol Sistemas de Energia Solar 18 Ltda., de 100% das quotas representativas do capital social de companhias-alvo, as quais serão constituídas entre a assinatura dos documentos da Operação e seus respectivos fechamentos, e deterão os ativos e direitos relacionados a 40 projetos de usinas de geração distribuída fotovoltaica. Atualmente, esses Projetos são detidos, direta ou indiretamente, pela Raízen Energia S.A.Aquisição de controle Sumário08/10/2024
08700.007663/2024-55Cosan Lubrificantes e Especialidades S.A.; Pax Lubrificantes Ltda.; DIPI Holding Ltda.; Elvin Lubrificantes Industria e Comercio Ltda.; Lubripack Indústria e Comercio Ltda.Trata-se de aquisição, pela Cosan Lubrificantes e Especialidades S.A. de 100% das quotas representativas do capital social das seguintes empresas, direta ou indiretamente: DIPI Holding Ltda., Pax Lubrificantes Ltda., Elvin Lubrificantes Indústria e Comércio Ltda. e Lubripack Indústria e Comércio Ltda. atualmente pertencentes a pessoas físicas.Aquisição de controleDIPI Holding Ltda. – 64.62-0-00 Holdings de instituições não-financeiras Pax Lubrificantes Ltda. 19.22-5-99 Fabricação de outros produtos derivados do petróleo, exceto produtos do refino 38.11-4-00 Coleta de resíduos não-perigosos 46.81-8-05 Comércio atacadista de lubrificantes 46.83-4-00 49.30-2-01 Comércio atacadista de defensivos agrícolas, adubos, fertilizantes e corretivos do solo Transporte rodoviário de carga, exceto produtos perigosos e mudanças, municipal. 49.30-2-03 52.11-7-99 Transporte rodoviário de produtos perigosos Depósitos de mercadorias para terceiros, exceto armazéns gerais e guarda-móveis 56.20-1-03 71.20-1-00 74.90-1-99 19.22-5-99 Cantinas – serviços de alimentação privativos Testes e análises técnicas Outras atividades profissionais, científicas e técnicas não especificadas anteriormente Fabricação de outros produtos derivados do petróleo, exceto produtos do refino 36.00-6-01 46.81-8-05 – Elvin Lubrificantes Indústria e Comércio Ltda. – 49.30-2-02 Captação, tratamento e distribuição de água Comércio atacadista de lubrificantes Transporte rodoviário de carga, exceto produtos perigosos e mudanças, intermunicipal, interestadual e internacional 49.30-2-03 – Lubripack Indústria e Comercio Ltda. – 1) 20. 2) 52.11-7-99 74.90-1-99 Transporte rodoviário de produtos perigosos Depósitos de mercadorias para terceiros, exceto armazéns gerais e guarda-móveis 68.10-2-02 Aluguel de imóveis próprios Outras atividades profissionais, científicas e técnicas não especificadas anteriormente 38.11-4-00 22.22-6-00 Captação, tratamento e distribuição de água Fabricação de embalagens de material plástico Depósitos de mercadorias para terceiros, exceto armazéns gerais e guarda-móveisSumário08/10/2024
08700.007632/2024-02Marseille Fundo de Investimento em Participações Multiestratégia; Rio Grande Investment Pte. Ltd.; Companhia Mineira de Açúcar e Álcool Participações; Czarnikow Brasil Ltda.Nos termos do Contrato de Compra e Venda e Subscrição de Ações e Outras Avenças, celebrado em 24 de setembro de 2024, a operação consiste na aquisição e subscrição, pelo Marseille Fundo de Investimento em Participações Multiestratégia e pela Rio Grande Investment Pte. Ltd, de ações da 2C Energia S.A., joint venture atualmente controlada pela Companhia Mineira de Açúcar e Álcool Participações e pela Czarnikow Brasil Ltda.Aquisição de controle Sumário08/10/2024
08700.007636/2024-82Imprimerie Nationale AS; Idemia Identity & Security France S.A.SA operação ora notificada envolve a pretendida aquisição, pela Imprimerie Nationale SA, de 100% das ações da Idemia Identity & Security Grance, atualmente detidas pela Idemia France SAS.Aquisição de controle Sumário08/10/2024
08700.007610/2024-34BTG PACTUAL LOGCP FUNDO DE INVESTIMENTO IMOBILIÁRIO; LOG ITAITINGA II SPE LTDA.; LOG VIANA II INCORPORAÇÕES SPE LTDA.Aquisição pelo BTG PACTUAL LOGCP FUNDO DE INVESTIMENTO IMOBILIÁRIO das participações detidas pela LOG ITAITINGA II SPE LTDA. e pela LOG VIANA II INCORPORAÇÕES SPE LTDA. em galpões e condomínio logístico localizados no município de Itaitinga/CE (Região Metropolitana de Fortaleza) e no município de Viana/ES.Aquisição de ativoscompra e venda de imóveis próprios e aluguel de imóveis próprios (CNAE 6810- 2/01)Sumário08/10/2024
Fonte: CADE
Elaboração: WebAdvocacy – Direito e Economia

Comissão Europeia




Last decision date: none Super simplified procedure


Investigation phase:1




Last decision date: none Simplified procedure


Investigation phase:1



Este é um informativo diário que traz para o(a) leitor (a) notícias e casos de defesa da concorrência das principais jurisdições antitruste do mundo (CADE, FTC, Comissão Europeia, CMA etc).


La CNMC autorizó diez operaciones de concentración en agosto y septiembre

08 Oct 2024 | Competencia Nota de prensa

  • Las diez operaciones se aprobaron en primera fase sin compromisos.

La Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (CNMC) aprobó diez operaciones de concentración durante los meses de agosto y septiembre.

Hines European Real Estate Partners III SCSp (HEREP III) y Grupo Lar Retail Investments el control conjunto de Lar España Real Estate SOCIMI, S.A.

HEREP III es un fondo inmobiliario que opera en todo el mundo. En España, se dedica a la promoción, venta y alquiler de inmuebles.

Grupo Lar Retail es un vehículo de inversión activo en (i) inversión y gestión de capitales (ii) promoción inmobiliaria (iii) gestión de activos y (iv) gestión de bienes inmobiliarios por cuenta de terceros. Además, gestiona los activos de Lar España.

Lar España posee y gestiona nueve centros comerciales y tres parques comerciales.

La concentración no presenta riesgos para la en los mercados, ya que no se observan ni entre las empresas adquirentes y la empresa adquirida.

Tikehau Capital, SAS adquiere el control exclusivo de Trainvest, SAS.

Tikehau gestiona sus activos, directa o indirectamente, a través de cuatro líneas de negocio: deuda privada, activos reales (principalmente inmobiliarios), mercados de capitales (gestión de renta fija/gestión diversificada y renta variable) y private equity.

Trainvest es matriz de la sociedad española Fabricación Asientos Vehículos Industriales, SAU y de la sociedad francesa Etablissements Compin, SAS. Ambas operan conjuntamente en el mercado bajo la denominación Compinfainsa, dedicada a la fabricación de asientos y accesorios de interior para la industria ferroviaria y  autobuses.

La concentración no supone una amenaza para la competencia efectiva en los mercados, ya que no se producen solapamientos horizontales ni verticales en España ni a efectos cartera.

Mutuamad Mobility adquiere el control exclusivo de Anjana Investments. 

Mutuamad Mobility, filial de la mutua de seguros Mutua Madrileña, ofrece servicios de alquiler de coches por días y por minutos (carsharing).  También presta servicios de alquiler de coches, de gestión de planes y fondos de pensiones y de gestión de aparcamientos. 

Anjana Investments se dedica a la distribución minorista de piezas de recambio para automóviles, incluidos neumáticos de repuesto, así como a la reparación de automóviles.

La concentración no plantea riesgos para la competencia efectiva en los mercados, ya que los solapamientos que genera son de escasa importancia.

Caser Residencial Inmobiliaria S.A.U adquiere el control exclusivo de Novallar de Cunit S.L. y Novallar de Mediona S.L.

Caser Residencial forma parte del grupo asegurador Helvetia. Caser complementa su actividad aseguradora con su presencia, entre otros, en el mercado de los servicios sociosanitarios para la tercera edad.

Novallar de Cunit y Novallar de Mediona gestionan centros geriátricos privados en Cunit (Tarragona) y Mediona (Barcelona), respectivamente, ambos con plazas disponibles para centro de día.

La concentración no supone una amenaza para la competencia efectiva en los mercados, ya que los solapamientos horizontales entre la actividad de las partes son muy débiles.
Jacobs Holding adquiere el control exclusivo de Eskillandyou.

Jacobs Holdings es una sociedad de inversión con presencia en varios sectores como la educación, la salud (clínicas dentales) y los bienes de consumo (productos derivados del cacao). En España opera a través de su filial, Cognita, que posee nueve centros educativos que imparten currículos internacionales, europeos o británicos.

Eskillandyou participa en sociedades que ofrecen servicios de enseñanza profesional reglada y no reglada, a distancia, presencial y semipresencial. Además, se dedica a actividades complementarias de enseñanza (como la edición y venta de libros para sus alumnos de formación profesional).

La concentración no supone una amenaza para la competencia efectiva en los mercados, puesto que los solapamientos generados son poco importantes.

Sonepar Ibérica adquiere el control exclusivo de Covamani S.L. y Material Eléctrico Matel Group, S.L.

Sonepar Ibérica pertenece al grupo francés Sonepar que opera a nivel mundial en el sector de la distribución al por mayor de equipos de instalación y, especialmente, de equipos eléctricos.

Covamani es una sociedad dedicada a la distribución y aprovisionamiento de material eléctrico en el mercado español (en concreto dispone de sucursales en Andalucía, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León, Madrid y Baleares).

Matel Group dispone de dos puntos de venta en las provincias de Burgos y Valladolid y se dedica al aprovisionamiento y distribución de material eléctrico en España.

La concentración refuerza la posición de Sonepar en los mercados nacionales de aprovisionamiento de fabricantes de cables, equipos de iluminación y equipos de instalación, aunque las adiciones son moderadas y, además, existen competidores relevantes.

También refuerza su posición en el mercado de distribución mayorista de productos eléctricos en ciertas regiones, provincias, isócronas de 80km o regiones formadas por provincias. Sin embargo, el test de mercado ha confirmado que varios factores mitigarían el riesgo de posibles efectos horizontales.

Por un lado, existen otros distribuidores mayoristas de material eléctrico de gran relevancia a nivel nacional, incluyendo Castilla y León y Castilla-La Mancha.

Por otro lado, los clientes son elásticos al precio y para los profesionales es importante diversificar sus fuentes de aprovisionamiento para reducir los riesgos de suministro. Además, los grandes clientes ejercen cierto poder compensador de la demanda y no existen barreras significativas para la entrada de competidores en el mercado ni costes de cambio para los clientes profesionales.

Por último, se descartan efectos verticales, ya que, aunque la concentración refuerza la posición de las partes en la distribución mayorista, el mercado de aprovisionamiento sigue siendo nacional y cuenta con competidores relevantes, mientras que los fabricantes ejercen un notable poder compensador en la oferta.

Waste Management, Inc. adquiere el control exclusivo de Stericycle, Inc.

Waste Management presta servicios de recogida, reciclaje y eliminación de residuos a clientes particulares, comerciales, industriales y municipales en EEUU y Canadá si bien no ejerce actividad en España.

Stericycle ejerce su actividad principalmente en los sectores de la gestión regulada de residuos sanitarios, la destrucción segura de información y servicios de protección radiológica en EEUU, Canadá y Europa (incluyendo España).

La concentración no supone una amenaza para la competencia efectiva en los mercados: no genera solapamientos horizontales ni verticales en España ni efectos cartera.

Grupo Syrsa Automóviles adquiere el control exclusivo de Almina Automoción S.A.

Syrsa se dedica a la venta minorista de vehículos y a los servicios de postventa y reparación de vehículos. De manera residual realiza actividades de gestoría y seguros.

Almina Automoción se dedica a la venta minorista de vehículos y los servicios de postventa y reparación de vehículos. Previamente a la ejecución de la operación, venderá las unidades de negocio distintas de BMW/Mini y Suzuki, que serán por lo tanto las únicas adquiridas.

La concentración no supone una amenaza para la competencia efectiva en los mercados, puesto que los solapamientos generados son de escasa importancia

Siemens Healthineers AG adquiere el control exclusivo del negocio europeo de fabricación de productos de imagenología mediante radioligandos del grupo Novartis.

Siemens Healthineers AG es una empresa con sede en Alemania, que ofrece soluciones y servicios sanitarios en todo el mundo en relación con cuatro segmentos de negocio: (i) imagenología; (ii) diagnóstico; (iii) Varian; y (iv) terapias avanzadas.

El Negocio Adquirido está controlado por Novartis AG. Se dedica a la fabricación y distribución de productos de imagenología/diagnóstico mediante radioligandos que utilizan los hospitales. También ofrece servicios de radiomarcaje o radiolabelling a través de sus radiofarmacias, así como algunos servicios de I+D directamente asociados con la fabricación/mejora del proceso de fabricación. Además, el negocio adquirido incluye los ciclotrones, generadores y radiofarmacias del grupo vendedor.

La concentración no supone una amenaza para la competencia efectiva en los mercados, ya que no provoca solapamientos horizontales ni verticales en España. Tampoco da lugar a riesgos de efectos cartera.

Avanza movilidad integral adquiere el control exclusivo del grupo Julián de Castro.

Avanza pertenece a la sociedad mexicana Grupo ADO, S.A. de C.V., matriz del Grupo Mobility ADO, que se dedica al sector del transporte de viajeros. Sus principales líneas de negocio en España son: la prestación de servicios de transporte de viajeros por autobús, tranvía y metro; los servicios de alquiler público de bicicletas; y la gestión de terminales de autobuses.

El Grupo Julián de Castro está compuesto por Autocares Julián de Castro, S.A., Autocares Casanz, S.L. y Autocares Beltrán, S.A. Presta servicio principalmente en la
Comunidad de Madrid en el sector del transporte de viajeros en autobús.

La operación no supone una amenaza para la competencia efectiva en los mercados, puesto que los solapamientos horizontales y verticales son poco relevantes.

Contenido relacionado:

  • Blog (29/09/2023): En la CNMC vigilamos las concentraciones entre las empresas

Documento no oficial, destinado a los medios de comunicación, y que no vincula a la CNMC. Reproducción permitida solo si se cita la fuente. 

Results of the G7 Competition Authorities and Policymakers’ Summit

October 7, 2024
Japan Fair Trade Commission

In the Ministerial Declaration of the G7 Industry, Technology and Digital Ministerial Meeting in March 2024, it was agreed to promote further discussions on competition in AI and digital markets among G7 competition authorities and policymakers, and to support the G7 competition summit in Italy.

In response to this Declaration, etc., the Italian Competition Authority, Autoritá Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato, hosted the G7 Competition and Policymakers’ Summit in Rome, Italy on October 3–4, 2024, attended by heads of the G7 competition authorities and policymakers, etc. Mr. Kazuyuki FURUYA, Chair of the Japan Fair Trade Commission, participated in the Summit.

The following topics were discussed at the Summit:

1. Competition enforcement and horizon scanning activities (October 3)
1-1 Competition concerns in the AI value chain—Focus on key AI inputs and partnerships
1-2 Competition concerns in AI—Focus on downstream and adjacent markets, algorithmic collusion and non-competition issues

2. Policy and regulatory issues (October 4)
2-1 Recent developments on regulatory and policy approaches in digital markets
2-2 Regulatory and policy approaches in AI markets

The Summit adopted the “Digital Competition Communiqué” (Attachment 1) as an outcome document. The Statement includes the following views.
– Creation of innovation by AI
– Competition concerns within the AI
– Guiding principles for ensuring contestability and fostering innovation
– Role of competition authorities (vigorous antitrust enforcement, enhancement of international cooperation, etc.)

In addition, the OECD prepared “Competition Policy in Digital Markets: The Combined Effect of Ex Ante and Ex Post Instruments in G7 Jurisdictions” (Attachment 2), with analysis including the relationship between enforcement cases and ex ante regulations in the digital field.

Moreover, the Italian Competition Authority prepared “Competition In The Artificial Intelligence Tech Stack: Recent Developments and Emerging Issues” (Attachment 3) for the discussion at the summit.

*This announcement is tentative translation. Please refer to the original text written in Japanese for more details.

Results of the G7 Competition Authorities and Policymakers’ Summit(70 KB)

(Attachment 1) Digital Competition Communiqué(209 KB)

(Attachment 2) Competition Policy in Digital Markets: The Combined Effect of Ex Ante and Ex Post Instruments in G7 Jurisdictions(1,582 KB)

(Attachment 3) Competition In The Artificial Intelligence Tech Stack: Recent Developments and Emerging Issues(203 KB)

Fluidra notifica a aquisição do controlo exclusivo sobre a (i) NCWG; (ii) Dini & Lulio; (iii) Ecohídrica, e; (iv) Kreative Techk.


Ficha do processo

Ficha do processo

AdC adotou uma decisão de não oposição na operação de concentração 46/2024 – Indumape / Frutíssima

maças e pêras

Em 4 de outubro de 2024, o Conselho de Administração da Autoridade da Concorrência, no uso da competência que lhe é conferida pela alínea d) do n.º 1 do artigo 19.º dos Estatutos, aprovados pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 125/2014, de 18 de agosto, delibera adotar uma Decisão de Não Oposição, nos termos da alínea b) do n.º 1 do artigo 50.º da Lei da Concorrência, uma vez que a operação de concentração não é suscetível de criar entraves significativos à concorrência efetiva nos mercados relevantes identificados.

Ficha do processo

Ficha do processo

Atos de concentração – Decisões


Ato de Concentração nº 08700.007350/2024-05

Partes: PRIO S.A., PRIO Luxembourg Holding SÀRL, PRIO Internacional Ltda. e Sinochem Petróleo Brasil Ltda. Aprovação sem restrições.

Ato de Concentração nº 08700.007316/2024-22

Requerentes: IBBA Industria Brasileira de Bombas Automotivas S.A. e Mercedes-Benz do Brasil Ltda. Aprovação sem restrições.

Ato de Concentração nº 08700.007181/2024-03

Requerentes: Enauta Energia S.A. e ExxonMobil Exploração Brasil Ltda. Aprovação sem restrições.

Comissão Europeia




Last decision date: 07.10.2024 Simplified procedure




Last decision date: 07.10.2024 Simplified procedure


Topps Tiles / CTD Tiles (certain assets) merger inquiry

  • The CMA is investigating the completed acquisition by Topps Tiles Plc of certain assets of Tildist Realisations Limited (formerly CTD Tiles Limited).
    • Updated: 7 October 2024

Vodafone / CK Hutchison JV merger inquiry

  • The CMA is investigating the anticipated joint venture between Vodafone Group Plc and CK Hutchison Holdings Limited concerning Vodafone Limited and Hutchison 3G UK Limited.
    • Updated: 7 October 2024

Autorité de la Concurrence

Secteur(s) :

relative à la prise de contrôle conjoint de la société Mabel par la société Thezadi aux côtés de la société ITM Entreprises

Décision de contrôle des concentrations|

Publication du sens de la décision le : 07 octobre 2024

Atos de concentração – Ingressos


Ato de concentraçãoRequerentesDescrição da operaçãoNatureza da operaçãoAtividade econômicaRitoEdital (DOU)
08700.007607/2024-11CCISA180 Incorporadora Ltda.; Participações Ltda.A operação proposta consiste em aquisição, pela CCISA180 Incorporadora Ltda., de dois imóveis localizados em áreas contíguas no município do São Paulo/SP, atualmente detidos pela 253 Participações Ltda., para o futuro desenvolvimento de um empreendimento imobiliário residencial.Aquisição de ativosincorporação de empreendimentos imobiliários (CNAE 41.10-7-00)Sumário07/10/2024
08700.007555/2024-82CP Spruce Holdings, S.C.Sp; Baxter International Inc. A presente operação trata da aquisição de controle unitário, pela CP Spruce, da divisão de negócios de cuidados renais da Baxter conhecida como Vantive.Aquisição de controle Sumário07/10/2024
08700.007496/2024-42VB0224 Participações Ltda.; Cedro Serviços e Participações Empresariais Ltda.; VSA Participações Ltda.Trata-se da aquisição, pela VB0224 Participações Ltda., do controle societário da Cedro Serviços e Participações Empresariais Ltda. e da VSA Participações Ltda. e, consequentemente, de forma indireta, da aquisição do controle societário da Risel Combustíveis Ltda., da Coesa Transporte e Revenda Retalhista de Combustíveis Ltda. e da Jales Pet.Aquisição de controle Sumário07/10/2024
Fonte: CADE
Elaboração: WebAdvocacy – Direito e Economia



Este é um informativo diário que traz para o(a) leitor (a) notícias e casos de defesa da concorrência das principais jurisdições antitruste do mundo (CADE, FTC, Comissão Europeia, CMA etc).


A concorrência pelo mundo desta segunda-feira traz a notícia do encontro dos países do G7 para discutir a concorrência nos mercados de inteligência artificial e a notícia de que a Autorité de la Concurrence aprovou sem restrições a operação de aquisição de controle do Grupo Paris Expérience pelo Aeroporto de Paris – ADP.

Com relação a primeira notícia, o grupo de trabalho de IA do G7 identificou vários problemas nos mercados de inteligência artificial, sobretudo nos mercados de IA generativa, dentre os quais: (i) o fato de que [a]s plataformas de tecnologia dominantes de hoje, algumas das quais estão ativas em várias camadas do IA pode explorar seu poder de mercado por meio de self-preferencing, tying, bundling ou outras práticas, limitando efetivamente a escolha do consumidor e aumentando as barreiras à entrada de empresas menores e start-ups e (ii) o fato que [o] uso de IA e algoritmos pode facilitar o conluio entre as empresas, tornando mais fácil para eles coordenar preços ou salários, compartilhar competitivamente sensível informação e minar a concorrência.

No que se refere a notícia vinda França, ficou consubstanciado que, no entendimento da autoridade francesa de defesa da concorrência, a aquisição de controle do Grupo Paris Expérience pelo Aeroporto de Paris não resulta em problemas concorrenciais, pois embora a ADP detenha, por intermédio da sociedade Extime Média, um monopólio de exploração dos espaços e aparelhos publicitários situados nos aeroportos Paris-Charles de Gaulle e Paris-Orly, tal estratégia não seria suscetível de ter efeitos negativos sobre a concorrência. Estes espaços publicitários nos aeroportos não constituem um canal promocional essencial, nem para o público-alvo nem para os seus concorrentes, tanto mais que a maioria dos clientes do público-alvo reserva os serviços oferecidos por estes últimos antes da sua chegada ao território francês.

Por fim, vale registrar que a Superintendência-Geral do CADE – SG aprovou sem restrições 6 atos de concentração, dentre os quais a operação cujas requerentes são Wiz Co Participações e Corretagem de Seguros S.A., BMG Corretora de Seguros Ltda. e BMG Seguridade S.A. (AC nº Ato de Concentração nº 08700.007214/2024-15), e que ingressou nos Sistema Brasileiro de Defesa da Concorrência – SBDC o AC nº 08700.007354/2024-85, em que figuram como requerentes as empresas DMA Distribuidora S.A. e Bompreço Bahia Supermercados Ltda.


Federal Trade Commission and Justice Department Participate in Summit with G7 Enforcement Partners on Artificial Intelligence Competition Challenges

October 4, 2024


The Federal Trade Commission and the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division participated in the G7 Competition Authorities and Policymakers Summit to discuss ways to ensure competition in artificial intelligence (AI)-related technologies, products, and applications.

At the conclusion of the summit, FTC Chair Lina M. Khan and other representatives of the G7 competition authorities and government policymakers issued a Communiqué highlighting potential competition concerns in AI-related markets and identifying guiding principles to ensure fair competition across AI markets.

The Communiqué underscores the important role that competition authorities and policymakers have in addressing competitive threats. As the Communiqué outlines, concentrated market power in AI-related markets and possible collusion or improper information sharing using AI technologies require careful vigilance and vigorous and timely competition enforcement. The G7 competition authorities and policymakers reaffirmed that they are working to ensure there is open and fair competition in digital markets and AI and seeking to ensure that the benefits of AI are fully realized and widely available across society.

The summit was convened by the G7 Industry, Technology and Digital Ministerial Declaration and hosted in Rome by the Italian Competition Authority (Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato) in conjunction with Italy’s rotating G7 presidency.

The Federal Trade Commission works with counterpart agencies to promote sound antitrust, consumer protection, and data privacy enforcement and policy.  The FTC will never demand money, make threats, tell you to transfer money, or promise you a prize. For the latest news and resources, follow the FTC on social media, subscribe to press releases and subscribe to the FTC International Monthly.

Contact Information

Media Contact

Victoria Graham 

Office of Public Affairs


Secteur du tourisme : l’Autorité autorise le rachat du groupe Paris Expérience par Aéroports de Paris

Publié le 04 octobre 2024


Le 12 septembre 2024, Aéroports de Paris a notifié à l’Autorité de la concurrence son projet de prise de contrôle exclusif du groupe Paris Expérience.

À l’issue d’un examen des effets de l’opération sur les marchés concernés, l’Autorité a autorisé cette acquisition sans conditions.

Les parties à l’opération

Aéroports de Paris (« ADP ») est une société anonyme contrôlée par l’État français, chargée d’aménager, d’exploiter et de développer un ensemble d’installations aéroportuaires dans la région Île-de-France (principalement Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Paris-Orly et Paris-Le Bourget). Outre la mise à disposition de ses infrastructures aux compagnies aériennes, ADP exploite également les emplacements commerciaux (boutiques et restaurants) ainsi que les espaces et dispositifs publicitaires situés dans les aéroports dont elle a la charge.

Paris Expérience est un groupe actif dans le secteur de l’accueil touristique. Il fournit notamment des services d’excursions et de visites de sites ainsi que de monuments historiques en France, principalement à Paris. Par ailleurs, Paris Expérience propose des services de croisières « restaurants » ainsi que des services de réceptions privatives et professionnelles sur des bateaux amarrés sur la Seine.

L’Autorité a écarté tout risque d’atteinte à la concurrence sur les marchés concernés

L’Autorité a considéré que, même si l’opération permettait à ADP de promouvoir les activités de Paris Expérience auprès des touristes étrangers arrivant en France par avion sur les espaces et dispositifs publicitaires qu’elle exploite dans les aéroports de Paris-Charles de Gaulle et de Paris-Orly, elle n’est pas de nature à porter atteinte à la concurrence.

En effet, bien qu’ADP détienne, via la société Extime Média, un monopole d’exploitation sur les espaces et dispositifs publicitaires situés dans les aéroports de Paris-Charles de Gaulle et de Paris-Orly, l’Autorité a estimé qu’une telle stratégie ne serait pas de nature à engendrer des effets négatifs sur la concurrence. Ces espaces publicitaires dans les aéroports ne constituent pas un canal de promotion incontournable, ni pour la cible, ni pour ses concurrents, notamment dans la mesure où la majorité des clients de la cible réservent les services proposés par cette dernière en amont de leur arrivée sur le territoire français.

À l’issue de son analyse concurrentielle, l’Autorité a donc autorisé l’opération sans conditions.

24-DCC-209 du 4 octobre 2024

relative à la prise de contrôle exclusif du groupe Paris Expérience par la société Aéroports de Paris

Le texte sera mis en ligne après traitement des demandes de secret des affaires…

AdC adotou uma decisão de não oposição na operação de concentração 46/2024 – Indumape / Frutíssima

maças e pêras

Em 4 de outubro de 2024, o Conselho de Administração da Autoridade da Concorrência, no uso da competência que lhe é conferida pela alínea d) do n.º 1 do artigo 19.º dos Estatutos, aprovados pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 125/2014, de 18 de agosto, delibera adotar uma Decisão de Não Oposição, nos termos da alínea b) do n.º 1 do artigo 50.º da Lei da Concorrência, uma vez que a operação de concentração não é suscetível de criar entraves significativos à concorrência efetiva nos mercados relevantes identificados.

Ficha do processo

Ficha do processo

Atos de concentração – Decisões


Ato de Concentração nº 08700.007214/2024-15

Partes: Wiz Co Participações e Corretagem de Seguros S.A., BMG Corretora de Seguros Ltda. e BMG Seguridade S.A. Aprovação sem restrições.

Ato de Concentração nº 08700.007136/2024-41

Requerentes: BB Gestão de Recursos – Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A. e Consistência Participações Ltda. Aprovação sem restrições.

Ato de Concentração nº 08700.006967/2024-03

Requerentes: Moitinho Automóveis Ltda. e Rodobens Comércio e Locação de Veículos Ltda. Aprovação sem restrições.

Ato de Concentração nº 08700.007001/2024-85

Salus – Fundo de Investimento em Participações Multiestratégia e Renova Energia S.A. – em Recuperação Judicial. Aprovação sem restrições.

Ato de Concentração nº 08700.007274/2024-20

Requerentes: TRX Real Estate Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário – FII, TR13 Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. e Rio Balsas Participações e Empreendimentos Ltda. Aprovação sem restrições.

Ato de Concentração nº 08700.007317/2024-77

Requerentes: DSV A/S, Schenker Aktiengesellschaft e Deutsche Bahn Aktiengesellschaft. Aprovação sem restrições.

Comissão Europeia




Last decision date: 07.10.2024 Simplified procedure




Last decision date: 07.10.2024 Simplified procedure




Last decision date: 04.10.2024 Simplified procedure

Autorité de la Concurrence

relative à la prise de contrôle conjoint de la société Mabel par la société Thezadi aux côtés de la société ITM Entreprises

Décision de contrôle des concentrations|

Publication du sens de la décision le : 07 octobre 2024

Secteur(s) :

relative à la prise de contrôle exclusif du groupe Paris Expérience par la société Aéroports de Paris

Décision de contrôle des concentrations|

Publication du sens de la décision le : 04 octobre 2024

Atos de concentração – Ingressos


Ato de concentraçãoRequerentesDescrição da operaçãoNatureza da operaçãoAtividade econômicaRitoEdital (DOU)
 XSYS Germany Holding GmbH; MacDermid Graphics Inc.; MacDermid Graphics Solutions Europe SASA Operação Proposta consiste na aquisição da MacDermid Graphics Inc. e da MacDermid Graphics Solutions Europe SAS, em conjunto com suas subsidiárias diretas e indiretas e determinados ativos detidos por outras afiliadas da MacDermid, Incorporated compreendendo o negócio da MacDermid Graphic Solutions, detido por Element Solutions Inc, por uma ou mais afiliadas da XSYS Germany Holding GmbH.Aquisição de controleComércio atacadista de máquinas e equipamentos para uso industrial; partes e peças (CNAE 4663-0/00)Ordinário03/10/2024
08700.007414/2024-60HSI Malls Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário; SDL INC.Trata-se da aquisição, de forma indireta, pelo HSI Malls Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário (?HSI Malls FII? ou ?Comprador?), de fração ideal e participação de [20-30]% no imóvel onde está instalado o Shopping Paralela (?Shopping Paralela? ou ?Imóvel- Alvo?), em Salvador, no Estado da Bahia (?Operação?).Aquisição de ativos Sumário04/10/2024
08700.007350/2024-05Sinochem Petróleo Brasil Ltda.; PRIO S.A.A operação consiste na aquisição indireta pela PRIO S.A. (PRIO), por meio de suas empresas controladas PRIO Luxembourg Holding SÀRL (PRIO Luxembourg) e PRIO Internacional Ltda. (PRIO Internacional e, em conjunto com a PRIO Luxembourg, as Compradoras), da Sinochem Petróleo Brasil Ltda. (SPBL ou Empresa-Alvo) atualmente parte do Grupo Sinochem (a Operação) .Aquisição de controle0600-0/01 – Extração de Petróleo e Gás NaturalSumário03/10/2024
08700.007338/2024-92GSH Corp Participações S.A.; HVB PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A.A Operação consiste em aumento de participação societária e consolidação de controle a partir da aquisição de ações, pela GSH junto à HVB, representativas do capital social do Liac. Não decorrem da Operação efetivas e/ou potenciais sobreposições horizontais e integrações verticais, nem mesmo reforços em tal sentido, uma vez que as relações entre o Grupo GSH e o Grupo RDSL, de um lado, e o Liac, do outro lado, são cativas e/ou pré-existentes. A Operação é pró-competitiva.Consolidação de controle sumário03/10/2024
08700.007354/2024-85DMA Distribuidora S.A.; Bompreço Bahia Supermercados Ltda.A presente operação se refere à aquisição, pela rede varejista DMA DISTRIBUIDORA S.A. (DMA ou Adquirente), de loja física desativada localizada no município de Vitória da Conquista, Estado da Bahia (Ativo-Alvo ou Loja-Alvo). Esse ativo tangível é detido integralmente pela BOMPREÇO BAHIA SUPERMECADOS LTDA. Aquisição de ativos Sumário04/10/2024
Fonte: CADE

Elaboração: WebAdvocacy – Direito e Economia



Este é um informativo diário que traz para o(a) leitor (a) notícias e casos de defesa da concorrência das principais jurisdições antitruste do mundo (CADE, FTC, Comissão Europeia, CMA etc).


Tourisme / hôtellerie / restauration

Secteur du tourisme : l’Autorité autorise le rachat du groupe Paris Expérience par Aéroports de Paris

Publié le 04 octobre 2024


Le 12 septembre 2024, Aéroports de Paris a notifié à l’Autorité de la concurrence son projet de prise de contrôle exclusif du groupe Paris Expérience.

À l’issue d’un examen des effets de l’opération sur les marchés concernés, l’Autorité a autorisé cette acquisition sans conditions.

Les parties à l’opération

Aéroports de Paris (« ADP ») est une société anonyme contrôlée par l’État français, chargée d’aménager, d’exploiter et de développer un ensemble d’installations aéroportuaires dans la région Île-de-France (principalement Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Paris-Orly et Paris-Le Bourget). Outre la mise à disposition de ses infrastructures aux compagnies aériennes, ADP exploite également les emplacements commerciaux (boutiques et restaurants) ainsi que les espaces et dispositifs publicitaires situés dans les aéroports dont elle a la charge.

Paris Expérience est un groupe actif dans le secteur de l’accueil touristique. Il fournit notamment des services d’excursions et de visites de sites ainsi que de monuments historiques en France, principalement à Paris. Par ailleurs, Paris Expérience propose des services de croisières « restaurants » ainsi que des services de réceptions privatives et professionnelles sur des bateaux amarrés sur la Seine.

L’Autorité a écarté tout risque d’atteinte à la concurrence sur les marchés concernés

L’Autorité a considéré que, même si l’opération permettait à ADP de promouvoir les activités de Paris Expérience auprès des touristes étrangers arrivant en France par avion sur les espaces et dispositifs publicitaires qu’elle exploite dans les aéroports de Paris-Charles de Gaulle et de Paris-Orly, elle n’est pas de nature à porter atteinte à la concurrence.

En effet, bien qu’ADP détienne, via la société Extime Média, un monopole d’exploitation sur les espaces et dispositifs publicitaires situés dans les aéroports de Paris-Charles de Gaulle et de Paris-Orly, l’Autorité a estimé qu’une telle stratégie ne serait pas de nature à engendrer des effets négatifs sur la concurrence. Ces espaces publicitaires dans les aéroports ne constituent pas un canal de promotion incontournable, ni pour la cible, ni pour ses concurrents, notamment dans la mesure où la majorité des clients de la cible réservent les services proposés par cette dernière en amont de leur arrivée sur le territoire français.

À l’issue de son analyse concurrentielle, l’Autorité a donc autorisé l’opération sans conditions.

24-DCC-209 du 4 octobre 2024

relative à la prise de contrôle exclusif du groupe Paris Expérience par la société Aéroports de Paris

Le texte sera mis en ligne après traitement des demandes de secret des affaires…


Virginie Guin

Directrice de la communication

01 55 04 02 62

Contacter par mail

Agenda Apelativa notifica a aquisição do controlo exclusivo sobre a Star Foods.

Agenda Apelativa | Starfoods

Ficha do processo

Ficha do processo

AdC adotou uma decisão de não oposição na operação de concentração 56/2024 – OW*Tokyo Gas / Windplus.


Em 2 de outubro de 2024, o Conselho de Administração da Autoridade da Concorrência, no uso da competência que lhe é conferida pela alínea d) do n.º 1 do artigo 19.º dos Estatutos, aprovados pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 125/2014, de 18 de agosto, delibera adotar uma Decisão de Não Oposição, nos termos da alínea b) do n.º 1 do artigo 50.º da Lei da Concorrência, uma vez que a operação de concentração não é suscetível de criar entraves significativos à concorrência efetiva no mercado nacional ou numa parte substancial deste.

Ficha do processo

Ficha do processo

AdC adotou uma decisão de não oposição na operação de concentração 58/2024 – Siemens Healthineers /Adacap Portugal.

Siemens Healthineers | Adacap Portugal

Em 2 de outubro de 2024, o Conselho de Administração da Autoridade da Concorrência, no uso da competência que lhe é conferida pela alínea d) do n.º 1 do artigo 19.º dos Estatutos, aprovados pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 125/2014, de 18 de agosto, delibera adotar uma Decisão de Não Oposição, nos termos da alínea b) do n.º 1 do artigo 50.º da Lei da Concorrência, uma vez que a operação de concentração não é suscetível de criar entraves significativos à concorrência efetiva no mercado nacional ou numa parte substancial deste.

Ficha do processo

Ficha do processo

Sonae Sierra notifica a aquisição do controlo exclusivo sobre a Norteshopping.

Sonae Sierra | Norteshopping

Ficha do processo

Ficha do processo

Atos de concentração – Decisões


Ato de concentração nº 08700.008693/2023-06

Requerentes: AMRM Holding Ltda. e MM Turismo & Viagens S.A.. Aprovação sem restrições

Ato de Concentração nº 08700.006739/2024-25

Requerentes: Suez RV Recyclage, Renault S.A.S. e The Future is Neutral. Não conhecimento da operação.

Ato de Concentração nº 08700.007117/2024-14

Requerentes: Sapore S.A., ELD Eventos Ltda. e El Dourado Feiras e Eventos Ltda. Aprovação sem restrições.

Ato de Concentração nº 08700.007207/2024-13

Requerentes: IRB Holding Ltda. e Companhia Brasileira de Diques. Aprovação sem restrições.

Comissão Europeia




Last decision date: 04.10.2024 Simplified procedure




Last decision date: 03.10.2024 Super simplified procedure




Last decision date: 03.10.2024 Simplified procedure




Last decision date: 03.10.2024


Vodafone / CK Hutchison JV merger inquiry

  • The CMA is investigating the anticipated joint venture between Vodafone Group Plc and CK Hutchison Holdings Limited concerning Vodafone Limited and Hutchison 3G UK Limited.
    • Updated: 3 October 2024

Topps Tiles / CTD Tiles (certain assets) merger inquiry

  • The CMA is investigating the completed acquisition by Topps Tiles Plc of certain assets of Tildist Realisations Limited (formerly CTD Tiles Limited).
    • Updated: 3 October 2024

Autorité de la Concurrence

Secteur(s) :

relative à la prise de contrôle conjoint des sociétés Greece 21, Amdi, Elsam, Pomeranie, Longam par Exsamine aux côtés de la société ITM Entreprises et de la prise de contrôle exclusif des sociétés Saint-Nicolas Gourmet et La Cave Des Saverneys par Exsamine

Décision de contrôle des concentrations|

Publication du sens de la décision le : 03 octobre 2024


Secteur(s) :

relative à la prise de contrôle conjoint de la société Calao 179 par la société Calumani aux côtés de la société ITM Entreprises

Décision de contrôle des concentrations|

Publication du sens de la décision le : 03 octobre 2024

Atos de concentração – Ingressos


Ato de concentraçãoRequerentesDescrição da operaçãoNatureza da operaçãoAtividade econômicaRitoEdital (DOU)
08700.007350/2024-05Sinochem Petróleo Brasil Ltda.; PRIO S.A.A operação consiste na aquisição indireta pela PRIO S.A. (PRIO), por meio de suas empresas controladas PRIO Luxembourg Holding SÀRL (PRIO Luxembourg) e PRIO Internacional Ltda. (PRIO Internacional e, em conjunto com a PRIO Luxembourg, as Compradoras), da Sinochem Petróleo Brasil Ltda. (SPBL ou Empresa-Alvo) atualmente parte do Grupo Sinochem (a Operação) .Aquisição de controle0600-0/01 – Extração de Petróleo e Gás NaturalSumário03/10/2024
08700.007338/2024-92GSH Corp Participações S.A.; HVB PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A.A Operação consiste em aumento de participação societária e consolidação de controle a partir da aquisição de ações, pela GSH junto à HVB, representativas do capital social do Liac. Não decorrem da Operação efetivas e/ou potenciais sobreposições horizontais e integrações verticais, nem mesmo reforços em tal sentido, uma vez que as relações entre o Grupo GSH e o Grupo RDSL, de um lado, e o Liac, do outro lado, são cativas e/ou pré-existentes. A Operação é pró-competitiva.Consolidação de controle Sumário03/10/2024
08700.007318/2024-11XSYS Germany Holding GmbH; MacDermid Graphics Inc.; MacDermid Graphics Solutions Europe SASA Operação Proposta consiste na aquisição da MacDermid Graphics Inc. e da MacDermid Graphics Solutions Europe SAS, em conjunto com suas subsidiárias diretas e indiretas e determinados ativos detidos por outras afiliadas da MacDermid, Incorporated compreendendo o negócio da MacDermid Graphic Solutions, detido por Element Solutions Inc, por uma ou mais afiliadas da XSYS Germany Holding GmbH.Aquisição de controleComércio atacadista de máquinas e equipamentos para uso industrial; partes e peças (CNAE 4663-0/00)Ordinário03/10/2024
Fonte: CADE

Elaboração: WebAdvocacy – Direito e Economia



Este é um informativo diário que traz para o(a) leitor (a) notícias e casos de defesa da concorrência das principais jurisdições antitruste do mundo (CADE, FTC, Comissão Europeia, CMA etc).


Em destaque: (i) a autoridade francesa da concorrência (Autorité de la Concurrence) retomou a análise das possíveis práticas anticompetitivas no setor de tv por assinatura e na aquisição e distribuição de obras cinematográficas; (ii) denúncia de acordo anticoncorrencial ocorrido em Departamentos Ultramarinos franceses sobre os mercados do tratamento e transporte de resíduos hospitalares com riscos infecciosos por parte da autoridade francesa da concorrência (Autorité de la Concurrence); e (iii) formação de grupo de estudo para promover a concorrência no mercado de aplicativos em smartphones por parte da Japan Fair Trade Commission – JFTC.

A criação do grupo de estudos por parte da JFTC representa a continuação do trabalho de regulação da economia digital no Japão e tem como suporte a recente publicação da lei para promover a concorrência no mercado de softwares para smartphones no Japão, lei esta que possui características similares àquelas previstas no Digital Market Act – DMA da União Europeia e visa, primordialmente, impedir que haja barreiras contra a instalação de lojas de aplicativos alternativas, sistemas alternativos de pagamento no aplicativo, acordos anti-direção e mecanismos de navegador alternativos.


L’Autorité de la concurrence s’autosaisit d’éventuelles pratiques dans le secteur de la télévision payante et de l’acquisition et de la diffusion d’œuvres cinématographiques

Publié le 03 octobre 2024

Par la décision n° 24-SO-10 du 25 septembre 2024, l’Autorité de la concurrence s’est saisie d’office d’éventuelles pratiques dans le secteur de la télévision payante et de l’acquisition et de la diffusion d’œuvres cinématographiques.

Cette auto-saisine ouvre une phase d’instruction à l’issue de laquelle les services d’instruction pourraient notifier des griefs aux entreprises ou associations d’entreprises concernées ou proposer au collège de ne pas poursuivre.

Cette décision de saisine d’office ne préjuge en rien de la culpabilité de quelque entreprise ou association d’entreprises que ce soit. Dans l’hypothèse où des griefs seraient notifiés, seule une instruction menée de façon contradictoire, dans le respect des droits de la défense des parties concernées, permettrait au collège de déterminer, après échanges d’observations écrites et après une séance orale, si ceux-ci sont ou non fondés.

L’Autorité de la concurrence ne fera aucun autre commentaire, ni sur les pratiques suspectées, ni sur l’identité des entreprises ou associations d’entreprises potentiellement concernées.

L’Autorité est autorisée à communiquer sur ses saisines d’office

L’article L. 463-6 du code de commerce prévoit que l’Autorité peut publier des informations succinctes relatives aux actes qu’elle accomplit en vue de la recherche, de la constatation ou de la sanction de pratiques anticoncurrentielles, lorsque la publication de ces informations est effectuée dans l’intérêt du public et dans le strict respect de la présomption d’innocence des entreprises ou associations d’entreprises concernées.

Cette possibilité résulte d’une modification du code de commerce par l’ordonnance n° 2021‑649 du 26 mai 2021 relative à la transposition de la directive (UE) 2019/1 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 11 décembre 2018 visant à doter les autorités de concurrence des États membres des moyens de mettre en œuvre plus efficacement les règles de concurrence et à garantir le bon fonctionnement du marché intérieur.

D’autres autorités de concurrence européennes emploient cette faculté, notamment la Commission européenne, les autorités de concurrence autrichienne, belge, grecque, néerlandaise et portugaise.

Pour aller plus loin :

Les différents modes de saisine de l’Autorité de la concurrence

Lorsque des acteurs économiques enfreignent le droit de la concurrence, notamment en présence d’ententes ou d’abus de position dominante, l’Autorité peut être saisie par :

– le ministre chargé de l’économie

– les entreprises

– les collectivités territoriales

– les organisations et chambres professionnelles

– les organisations syndicales

– les organisations de consommateurs

– les maires dans le cadre de leurs prérogatives en matière d’urbanisme commercial

L’Autorité peut également se saisir d’office d’un dossier, sur proposition de son rapporteur général.

DASRI dans les DROM : le rapporteur général indique avoir notifié un grief d’entente anticoncurrentielle concernant un accord ayant conduit à la constitution d’un monopole

Publié le 02 octobre 2024

Le rapporteur général de l’Autorité de la concurrence indique qu’un grief d’entente a été notifié concernant une pratique mise en œuvre dans l’un des Départements et régions d’outre-mer (DROM) susceptible d’avoir eu des effets sur le marché du traitement et sur le marché connexe de la collecte et du transport des déchets d’activités de soins à risques infectieux (DASRI)

Il est reproché aux entreprises visées d’avoir conclu et mis en œuvre un accord ayant conduit à la constitution d’un monopole et à l’élimination totale de toute concurrence sur le marché du traitement des DASRI* dans l’un des Départements et régions d’outre-mer.

L’accord en cause est également susceptible d’avoir eu des effets sur le marché connexe de la collecte et du transport des DASRI, sur lequel la nouvelle entité est également active.

Cet acte d’instruction ouvre la procédure contradictoire et permet l’exercice des droits de la défense. Il ne saurait préjuger de la culpabilité des entreprises ayant reçu une notification de griefs. Seule l’instruction menée de façon contradictoire, dans le respect des droits de la défense des entreprises concernées, permettra au collège de déterminer, après échanges d’observations écrites et après une séance orale, si le grief est ou non fondé.

L’Autorité de la concurrence ne fera aucun autre commentaire, ni sur l’identité des entreprises concernées, ni sur la pratique visée.

Aux termes de l’article R. 1335-1 du code de la santé publique, les déchets d’activités de soins sont « les déchets issus des activités de diagnostic, de suivi et de traitement préventif, curatif ou palliatif, dans les domaines de la médecine humaine et vétérinaire ».

Notification de grief - schema

L’Autorité est désormais autorisée à communiquer sur les notifications de griefs

L’article L. 463-6 du code de commerce prévoit que l’Autorité peut publier des informations succinctes relatives aux actes qu’elle accomplit en vue de la recherche, de la constatation ou de la sanction de pratiques anticoncurrentielles, lorsque la publication de ces informations est effectuée dans l’intérêt du public et dans le strict respect de la présomption d’innocence des entreprises ou associations d’entreprises concernées.

Cette possibilité résulte d’une modification du code de commerce par l’ordonnance n° 2021-649 du 26 mai 2021 relative à la transposition de la directive (UE) 2019/1 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 11 décembre 2018 visant à doter les autorités de concurrence des États membres des moyens de mettre en œuvre plus efficacement les règles de concurrence et à garantir le bon fonctionnement du marché intérieur.

D’autres autorités de concurrence européennes emploient cette faculté, notamment la Commission européenne, les autorités de concurrence autrichienne, belge, grecque, néerlandaise et portugaise.

Qu’est-ce qu’une notification de griefs ?

La notification de griefs est l’ « acte d’accusation ». Ce document est adressé par les services d’instruction de l’Autorité aux entreprises ou organismes à qui il est reproché d’avoir mis en œuvre des pratiques anticoncurrentielles (principalement entente et abus de position dominante).

Cet acte de procédure ouvre la procédure contradictoire devant l’Autorité au cours de laquelle les mis en cause peuvent faire valoir toute observation en droit ou en fait, dans le respect des droits de la défense.

La procédure contradictoire écrite a été réformée par la loi du 3 décembre 2020 portant diverses dispositions d’adaptation au droit de l’Union européenne en matière économique et financière dite « loi DDADUE ».

Désormais, selon les caractéristiques de l’affaire, il peut être procédé à un ou à deux tours de contradictoire écrits.

Dans tous les cas, l’affaire donne lieu à une séance orale devant le collège, au cours de laquelle sont entendus les parties, le commissaire du gouvernement, et, le cas échéant, des témoins ou experts.

Une notification de griefs ne préjuge en rien de la culpabilité des entreprises ou organismes visés. C’est seulement au terme de l’instruction, et à la suite d’une séance, que le collège détermine, en toute indépendance, si les griefs sont fondés.


Virginie Guin

Directrice de la communication

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【Second Campaign to Strengthen Publicity of the Freelance Act,etc.】Statement by the Secretary General at a regular press conference (September 25, 2024)

September 25, 2024
Japan Fair Trade Commission

Today, I would like to explain the following matters: (1) Second Campaign to Strengthen Publicity of the Freelance Act and (2) The Study Group on Promoting Competition in Mobile Software.

Second Campaign to Strengthen Publicity of the Freelance Act

The Freelance Act (the Act) will go into effect on November 1 of this year, and its implementation will be just one month away.

This Act, which applies to all transactions involving freelancers, is not limited to any specific sector or industry, making its scope of application very broad. Additionally, it imposes an obligation on enterprises to clearly specify trade terms when outsourcing work to freelancers, etc., leading us to think that the Act will have a significant social impact.

Our top priority is publicity to promote awareness of the Act, and the JFTC has been actively engaged in various outreach efforts, including online advertisements, information sessions on the Act, and the use of social media platforms to disseminate information. On the 19th of last week, we significantly updated the Q&A on the Act, increasing the number of questions from the previous 10 to a total of 116. Furthermore, with the implementation of the Act approaching in about a month, we will launch the second campaign to strengthen publicity of the Act, running from October 1 to November 8.

The purpose of this campaign is to prevent violations by raising awareness of the Act. Following the first campaign to strengthen publicity of the Act, conducted from June 17 to July 31 of this year, we will once again run online advertisements in collaboration with BUSON, an illustrator and manga blogger, featuring his original character “Shikibu-chan.”

We will also hold eight information sessions on the Act in the Kanto-Koshinetsu region and three online sessions. In these sessions, we will address questions and requests raised during the joint information sessions held with the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare from July to August of this year. The sessions will cover topics related to the proper transactions of business dealings, such as the obligation on enterprises to clearly specify trade terms, while also explaining the differences from the Subcontracting Act.

In addition, we will offer individual consultation meetings with JFTC staff after the session for those who wish to discuss matters related to the proper conduct of business transactions, at the venues where in-person informational sessions will be held. We encourage you to attend and look forward to your participation.

As the JFTC, we will continue to provide clear and accessible information to both freelancers and ordering parties. We are committed to actively promoting and publicizing this Act.

The Study Group on Promoting Competition in Mobile Software

The Mobile Software Competition Act (the Act) was promulgated on June 19 this year. On December 19, the provisions relating to the designation of providers subject to the Act will go into effect first, and by December next year, the Act will be fully enforced, including the obligations of the designated providers.

In implementing this Act, the supplementary resolution requires efforts to take necessary measures to ensure security and to achieve a balance between competition and safety. Furthermore, the guidelines of the Act must be formulated based including on the knowledge of a wide range of stakeholders to ensure predictability for relevant enterprises and to achieve both competition and safety. We believe that taking into accounts the opinions of relevant experts and stakeholders when considering subordinate regulations and guidelines is essential for the effective implementation of this Act.

Therefore, in order to ensure security, protect minors and effectively implement this Act while promoting competition related to mobile software, we have decided to hold the “Study Group on Promoting Competition in Mobile Software” composed of relevant experts. The purpose of this study group is to discuss the matters specified by government ordinances or regulations, as well as the contents of the guidelines, from the perspective of promoting competition in mobile software.

The first meeting of the study group will be held next Monday, the 30th, and thereafter, meetings will be held approximately once a month. During these sessions, we aim to discuss the content of subordinate regulations and guidelines under the Act, with the goal of finalizing draft proposals for these by next spring. In parallel with the discussions of this study group, we will continue to gather opinions from relevant enterprises and other stakeholders, while the JFTC proceeds with preparations for the implementation of the Act. Our goal is to ensure the effective enforcement and operation of the Act.

In addition, regarding the “Seeking Information from Application Developers and Others Concerning the Act on Promotion of Competition for Specified Smartphone Software,” which was announced during the press conference on July 31, we have received approximately 40 submissions of information and opinions so far. However, as it remains crucial to continue hearing from many relevant enterprises and stakeholders while preparing for the implementation of the Act, we are continuing to accept submissions.

We would appreciate it if you could provide a wide range of information through the Information Submission Form available on the JFTC’s website. This includes details on the actual business practices between regulated enterprises under the Smartphone Software Competition Promotion Act and app developers, plans for new services triggered by the enactment of the Act, and your opinions on how the JFTC should enforce the Act.

Masdar notifica a aquisição do controlo exclusivo sobre a Terp.

Masdar | Terp

Ficha do processo

Ficha do processo

Atos de concentração – Decisões

Comissão Europeia




Last decision date: 03.10.2024 Simplified procedure




Last decision date: 02.10.2024 Super simplified procedure




Last decision date: 02.10.2024 Simplified procedure


Vodafone / CK Hutchison JV merger inquiry

  • The CMA is investigating the anticipated joint venture between Vodafone Group Plc and CK Hutchison Holdings Limited concerning Vodafone Limited and Hutchison 3G UK Limited.
    • Updated: 3 October 2024

Topps Tiles / CTD Tiles (certain assets) merger inquiry

  • The CMA is investigating the completed acquisition by Topps Tiles Plc of certain assets of Tildist Realisations Limited (formerly CTD Tiles Limited).
    • Updated: 3 October 2024

Autorité de la Concurrence

Secteur(s) :

relative à la prise de contrôle conjoint des sociétés Greece 21, Amdi, Elsam, Pomeranie, Longam par Exsamine aux côtés de la société ITM Entreprises et de la prise de contrôle exclusif des sociétés Saint-Nicolas Gourmet et La Cave Des Saverneys par Exsamine

Décision de contrôle des concentrations|

Publication du sens de la décision le : 03 octobre 2024

Secteur(s) :

relative à la prise de contrôle conjoint de la société Calao 179 par la société Calumani aux côtés de la société ITM Entreprises

Décision de contrôle des concentrations|

Publication du sens de la décision le : 03 octobre 2024

Atos de concentração – Ingressos


Ato de concentraçãoRequerentesDescrição da operaçãoNatureza da operaçãoAtividade econômicaRitoEdital (DOU)
08700.007350/2024-05Sinochem Petróleo Brasil Ltda.; PRIO S.A.A operação consiste na aquisição indireta pela PRIO S.A. (PRIO), por meio de suas empresas controladas PRIO Luxembourg Holding SÀRL (PRIO Luxembourg) e PRIO Internacional Ltda. (PRIO Internacional e, em conjunto com a PRIO Luxembourg, as Compradoras), da Sinochem Petróleo Brasil Ltda. (SPBL ou Empresa-Alvo) atualmente parte do Grupo Sinochem (a Operação) .Aquisição de controle0600-0/01 – Extração de Petróleo e Gás NaturalSumário03/10/2024
08700.007338/2024-92GSH Corp Participações S.A.; HVB PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A.A Operação consiste em aumento de participação societária e consolidação de controle a partir da aquisição de ações, pela GSH junto à HVB, representativas do capital social do Liac. Não decorrem da Operação efetivas e/ou potenciais sobreposições horizontais e integrações verticais, nem mesmo reforços em tal sentido, uma vez que as relações entre o Grupo GSH e o Grupo RDSL, de um lado, e o Liac, do outro lado, são cativas e/ou pré-existentes. A Operação é pró-competitiva.Consolidação de controle Sumário03/10/2024
08700.007318/2024-11XSYS Germany Holding GmbH; MacDermid Graphics Inc.; MacDermid Graphics Solutions Europe SASA Operação Proposta consiste na aquisição da MacDermid Graphics Inc. e da MacDermid Graphics Solutions Europe SAS, em conjunto com suas subsidiárias diretas e indiretas e determinados ativos detidos por outras afiliadas da MacDermid, Incorporated compreendendo o negócio da MacDermid Graphic Solutions, detido por Element Solutions Inc, por uma ou mais afiliadas da XSYS Germany Holding GmbH.Aquisição de controleComércio atacadista de máquinas e equipamentos para uso industrial; partes e peças (CNAE 4663-0/00)Ordinário03/10/2024
Fonte: CADE

Elaboração: WebAdvocacy – Direito e Economia



Este é um informativo diário que traz para o(a) leitor (a) notícias e casos de defesa da concorrência das principais jurisdições antitruste do mundo (CADE, FTC, Comissão Europeia, CMA etc).


A Concorrência pelo Mundo desta quarta-feira apresenta como destaques a abertura da consulta da Japan Fair Trade Commission – JFTC para obter informações e comentários a respeito dos problemas existentes entre a inteligência artificial generativa e a concorrência, o discurso de Martin Coleman no King’s College London a respeito relação entre o controle de estruturas e política pública e o movimento de fusões e aquisições no Brasil e no mundo.

A JFTC disponibilizou um Texto para Discussão (Generative AI and Competition), cujo objetivo é o de apresentar as questões potenciais que envolvem a IA generativa e a competição para gerar reflexão e comentários do mercado como um todo, visto que a IA generativa pode gerar restrição de acesso e exclusão de concorrentes.

Em termos de controle de concentrações no Brasil, vale destacar o ingresso de duas operações na Superintendência-Geral do CADE – SG: AC nº 08700.007317/2024-77 (Requerentes: DSV A/S e Schenker Aktiengesellschaft) e AC nº 08700.007316/2024-22 (Requerentes: IBBA Industria Brasileira de Bombas Automotivas S/A e Mercedes Benz do Brasil Ltda.). Ambas as operações estão sendo analisadas por rito sumário.

No mundo, os destaques ficam por conta da análise da operação SHS/NEGOCIO DE IMAGENOLOGÍA MEDIANTE RADIOLIGANDOS DE NOVARTIS por parte da CNMC (autoridade espanhola da concorrência) e da análise da operação de aquisição das empresas Calao 59, Calao 119, Calao 167 e Calao 202 pela empresa Sofiben com a empresa ITM Entreprises por parte da Autorité de la Concurrence (autoridade francesa de defesa da concorrência).


Requests for Information and Comments Concerning Generative AI and Competition

October 2, 2024
Japan Fair Trade Commission

In recent years, generative AI technology has rapidly advanced, leading to significant market growth. While this technology offers numerous benefits to the economy and society, it also raises potential competition concerns in certain business activities. To address these issues, the Japan Fair Trade Commission (hereinafter referred to as the ‘JFTC’) has initiated research to understand the dynamics of the fast-evolving generative AI market, both domestically and internationally in order for generative AI to be properly integrated into the economy and society. Today, the JFTC is releasing a discussion paper titled “Generative AI and Competition” and invites stakeholders to provide information and comments as outlined below.

1. Subject of the request for information and comments

“Generative AI and Competition”

2. Submission of information and comments

    Fill in your affiliation (the company or association to which you belong) or occupation, address, name (if you submit your information and comments on behalf of your organization, we request you identify the name of the organization’s representative, the location of the main office, the name of the corporation or association, and the name of the liaison person submitting the information or comments) and contact information (telephone number and/or e-mail address) on the comment sheet*1 in Japanese or any other language(with a Japanese translation)*2 for its submission*3.
*1 You may also submit your application by e-mail or postal mail without using the comment sheet. Please write the same information as described above (your affiliation or occupation, address, name (note details above if you’re representing your organization), contact information (telephone number and/or e-mail address) and question numbers corresponding to the information and comments you write. Note that submitting information and comments via telephone calls is not accepted.*2 Submissions in any languages is acceptable as long as a Japanese translation is attached.*3 If there are any materials (all formats are accepted.) that supplement your information and comments, please attach them.

[Address for submissions]

(Replace “_○_” with “@”, when sending the-mail.)

<Postal mail>
Market Study Section,
Office of Policy Planning and Research for Digital Markets,
General Affairs Division, Economic Affairs Bureau,
Japan Fair Trade Commission
1-1-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8987
(Please note that we cannot return your mailed items once we receive them.)

[Due date]

November 22, 2024, no later than 6 p.m. (GMT+9)

3. Privacy policy

    Information and comments provided will be used as a reference for future discussions on generative AI within the JFTC.
    The JFTC requests your identification and contact information (above) for communication purposes in the case that any clarifications are needed regarding the information and comments you provide.
    The JFTC may make public certain information regarding respondents (name, occupation or industry you represent) and the comments you provide. Names of individuals who submit comments not representing any organization will not be made public. In the case of corporations and associations wishing to remain anonymous, please indicate as such. If you do not wish for the contents of your information and comments to be made public, please specify which part(s) and the reason(s) why.
    The JFTC will not offer individual responses to information and comments. Any information and comments submitted after the submission period or unrelated to the purpose of this request for information and comments may not be considered or taken into account.

*This announcement is a tentative translation. Please refer to the original text written in Japanese for more details.

Requests for Information and Comments Concerning Generative AI and Competition (PDF:95KB)

Generative AI and Competition (Discussion Paper) (PDF:4.7MB)

Generative AI and Competition (Discussion Paper) Summary (PDF:5.1MB)

Comment Sheet


Merger control and public policy

A speech by Martin Coleman, Non-Executive Director and Panel Chair of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), at King’s College London.

From: Competition and Markets Authority and Martin Coleman

Published 2 October 2024

Location: King’s College London

Delivered on: 23 September 2024 (Speaker’s notes, may differ from delivered version)

Martin Coleman

My family and friends do not always show a day-to-day interest in my decision-making role in the UK’s merger control regime.

In 2021, I was not asked – over Sunday lunch – to explain the competition concerns I had about the merger of two suppliers of technology for pensions administration. Important though it was for the millions of people with pensions and other investments.

Nor, in 2022, did my mobile light-up when I chaired a group which cleared the London Stock Exchange’s acquisition of Quantile – a provider of ‘portfolio compression and margin optimisation services’.

A year may go by where merger control decisions are not of any great interest to anyone other than those directly affected by the deal and the specialist competition community, notwithstanding their importance for consumers and the wider economy.

2023 was not such a year. As chair of the inquiry group which prohibited Microsoft’s original deal to acquire Activision, I was aware of the considerable degree of interest from the media, the business community and even some of the general public. This year, it is the proposed merger between Vodafone and Three (in which I have no decision-making role) which is attracting attention.

Microsoft / Activision and Vodafone /Three sit alongside transactions such as Sainsburys / Asda, Kraft / Cadbury, Melrose / GKN and Pfizer’s attempted take-over of Astra Zeneca, as mergers triggering some degree of public debate.

While merger reviews generally may not be at the forefront of public awareness (one does not see merger control feature in opinion pollsters’ lists of major public concerns!) these cases, high profile or not, have an impact on issues that the public certainly do care about such as the cost-of-living and economic growth. That is where the CMA comes in – our job, given to us by Parliament – is to apply statutory tests, and use our skills and capabilities, to defend key economic interests.

Explaining the value of merger control

Given our important public functions and the significant powers we have to fulfil them, it is right that we are ready to explain our work, and the interests it serves. For some parts of the competition regime, the public impact of what we do needs little explanation. Most people understand that businesses meeting in secret to fix prices are – as Adam Smith put it – a ‘conspiracy against the public’. It is not hard to see that public wellbeing is served by vigorous enforcement.

Explaining how merger control contributes to the wider consumer good and economic prosperity is more complex. Partly, because M&A is a fairly standard business activity; it is widespread, usually transparent, and can produce a variety of benefits including a more efficient allocation of capital across the economy as a whole. So when we look at a merger, we are intervening in what would normally be considered an area of commercial autonomy.

A merger might affect investment, growth, resilience, national security, employment, regional development or how the UK is perceived internationally. Mergers can hold promise for, or raise concerns about, any one of these issues. And certainly, parties to a merger will make strong claims for the benefits it will bring.

Labour’s 2024 election manifesto stated that “sustained economic growth is the only route to improving the prosperity of our country and the living standards of working people” [Footnote 1]. Rachel Reeves, in her first speech as Chancellor, said that the new government would “get Britain’s economy growing again” and that there was “no time to waste” [Footnote 2]. It is therefore opportune to ask how competition policy, and in particular merger control, contributes to this growth mission.

For much of the last 45 years, competition policy was a core element of economic policy, with the belief that strong competition enforcement would support productivity, growth and innovation. While other policy instruments were employed to support specific sectors of the economy or places within the UK, these were considered to be complementary to competition policy.

Recent developments – the pandemic, the Ukraine war, advances in technology, increasing focus on climate change, the cost-of-living crisis, and the rise of populist movements sceptical about the benefits of free trade – have prompted debate about whether a more interventionist industrial strategy is needed to protect, shape and grow domestic markets. And, as I mentioned, the new government is committed to developing such a strategy. The UK is not alone in this – commentators have observed what has been described as “a global renaissance of industrial policy”[Footnote 3]. Mario Draghi’s report on the future of European competitiveness is the most recent contribution to this debate [Footnote 4].

Many of the measures governments may consider under the banner of industrial policy – such as skills and training, investment in infrastructure and support for research and development – can be part of a coherent framework with competition policy. Competition authorities can contribute positively to the success of these policies by giving advice and, where necessary, undertaking investigations and enforcement activity to ensure the effective working of markets, as we did recently in our market studies on electric vehicle charging and housebuilding. Indeed, the UK’s markets regime means that the CMA is exceptionally well equipped to support cross-government, mission led industrial policy; and we are seeing a lot of interest in our cutting-edge market investigation system from other countries keen to better connect competition policy to broader economic objectives.

The role of merger control in supporting national economic missions is perhaps more subtle but equally important. I propose, in the rest of this lecture, to discuss how merger control contributes to policies that support a growing, innovative and resilient economy and the impact of effective merger control on businesses in the UK. I shall consider whether we intervene too much and why we are interested in mergers between non-UK companies. Finally, I shall talk about how we are held to account for our activities.

But first, a caveat. As a competition specialist there is a risk that one sees the entire world through the prism of competition policy. We should not understate the significance of competition policy in driving economic growth, but other policies such as monetary and fiscal policy and trade are critical and there are sectors of the economy that may require more direct government support for markets to thrive. And there are aspects of our national life, such as health and education, which affect economic growth but where market forces will always be subsidiary to other important public goals.

That said, given the extensive academic and historical evidence, it is difficult to see how a productive, growing and innovative economy can be built and sustained without competition policy, including merger control, being an important element in the mix. This is one of the reasons we set up a Microeconomics Unit to conduct economic research focusing on issues of competition, innovation and productivity to support growth in the UK economy.

Why focus on competition?

In our day-to-day work, we apply the test that is enshrined in law – whether a proposed merger may give rise to a substantial lessening of competition and what any reduction of competition might mean for consumers. We consider the potential impact of the merger on the prices consumers might pay, the quality of goods and services they may receive and how they might benefit from innovation.

Although the regime is centred around protecting the competitive process in markets impacted by specific transactions, it has a benefit for the UK economy that is broader, because competition is a major driver of productivity, growth and innovation in the economy as a whole.

The importance of competition for the economy was at the core of the reforms that established the modern merger control regime in 2002. The Blair government policy proposal that formed the basis of the legislation said: “Vigorous competition between firms is the lifeblood of strong and effective markets. Competition helps consumers get a good deal. It encourages firms to innovate by reducing slack, putting downward pressure on costs and providing incentives for the efficient organisation of production. As such, competition is a central driver for productivity growth in the economy, and hence the UK’s international competitiveness” [Footnote 5].

So while we apply micro-economic analysis centred on a specific transaction, and what it might mean for competition in affected markets and relevant consumers, the system as a whole has important macro-economic consequences for all people in the UK, businesses and the wider economy.

This critical linkage between decisions on individual mergers and wider benefits to people, businesses and the economy is sometimes overlooked, so let me give an illustration. We recently carried out work in the groceries market as part of our efforts to support consumers and help contain cost-of-living pressures. While we identified some concerns, we found that high price inflation for groceries did not appear to have been driven at an aggregate level by weak competition between retailers. UK consumers benefit from a relatively competitive supermarket sector. That is thanks – in part – to merger control, and the CMA’s decision to prohibit the proposed merger between Sainsbury’s and Asda in 2019 which we said at the time would lead to increased prices, reduced quality and choice of products for all UK shoppers.

This impact of merger control on the price consumers pay is measurable. We estimate that our decisions on mergers have saved consumers £685 million per year, over the last 3 years. But this is just the direct effect of merger control. What is less measurable, but of broader significance, is the indirect impact on productivity, growth and innovation in the economy as a whole.

Productivity and growth

The link between improved productivity and economic growth is well recognised, recent IMF research concluded that reforms that enhance productivity, including actions to enhance market competition, are key for reviving growth in the medium term.

Competition contributes towards productivity in 3 ways: First, more competitive markets dynamically allocate resources to the most productive and innovative firms. Better firms enter and succeed while the worst firms fail and exit. Second, competition is a disciplining device placing pressure on managers to become more efficient, and third competition drives innovation, not just in new products but in more effective ways of doing business.

In this way competition forces everyone to do better and separates winners from losers – and as a consequence resources get reallocated to more productive purposes.

For many of us, that will be intuitively matched by our own working experience. I know from my time in law firm leadership that the global growth of UK law firms and service innovation reflects the pressure to keep up with, and outdo, competitors, driven by the demands of clients who can choose between rival firms. Firms who manage this process well thrive and expand, others contract and decline.

This is supported by strong empirical evidence. Within-country studies demonstrate a positive relationship between the strength of competition and productivity growth across sectors and cross-country studies suggest that countries with lower levels of product market regulation, enabling stronger competition, tend to have higher levels of productivity growth.

This is not to imply that market regulation is a bad thing. In some markets it is an essential protection and contributes to ensuring fair competition between reputable businesses. The point is that there may sometimes be a trade-off between the extent of protection, and competition and growth.

The focus of merger control is not on targeting productivity directly but on preserving competition itself, measured by benefits to consumers in the form of lower prices, better quality and more innovation. However, the literature strongly suggests that if merger control is effective “in its own terms” in keeping or making markets more competitive, it will also promote productivity.

When we prohibit an anti-competitive merger there is an obvious direct consequence for competition in the affected sector. Effective enforcement also helps ensure that firms which are considering mergers have in mind the potential impact of their transaction on consumers and innovation. In this way merger control boosts competition across the economy and, as the evidence indicates, competition supports productivity. So, merger control at the level of the individual firm is likely to culminate in the improvement of economy-wide measures of performance such as GDP, employment, prices and aggregate productivity [Footnote 6].


Helping to ensure competitive pricing is a major function of merger control, no more so than at a time of cost-of-living pressure. Protecting innovation is just as important [Footnote 7]. Economic growth is, after all, more likely to be driven by innovation than by ensuring that prices are closer to marginal costs.

The competitive process incentivises firms to invest in developing products and services to better meet consumer needs: new medicines, diverse forms of entertainment, improved transportation, energy efficient products, more effective production processes and better communication networks, to name but a few.

Two sectors in which the UK has great global strength are life sciences and technology – high growth and high productivity parts of our economy in which innovation is critical to success and where merger control has a role to play in protecting the innovative process and ensuring that the fruits of the process are available to consumers.

Let me describe 3 ways in which a merger might undermine competition in innovation:

  • a merger might involve a loss of ‘static competition’, as where two pharma companies supplying similar drugs, decide to merge
  • a merger might involve a loss of ‘future competition’, where one pharma company buys up another which had been about to launch a similar drug
  • and then there is ‘dynamic competition’. A pharma company looks over its corporate shoulder and sees another company developing a new generation of drugs. It may not know precisely what competitors are doing but knows that they are doing something that may well affect it down the road. If the incumbent wants to maintain its position it will be strongly incentivised to make investments. A process summed up by Andy Grove, the founder of Intel: ‘Only the paranoid survive’. That rivalry – over investments in future products or processes – is ‘dynamic competition’. It could be lost if the two companies merge

There would not be much disagreement that, depending on the circumstances, the loss of static or future competition could adversely affect innovation or the price and terms on which innovative products are made available to consumers.

But dynamic competition is also core to an enterprise driven economy. Dynamic dimensions of competition fundamentally impact product and process innovations, capital investment, R&D and decisions to enter or exit a market.

Today’s incumbents may have been yesterday’s challengers and will have achieved their strong market position through successful innovation. And it would be a mistake to believe that incumbents stop innovating, albeit that this is usually incremental change rather than more disruptive innovation. Some of the most significant and impactful changes come from challengers outside of the largest companies. And we know that the threat from these challengers can spur further innovation by incumbents.

There is research that suggests that the relationship between competition and innovation is an ‘inverted-U’: moderately competitive markets are likely to be the most innovative, while monopoly markets innovate less as do highly competitive markets [Footnote 8]. So in technology markets, many of which are highly concentrated, more competition will drive more innovation as we are on the upward sloping part of the inverted-U. A merger that eliminates a potential innovator could, depending on the circumstances, be particularly harmful to innovation in such markets. Other more recent studies indicate a strong positive relationship between the stringency of competition laws and innovation [Footnote 9].

These models are interesting context for our focus on innovation, though in our everyday work we are fact specific and evidence based considering the circumstances of each case.

This is not about protecting specific businesses, but the competitive process. The innovator may be the challenger, the incumbent or both.

It is not the job of competition authorities to pick winners by seeking to identify what potential innovations might succeed. Our role is to ensure that a structural change in a market does not reduce competition to the detriment of the innovation process. Our function may be compared to that of a car mechanic whose job is to make sure that a vehicle works – the mechanic, having done their job, has no role in deciding what the vehicle is used for or where it goes, that is up to the driver.

A merger might support innovation, for example the merged business might be able to deploy resources, such as complementary R&D assets, to make investments that will benefit consumers that would not be possible for the individual businesses concerned. This is very much fact specific requiring a proper assessment of the relevant evidence.

Innovation across a market may mean that an otherwise problematic merger will not give rise to competition concerns. Last year we cleared the proposed merger between Viasat and Inmarsat, close competitors in the supply of satellite connectivity. We found that the satellite communications sector is evolving at rapid pace – new companies entering the market, more satellites being launched, and firms entering into new commercial deals. These developments would ensure that consumers, and the economy, would continue to benefit from strong competition [Footnote 10].

Start-ups and innovation

Start-ups, by their disruptive nature and ability to take on more risks, play a vital role in supporting the transformative innovation needed to contribute to economic growth and address wider social and economic challenges [Footnote 11]. The ability of start-ups to scale up is particularly important. A House of Lords report on the life sciences sector notes, “the real economic value comes not from funding start-ups but from enabling scale-up” [Footnote 12]. It is well documented that UK start-ups across a range of sectors are struggling to reach commercial scale, and when they do are often being merged into international corporations [Footnote 13].

There are real challenges for scaling up in the UK that the investment community, and the companies they back, talk about regularly. These include talent and skills, infrastructure and planning, energy costs, taxation, access to capital and, until very recently, aspects of the London Stock Exchange listing rules. The UK finance sector’s appetite for risk overall is a major concern for them. These are all issues which limit the viability or attractiveness of organic growth or a UK listing which place promising companies under pressure to sell out when there may be better alternatives for them, and the UK economy.

A concern that has occasionally been raised is whether the prospect of a future merger being prohibited under the merger control process might deter investment in start-ups by making it difficult for investors to eventually sell to incumbents.

In reality, the likelihood of a prohibition of such a sale is very small indeed. Of the 50,000 or so reported deals each year, on average we prohibit about 2 or 3 mergers, with perhaps another 2 or 3 being abandoned when referred to a phase 2 inquiry. Last year, we prohibited one. We have never prohibited the acquisition of a UK start up by a large tech company. This is not to say we never would and a new jurisdictional threshold under the Digital Markets Competition and Consumers Act will bring a small additional number of such acquisitions within our scope. But, if we were to prohibit such a merger, it would be because of good evidence that the merger would undermine competition in the UK and, in the context of the acquisition of a growing start-up, such concerns might centre on the prospect of the acquisition reducing the incentive to innovate. The likelihood of that happening is no greater than other major jurisdictions and we have seen in recent months, examples of technology mergers cleared in the UK but found to be detrimental to competition in other jurisdictions, for example, the proposed acquisition of Roomba by Amazon.

It is also important to bear in mind that, in the small number of cases where a merger is blocked, we are only prohibiting the sale of the business to a specific purchaser – one who might, among other things, inhibit further innovation. It is not a blanket prohibition on the sale of the business, so investors are able to recoup their investment elsewhere. And that is what happens in many cases. In 2020 we prohibited the purchase of Farelogix, an innovative challenger, by the incumbent Sabre. Farelogix was subsequently sold to Accelya, a leading provider of technology solutions to the global airline and travel industry. The Farelogix CEO said that the acquisition would enable the company to deliver ‘essential, pro-airline solutions needed by our current and future airline customers’.

Merger control and a resilient economy

Another context in which competition authorities should think ahead is where a merger might impact market resilience. Economic security in most cases is likely to be enhanced by ensuring multiple sources of supply rather than having to rely on monopolies or oligopolies. Bigger is not necessarily better and concentrated economic power, as well as reducing dynamism and innovation, can lead to excessive dependence on a few players, creating systemic risks – not least at times of economic vulnerability – resulting in supply shortages and higher prices.

Consider what happened to the semiconductor supply chain in 2021 when a series of events caused the shutdown of plants of two key suppliers in a highly concentrated sector. Car manufacturers missed production targets and chip shortages caused supply problems for a range of goods from electronics to medical devices to technology and networking equipment.

Robust merger control, which prevents excessive concentration of market power, and protects growing businesses, can be an important contribution to ensuring resilience. An example of where, most would now agree, competition authorities could have done a better job in ensuring future resilience is the market for statutory audit services. Before 1987, there were eight large international audit firms in the UK. That number fell to four following a series of mergers between 1987 and 2002 which were cleared by the European Commission with little, if any, consideration of resilience with the result that we are now highly dependent on a small number of firms, In fact rules around conflicts of interest and “rotation” of audit providers mean that, in practice, there may be two or fewer firms available to choose in particular cases. A CMA working paper concluded that this meant that: “not only is there little real choice, but the current setup is also a threat to the resilience of the system. The Big Four are too few to fail” [Footnote 14].

The business perspective

As someone who spent most of their career advising clients in private practice, I appreciate how strongly merging parties can feel about the merits of a transaction. Businesses do not embark on a proposed merger lightly. Merger processes are time consuming, resource intensive, may carry reputational risks and can be a distraction from other business activities.

Parties to a merger believe it will give rise to shareholder value, and in the vast majority of cases they are free to follow their commercial interests, But in a handful of instances the merger will have consequences for the broader public interest in an effective competitive process and, on those occasions, it is our statutory responsibility to protect the consumer interest.

While parties to a prohibited merger will have strong views, and it is important that we take these into account, there are often also other opinions. Where a merger is potentially problematic, other businesses – competitors, challengers, suppliers, purchasers – will often have concerns about the impact of the merger on competition. Consumer groups, unions, sometimes customers, will also have a perspective. Our job is to listen to all opinions and conduct an independent analysis.

The diversity and strength of views is part of why it is important that these decisions are made on robust evidence and established principles, and subject to judicial oversight. As an independent agency, we are well placed to decide cases on their merits regardless of any surrounding noise. And we know from our continuing engagement with the investment community that, though there may be strong views about a particular deal in the heat of a transaction, overall the impartiality, certainty and transparency of the UK process is a powerful attraction to investing in the UK and stands up well to global comparisons.

Even in the small proportion of mergers where there might be concerns that the merger will significantly reduce competition, we carefully consider the potential for efficiencies to influence that assessment. A merger could result in an economy of scale. It could bring together complementary assets or skills. It might enable lower costs, facilitate investment in parts of the economy, or unlock innovation that can help drive competition in the market. In other words, the merged entity might be a more able competitor, and this is good for both competition and the parties to the merger. It is perhaps not sufficiently widely known or understood that the UK merger process caters for the weighing up of all these considerations.

But crucially, improvements in a merged entity’s ability to compete need to be matched by its incentives to do so. This is where our responsibility to promote competition for the benefit of consumers comes in. Consumers will not benefit from, for example, an economy of scale, unless the merged entity has the incentives to use that advantage to compete more vigorously, through lower prices, higher quality, stronger innovation. Efficiencies need to enhance rivalry in a way that counteracts any restriction of competition. This is reflected in the CMA’s statutory remit, we: ‘must seek to promote competition … for the benefit of consumers’ [Footnote 15]. Our merger assessment guidelines state at the very beginning that the welfare of consumers is at the heart of our role in merger control.

This approach to considering efficiencies is illustrated by the recent provisional findings in the Vodafone / Three merger inquiry where the independent group assessed the investment the companies say they will make in enhancing network quality and boosting 5G connectivity and weighed the extent of any likely and timely efficiencies against the significant costs to customers and rival virtual networks that were provisionally identified. The Group is now considering how Vodafone and Three might address its provisional concerns about the likely impact of the merger on retail and wholesale customers while securing the potential longer-term benefits that may result from the merger, including by guaranteeing future network investments.

Levels of intervention

Because merger control involves a government agency intervening in the operation of capital markets, it is legitimate to ask whether the extent of that intervention is proportionate. In a market economy, such interventions should be exceptions not the rule.

There are two ways of evaluating this for the UK. The first is quantitative. Is the CMA in fact reviewing more cases at phase 2, or prohibiting more mergers, than previously, and how do we compare to other jurisdictions? And the second is qualitative, are we intervening in mergers which we should be leaving alone or not intervening where we should?

Unlike most jurisdictions, the UK merger control system is voluntary – companies do not need to notify their mergers to us. So the regulatory process – in terms of burden on businesses – reflects the level of potential concern. This compares to mandatory regimes where the requirement to notify often depends on turnover based thresholds regardless of whether a merger gives rise to potential issues.

The number of detailed phase 2 investigations and prohibitions in any year will depend on what deals are done, so we do see fluctuations year-on-year. However, the absolute numbers are low. In each of the last ten years fewer than 15 mergers were investigated at phase 2 and no more than 3 were prohibited in any year. There is also not a general trend towards greater intervention – the numbers go up in some years and down in others.

As I mentioned earlier, in the last financial year, out of about 50,000 global M&A deals, 54 were subject to an initial UK phase 1 investigation. Of the 54, 3 were referred to a detailed phase 2 review and of these two were cleared and one was abandoned.

And how do we compare to other authorities? Are we more likely to find concerns than the European Commission, for example?

We need to be careful making comparisons given that the impact of a merger may not be the same across jurisdictions. The European Commission formally reviews many more mergers than we do, in part because it is a mandatory regime. Also, the EU has a dual system of merger control – some mergers are reviewed by the Commission and others by national competition authorities – so looking at the Commission alone does not give a proper comparison between the UK and the EU as a whole.

We may compare the 54 phase 1 investigations in the UK last year with approximately 266 investigations opened in France in 2023 [Footnote 16] and approximately 800 investigations opened in Germany [Footnote 17]. European Commission cases were on top of these.

If we look just at interventions and – for comparability – mergers that both we and the Commission investigate, the figures do not suggest we are more interventionist. If we focus on the 11 mergers that the CMA and European Commission reviewed in parallel in 2023: Both agencies cleared six mergers at phase 1 and both cleared 4 of the 5 that each referred to phase 2 [Footnote 18].

One must hope these numbers give confidence and reassurance to parties considering a business opportunity which touches on UK markets. But a focus on the numbers risks obscuring the more important question, which is whether our interventions are properly justified. The context in which we operate is not static. Since 2021, we have had responsibility for a wider range of mergers than in the past because of our exit from the EU. And those mergers are more complex (not least because of the rise of digital, technology and particularly AI), so one might have anticipated that there would be a higher number of phase 2 investigations, though this in fact has not been the case.

We are a learning organisation and we continually look at past cases to try and glean, with the benefit of hindsight, how we can do better. We commission independent reviews of past merger decisions, and these have led to our gaining a better understanding of how we might approach topics such as barriers to entrydigital markets and vertical mergers.

We also look at what other competition authorities are doing and how well it is working; we consider academic research and the views of stakeholders including law firms and economic consultancies and we have frequent dialogue with businesses, consumer groups and public bodies.

So, where we have evolved our approach, this is the result of looking at hard evidence and assessing how we could make better decisions.

The CMA’s jurisdiction

The openness of the UK economy to international investment, and the huge importance of global businesses, imports and international supply chains for the UK mean that a merger between two non-UK companies can have a material effect on UK markets, and real consequences for UK businesses and consumers, even if the merger may affect other markets too. Key parts of the UK economy and UK consumer spending are controlled in whole or part by foreign businesses – technology, motor vehicles, energy, fuel, air transport, food. I could go on.

If we were to confine our consideration to mergers only involving UK headquartered or domiciled companies, we would be leaving UK competitors, suppliers and customers of non-UK merging businesses with operations or sales in the UK defenceless against global mergers that could have a significant impact on their costs, choices, prices and quality.

This is why Parliament entrusted the CMA ‘to promote competition, both within and outside the United Kingdom, for the benefit of consumers’ [Footnote 19]. The question we are required to address when considering a merger is will it result in a substantial lessening of competition in a UK market [Footnote 20], that is regardless of whether the merger is within the UK or elsewhere.

A number of the mergers we review are also of interest to other competition authorities and we understand the value to business and the economy of joined up thinking when that is possible. An aspect of running an efficient process includes cooperation with other authorities and our experience is that it is generally beneficial to have open channels of communication [Footnote 21].

Nevertheless there are a few occasions, for example because market circumstances diverge or the evidence base differs, where different authorities reach different conclusions on the same case. Such cases are uncommon. For me the really significant thing about global merger control is not the small number of cases where there is divergence, important as these are, but the fact that for the vast majority of mergers there is no divergence at all. There can be few other areas of international decision-making where countries across the world with different legal systems, economies and cultures align so often around a common set of economic principles to ensure consistent outcomes.

Accountability and predictability

I have described how competition policy is an important contributor to consumer welfare and economic growth. So how do we reconcile the independence of our process and decision-making from government with these significant contributions to national policy? First, we operate under a mandate given to us by Parliament and we work within this statutory framework. This includes the focus on consumer interests. Second, our merger control work is subject to review by a judicial body, the Competition Appeal Tribunal, which ensures that we operate fairly and within our statutory powers. Third, at a policy level (though not in individual cases) government gives a steer which we take into account. Fourth, we regularly appear before parliamentary committees to explain what we do and answer questions and, as our responsibilities have grown, we have proactively ramped up this activity, last year appearing at more parliamentary committees across the UK than ever before.

In addition to these higher-level accountabilities, it is important that the quality of work on individual cases and the processes we follow gives parties confidence in the fairness of the system. We seek through this process to ensure that practical judgements can be made within a clearly understood legal and economic framework. Predictability of the principles we apply is itself an important contributor to ensuring business and public trust. Businesses and their advisers are given certainty over the metric against which transactions will be assessed. Decisions against that metric are driven by analysis of the evidence, and we minimise the trading-off of different objectives with the unpredictability that involves.

Confidence in the system comes not just from the test we apply, but also from who applies it, particularly in the small minority of mergers which are ‘hard cases’ – where the application of established principles does not give certainty as to the possible outcome.

It is an unusual feature of the UK regime that there is a ‘hard-wiring’ of independence into the system. Decisions on phase 2 mergers are not made by the CMA’s staff, nor by the CMA’s Board but by members of an independent panel of experts, which I chair.

Alongside independence, the panel adds to the system deep expertise and experience in a number of disciplines from outside the competition authority, and outside the narrow community of competition lawyers and economists. This includes hard-headed senior business people, the professions including law (not just competition law) and accountancy, academia and consumer advocacy, as well as competition policy.

The process is highly transparent. Parties have extensive opportunities to make written representations and we have recently revamped our phase two procedures to allow for more direct interaction with the decision-making group; more opportunities for parties to state their case orally and to facilitate earlier discussion of potential remedies.


I have explained how a system of merger control focussed on protecting competition in the consumer interest adapts and develops to reflect changing circumstances and learning from experience, most recently enabling us to better address concerns about dynamic competition and market power in digital markets. I have described how the system supports productivity, innovation and growth in the economy, within a fair and proportionate framework.

No system is perfect and there are always refinements that can be made to reflect changing policy objectives, such as the recent introduction in the UK of broader national security scrutiny of mergers.

Our focus in our casework continues to be on our statutory responsibility to address mergers than may substantially reduce competition in the UK to the detriment of UK consumers. We do that on a case specific basis. In fulfilling that duty we are not only benefitting consumers in the markets affected but contributing to the vibrancy, efficiency, productivity and growth of the UK economy,


Footnote 1: Labour Party manifesto 2024, June 2024, p 13.

Footnote 2: HM Treasury, ‘Chancellor Rachel Reeves is taking immediate action to fix the foundations of our economy’, 8 July 2024.

Footnote 3: Réka Juhász and Nathan Lane, A New Economics of Industrial Policy, Finance and Development, IMF, June 2024.

Footnote 4: The future of European competitiveness – A competitiveness strategy for Europe, European Commission, September 2024.

Footnote 5: A World Class Competition Regime, Cmd 5233, July 2001, para 1.1.

Footnote 6: Modelling the macroeconomic impact of competition policy, European Commission, 2022.

Footnote 7: Gürkaynak, Innovation Paradox in Merger Control, Concurrences, 2023.

Footnote 8: Aghion, P., Bloom, N., Blundell, R., Griffith, R., & Howitt, P. (2005). Competition and Innovation: an Inverted-U Relationship. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 120(2), 701-728.

Footnote 9: Ross Levine, Chen Lin, Lai Wei, and Wensi Xie, Competition Laws and Corporate Innovation; NBER Working Paper No. 27253; May 2020.

Footnote 10: Anticipated acquisition (the Merger) of Inmarsat Group Holdings Limited (Inmarsat) by Viasat, Inc (Viasat), CMA, 9 May 2023.

Footnote 11: The Role of Regulation in Supporting Scaling-up The Regulatory Horizons Council, January 2024.

Footnote 12: House of Lord Science and Technology Committee (2017): Life Sciences Industrial Strategy: Who’s driving the bus?

Footnote 13: Centre for Process Innovation, (2023) Challenges and Opportunities for UK HealthTech Manufacturing Scale-up Report

Footnote 14: Andrea Coscelli and Gavin Thompson, Resilience and Competition Policy: Economics working paper, CMA, March 2022.

Footnote 15: Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013, s25(3).

Footnote 16: Autorité de la Concurrence, Rapport Annuel 2023, p. 22.

Footnote 17: Bundeskartellamt, Jahresbericht 2023/24, p. 9.

Footnote 18: We imposed remedies in two cleared mergers and the EU imposed remedies in 3. We blocked the fifth merger (Microsoft/Activision) although a restructured deal was subsequently cleared at phase 1. For the EU, the fifth merger was abandoned (Amazon/iRobot).

Footnote 19: Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013, s25(3).

Footnote 20: Enterprise Act 2002, s22(1)(b).

Footnote 21: There is also a role for cooperation outside of the confines of a specific case. See for instance the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and Bundeskartellamt’s joint statement on merger control enforcement in 2021: Joint statement on merger control enforcement – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk).

Updates to this page

Published 2 October 2024

Atos de concentração – Ingressos


Ato de concentração nº 08700.007317/2024-77

Requerentes: DSV A/S e Schenker Aktiengesellschaft

Operação: A presente notificação trata da aquisição, pela DSV A/S, da Schenker Aktiengesellschaft, atualmente controlada pela Deutsche Bahn Aktiengesellschaft. Após o fechamento da Operação, a DSV irá deter 100% das ações e o controle unitário da Schenker.

Ato de concentração nº 08700.007316/2024-22

Requerentes: IBBA Industria Brasileira de Bombas Automotivas S/A e Mercedes Benz do Brasil Ltda.

Operação: A Operação refere-se à aquisição, pela IBBA, de determinados ativos industriais que compõem uma unidade industrial, indicados no Memorando de Entendimentos (?Memorando?), para o desenvolvimento e produção, entre outras peças, de Conjuntos Manufaturados e Remanufaturados de Motor e Câmbio para veículos pesados, atualmente de propriedade da MBBras.

Atos de concentração – Decisões



Concentraciones – Adquisición control exclusivo


Resolución del Consejo – Autorización en 1ª fase | 30 Sep 2024

Autorité de la Concurrence

Secteur(s) :

relative à la prise de contrôle conjoint des sociétés Calao 59, Calao 119, Calao 167 et Calao 202 par la société Sofiben aux côtés de la société ITM Entreprises

Décision de contrôle des concentrations|

Publication du sens de la décision le : 01 octobre 2024



Este é um informativo diário que traz para o(a) leitor (a) notícias e casos de defesa da concorrência das principais jurisdições antitruste do mundo (CADE, FTC, Comissão Europeia, CMA etc).


Nesta terça-feira, os destaques da concorrência pelo mundo ficam por conta da aprovação pela Comissão Europeia da operação de aquisição da Kinetics Holding GmbH pela Exyte GmbH e da investigação realizada pela CMA (autoridade britânica da concorrência) a respeito do Atlantic Joint Business Agreement entre a American Airlines, empresas do Grupo International Consolidated Airlines (British Airways, Iberia and Aer Lingus) e Finnair à luz do Capítulo I do CA 98.

Com relação ao caso Kinetics/Exyte, a Comissão Europeia apresentou as seguintes justificativas para a aprovação, entendendo não haver preocupações concorrenciais para a Área Econômica Europeia:

  • Os produtos e serviços oferecidos pela Kinetics nos mercados de serviços de instalação, sistemas de fornecimento de mídia e/ou serviços de gerenciamento de instalações técnicas não são exclusivos e são oferecidos por vários players de mercado alternativos;
  • Os fornecedores concorrentes de serviços de instalação e sistemas de fornecimento de mídia não dependem da Exyte como seu cliente;
  • Os clientes finais ativos na indústria de fabricação de semicondutores continuariam a exercer um poder de compra compensatório significativo.
  • Os serviços de gerenciamento de instalações técnicas são, se for o caso, subcontratados após a conclusão de uma instalação de fabricação e, portanto, não podem ser agrupados com os serviços gerais de empreiteiros da Exyte.

Para o acordo Atlantic Joint Businesss, a CMA, após a decisão proferida prosseguir com a investigação, irá realizar outras etapas de análise e avaliação das provas no período compreendido entre setembro/24 e janeiro/25. Esse processo foi aberto em outubro de 2018.

No Brasil, vale relatar que operação em que figuram como requerentes a Multiplan Participações S.A., Multiplan Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. e Ontario Inc. foi aprovada pela Superintendência-Geral do CADE – SG por rito sumário por não ter o condão de acarretar prejuízos ao ambiente concorrencial.

Adicionalmente, também vale registrar o ingresso de três atos de concentração e que se encontram em análise na SG, cujas requerentes são: (i) Galápagos Ambiental e Participações Ltda. e Latte Saneamento e Participações S.A.; (ii) Serena Energia S.A.; ODATA BRASIL LTDA.; e (iii) Mix Vali Comércio de Produtos Alimentícios Ltda.; Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição. Todos estes ACs estão sendo analisados por rito sumário.


Cade divulga estudo atualizado sobre serviços portuários no Brasil

Publicação integra a série “Cadernos do Cade” e apresenta novos dados sobre a concorrência no setor portuário

Publicado em 30/09/2024 15h22

Banner - site Cade - 2024 (5).png

OConselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Cade) lançou, nesta segunda-feira (30/9), estudo atualizado sobre “Mercados de Serviços Portuários”. Trata-se do vigésimo primeiro volume da série “Cadernos do Cade”, uma versão revisada de publicação produzida em 2017, que aborda os mercados de serviços portuários. 

A nova edição apresenta um panorama do setor portuário na economia nacional, os aspectos relevantes da regulação setorial e descreve as análises e decisões do Conselho nos processos relativos a atos de concentração e condutas anticompetitivas nesses mercados, para ao final concluir com os aspectos mais relevantes da análise.

O estudo aponta que os portos, que em 2021 foram responsáveis pelo escoamento de 98% das exportações do Brasil e 92% das importações, em termos de volume, são estruturas fundamentais para o bom funcionamento da economia brasileira.

Segundo a publicação, os portos não são estruturas autônomas, fazem parte de uma cadeia logística que inclui transporte rodoviário, ferroviário e aquaviário, terminais de armazenagem e agências de navegação. Além disso, órgãos públicos regulam suas atividades em aspectos como segurança, meio ambiente e alfândega. Assim, a vantagem competitiva de um porto depende não apenas de sua localização e eficiência, mas também de sua integração com os demais elos da cadeia produtiva.

Na edição anterior sobre mercados de serviços portuários, a pesquisa de decisões do Cade abrangia o período de 1999 a 2016. Nesta edição atualizada, acrescentam-se 36 atos de concentração e seis processos administrativos de investigação de condutas julgados até dezembro de 2023, além de atualizações sobre estatísticas e regulação do mercado.

A economista-chefe Lílian Marques destaca a importância da atualização das publicações institucionais. “A ideia é manter esse procedimento para que as informações sejam sempre uma fonte confiável e atualizada tanto para o público interno quanto externo da atuação do Cade em determinado setor, como é o caso do novo documento publicado sobre serviços portuários”, afirmou.

Cadernos do Cade

Lançada em 2014, a série de estudos “Cadernos do Cade” é produzida pelo Departamento de Estudos Econômicos da autarquia e tem como objetivo consolidar, sistematizar e divulgar a jurisprudência do Cade relativa a um mercado específico, considerando seus aspectos econômicos e concorrenciais.

Na prática, o estudo alinha o Cade à sua missão institucional de contribuir com a geração de conhecimento técnico e prático, bem com a produção acadêmica em assuntos relacionados à defesa da concorrência.

Acesse a íntegra do estudo “Mercados de Serviços Portuários”, edição revista e atualizada. 

Commission approves acquisition of Kinetics by Exyte

Page contents

The European Commission has approved unconditionally, under the EU Merger Regulation, the proposed acquisition of Kinetics Holding GmbH (‘Kinetics‘) by Exyte GmbH (‘Exyte‘). The Commission concluded that the transaction would not raise competition concerns in the European Economic Area (‘EEA’).

Exyte is active globally in the design, engineering, procurement, and construction for high-tech industries such as semiconductors. Kinetics provides design and installation services as well as certain equipment for production plants and laboratories.

The Commission’s investigation

The Commission investigated the impact of the transaction in the EEA markets for services and products for semiconductor and other advanced technology manufacturing facilities.

The Commission found that, by acquiring Kinetics, Exyte would expand its presence and gain scale across the EEA for services and products for semiconductor manufacturers, which include: (i) general contractor services; (ii) certain installation services; (iii) certain equipment, in particular gas and chemical supply systems (‘Media Supply Systems’); and (iv) technical facility management services.  

Exyte’s and Kinetics’ activities on these markets give rise to moderate horizontal overlaps in the markets for the provision of installation services and Media Supply Systems for semiconductor facilities in the EEA, leading to an unproblematic combined position.

The transaction also gives rise to vertical and conglomerate links. The Commission’s investigation notably confirmed that Exyte has a strong market position as a general contractor for semiconductor facilities in the EEA. Nevertheless, the Commission found that the transaction, as notified, would not significantly reduce competition in the relevant markets.

In particular, the Commission found that:

  • The products and services offered by Kinetics in the markets for installation services, Media Supply Systems and/or technical facility management services are not unique and are offered by a number of alternative market players.
  • Competing providers of installation services and Media Supply Systems do not depend on Exyte as their customer.
  • End-customers active in the semiconductor manufacturing industry would continue to exert significant countervailing buyer power.
  • Technical facility management services are, if at all, sub-contracted following the completion of a manufacturing facility and therefore cannot be bundled with Exyte’s general contractor services.

The Commission therefore concluded that the proposed merger would not raise competition concerns in any of the markets examined in the EEA or any substantial part of it and cleared the transaction unconditionally.

Companies and products

Exyte, headquartered in Germany, is active globally in the design, engineering, procurement, and construction for high-tech industries, i.e., for the semiconductor, batteries, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and data centre sectors.

Kinetics, headquartered in Germany, is active in the design and installation services for process, mechanical, plumbing and Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (‘HVAC’) related solutions in the construction of production plants and laboratories, as well as the supply of Media Supply Systems.

Merger control and procedure

The transaction was notified to the Commission on 26 August 2024.

The Commission has the duty to assess mergers and acquisitions involving companies with a turnover above certain thresholds (see Article 1 of the EU Merger Regulation) and to prevent concentrations that would significantly impede effective competition in the EEA or any substantial part of it.

The vast majority of notified mergers do not pose competition problems and are cleared after a routine review. From the moment a transaction is notified, the Commission generally has 25 working days to decide whether to grant approval (Phase I) or to start an in-depth investigation (Phase II).

More information will be available on the Commission’s competition website, in the Commission’s public case register under the case number M.11559.



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Investigation of the Atlantic Joint Business Agreement

The CMA is investigating the Atlantic Joint Business Agreement between American Airlines, members of International Consolidated Airlines Group (British Airways, Iberia and Aer Lingus) and Finnair under Chapter I of the CA98.

From: Competition and Markets Authority

Published11 October 2018Last updated1 October 2024 — See all updates

Case type: CA98 and civil cartels

Case state: Open

Market sector: Transport


  1. Timetable
    1. Outcome of the 2023 slot award process
    2. Decision to issue interim measures and extending remedies until 2026
    3. London-Boston slot awarded in 2021
    4. Decisions not to accept commitments and to issue interim measures
    5. Consultation on commitments
    6. Interim measures application dismissed
    7. Case information
    8. Notes
  2. Contacts


Interim measures directions expireMarch 2026
Investigation continuing: further investigatory steps and assessment of evidenceSeptember 2024 to January 2025
Decision taken to proceed with investigation (further update by September)June 2024
Further investigation: information gathering, including issuance of information requests, CMA analysis and review of information gatheredSeptember 2023 to June 2024
Decision to issue second interim measures, extending remedy period under 2020 interim measure4 April 2022
Decision to issue interim measures directions17 September 2020
Decision not to accept commitments17 September 2020
Consideration of representations received in response to the consultation on commitmentsJune to September 2020
Consultation on commitments proposed by American Airlines and International Consolidated Airlines Group closed4 June 2020
Consultation on commitments proposed by American Airlines and International Consolidated Airlines Group7 May 2020 to 4 June 2020
Discussions with the parties under investigation on proposals for commitmentsDecember 2019 to May 2020
Decision on whether to issue a statement of objectionsWinter 2019/20
CMA analysis of parties’ submissions and assessmentAutumn 2019
Further investigation including analysis of further information requests and submissionsApril to Summer 2019
Decision to proceed with the investigationApril 2019
Initial investigation: information gathering, including issuance of information requests, CMA analysis and review of information gatheredOctober 2018 to March 2019
Investigation opened11 October 2018

Outcome of the 2023 slot award process

30 January 2024: In accordance with the CMA’s Interim Measures Directions issued on 4 April 2022, the CMA has approved the further use of the four available remedy slots by airlines which compete with the AJB airlines, maintaining additional competition whilst the CMA continues its investigation. Following a tender process, Virgin Atlantic Airways has been awarded a daily slot pair to operate services on the London-Boston route for four IATA Seasons commencing in IATA Summer Season 2024. Virgin Atlantic Airways will continue to operate a daily slot pair on the London-Miami route and Delta Air Lines will continue to operate a daily slot pair on each of the London-Dallas (via Atlanta) and London-Boston routes. It is anticipated that all four of the remedy slots will be operated by Virgin Atlantic Airways and Delta Air Lines until the end of IATA Winter season 2025.

Decision to issue interim measures and extending remedies until 2026

4 April 2022: Due to the continued impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on the aviation sector and the fact that material recovery is taking longer than was anticipated in 2020, the CMA wants to ensure that the remedies made available under the 2020 Interim Measures continue to be available for 2 additional years. As a result of these unprecedented circumstances, the CMA is not in a position to complete its investigation in advance of the expiry of the 2020 Interim Measures in March 2024. A tender process will take place in autumn 2023 for the remedy slots for the additional 2 years.

The 2022 Interim Measures issued by the CMA will expire in March 2026, by which time it is expected that the airline sector should be in a more stable position. The CMA plans to complete its investigation and, if appropriate, put in place a longer-term remedy, before the interim measures expire.

London-Boston slot awarded in 2021

22 February 2021: The CMA has approved a Slot Release Agreement which will allow a new competitor, United Airlines, to enter the London-Boston route. The CMA has made this award in accordance with the terms of Clause 3 of the CMA’s Interim Measures Directions issued on 17 September 2020 and following a tender process in Autumn 2020. In that process, United Airlines was awarded a daily slot pair for six IATA Seasons commencing in IATA Summer Season 2021. The CMA understands that United will announce its plans for servicing the route in due course (taking into account the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions).

Decisions not to accept commitments and to issue interim measures

21 September 2020: A Monitoring Trustee has been appointed, in accordance with clause 10 of the Interim Measures Directions. Find more information about the AJBA Monitoring Trustee or contact Justin.Menezes@mazars.co.uk.

17 September 2020: Having considered representations received in response to the May 2020 commitments consultation and as a result of the uncertainty created by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on the aviation sector, the CMA has decided that it would not be appropriate to accept the commitments offered by American Airlines and International Consolidated Airlines Group.

The CMA will not be able to complete its investigation before the expiry of various agreements currently in place pursuant to the Commission’s 2010 commitments. This means that an ‘enforcement gap’ (meaning a situation whereby there are no remedies in place to address the competition issues related to the AJBA) would have arisen if action was not taken urgently on an interim basis. Such an enforcement gap would significantly negatively impact the public interest (i.e. the interests of protecting competition and, by extension, consumers). Accordingly, the CMA has decided to issue interim measures directions.

The interim measures which have been imposed effectively extend the terms of the 2010 Commitments for an additional 3 years until March 2024. Airlines currently operating slots on London to Boston, Dallas and Miami routes pursuant to the 2010 commitments will continue to operate these slots for an additional year, until March 2022.

A tender process will take place in March 2022 for these slots for the remaining two years. A tender process will be undertaken this autumn in relation to a second slot on the London to Boston route.

The interim measures issued by the CMA expire in March 2024, by which time it is expected that the airline sector should be in a more stable position. The CMA plans to complete its investigation and, if appropriate, put in place a longer-term remedy, before the interim measures expire.

Consultation on commitments

7 May 2020: The CMA has published a notice of intention to accept the commitments offered by International Consolidated Airlines Group and American Airlines and invited representations from interested third parties. The CMA is seeking views on the proposed package, but this comes at a time when the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is having a major impact on the aviation sector. In the CMA’s discussions with airlines, they have emphasised the importance of certainty about the future availability of slots, due to the imminent expiry of the 2010 commitments. The CMA is therefore proceeding to market test the proposed package but is also giving additional time for responses if required.

Interim measures application dismissed

30 January 2020: On 4 October 2019, Virgin Atlantic Airways Limited submitted an application to the CMA requesting that the CMA exercise its power to issue an interim measures direction to American Airlines Inc.

The CMA’s final decision not to impose the requested measures was issued to Virgin Atlantic Airways Limited on 10 January 2020. This decision does not have a bearing on the outcome of the CMA’s investigation into the AJBA, which remains ongoing. In the circumstances of this case and in the light of the continuing investigation, the CMA does not intend to publish a summary of its decision at this time.

Case information

On 11 October 2018, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) launched a competition investigation into the Atlantic Joint Business Agreement. In line with the approach of the European Commission when it first investigated the agreement during 2009 to 2010, the investigation is being conducted under the rules on agreements restrictive of competition under the Chapter I prohibition in the Competition Act 1998.

Five airlines are currently signed up to the Atlantic Joint Business Agreement: American Airlines, Aer Lingus, British Airways, Iberia, and Finnair.

Following an investigation under EU competition law, in 2010 the European Commission accepted commitments from the parties in relation to 6 routes to address potential competition concerns: London-Dallas, London-Boston, London-Miami, London-Chicago, London-New York and Madrid-Miami. These included a commitment to make landing and take-off slots available to competitors at either London Heathrow airport or London Gatwick airport. These commitments were binding for 10 years. See the Commission’s Commitments Decision (PDF, 223KB) for more information.

On expiry of the parties’ commitments, in 2020, the European Commission may have re-assessed the agreement, but there was no requirement for it to do so. As 5 of the 6 routes subject to commitments are from the UK, and to prepare for the time when the European Commission will no longer have responsibility for competition in the UK, the CMA decided to review afresh the competitive impact of the agreement in anticipation of the expiry of the commitments.

No assumption should be made that the Atlantic Joint Business Agreement infringes competition law.

Further detail of the CMA’s procedures in Competition Act 1998 cases is available in our guidance.


  • Parties under investigation: American Airlines Group Inc; International Consolidated Airlines Group SA (including Aer Lingus Limited, British Airways plc and Iberia Líneas Aéreas de España SA); and Finnair OYJ. Aer Lingus is a signatory to the agreement but is not yet operating any services as part of the Atlantic Joint Business Agreement as this is subject to the United Stated Department of Transportation extending Anti-Trust Immunity (currently under review).
  • The CMA is liaising with the United States Department of Transportation in relation to the investigation.


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Published 11 October 2018
Last updated 1 October 2024 + show all updates

Le replay du webinaire @Echelle sur l’IA générative est disponible

Publié le 01 octobre 2024

L’Autorité de la concurrence organisait le 30 septembre 2024 à 15h, un webinaire en direct intitulé : « IA générative : quels défis pour l’innovation, l’économie et la concurrence ? »

Benoît Cœuré, Président de l’Autorité de la concurrence s’entretient avec Daron Acemoglu, Professeur au MIT, et Charles Gorintin Cofondateur & CTO d’Alan, sur l’IA générative : quels défis pour l’innovation, l’économie et la concurrence ?
La discussion est modérée par Elodie Vandenhende, Adjointe au chef du service de l’économie numérique de l’Autorité de la concurrence.

Margrethe Vestager, Vice-présidente exécutive de la Commission européenne et commissaire en charge du numérique et de la concurrence, prononce le keynote d’ouverture. Video :

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Voir le replay de l’événement

Atos de concentração – Decisões


Ato de Concentração nº 08700.007228/2024-21

Requerentes: Multiplan Participações S.A., Multiplan Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. e 1700480 Ontario Inc. Aprovação sem restrições.


Kroger Company/Albertsons Companies, Inc., In the Matter of

The Federal Trade Commission sued to block the largest proposed supermarket merger in U.S. history—Kroger Company’s $24.6 billion acquisition of the Albertsons Companies, Inc.—alleging that the deal is anticompetitive.

Type of Action


Last Updated

September 30, 2024

Docket Number


Case Status


Chevron/Hess, In the Matter of

The Federal Trade Commission took action to resolve antitrust concerns related to Chevron Corporation’s acquisition of rival oil producer Hess Corporation by approving a proposed consent order that would prohibit Chevron from appointing Hess CEO John B. Hess to its Board of Directors.

The FTC’s complaint alleges that Mr. Hess communicated publicly and privately with the past and current Secretaries General of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and an official from Saudi Arabia. In these communications, Mr. Hess stressed the importance of oil market stability and inventory management and encouraged these officials to take actions on these issues and speak about them at different events, the complaint alleges.

Type of Action


Last Updated

September 30, 2024

FTC Matter/File Number

241 0008

Case Status


Comissão Europeia




Last decision date: 30.09.2024 Simplified procedure




Last decision date:30.09.2024


Spreadex / Sporting Index merger inquiry

  • The CMA is investigating the completed acquisition by Spreadex Limited of the B2C business of Sporting Index Limited.
    • Updated: 30 September 2024

Vodafone / CK Hutchison JV merger inquiry

  • The CMA is investigating the anticipated joint venture between Vodafone Group Plc and CK Hutchison Holdings Limited concerning Vodafone Limited and Hutchison 3G UK Limited.
    • Updated: 30 September 2024

Autorité de la Concurrence

Secteur(s) :

relative à la prise de contrôle conjoint des sociétés Calao 59, Calao 119, Calao 167 et Calao 202 par la société Sofiben aux côtés de la société ITM Entreprises

Décision de contrôle des concentrations|

Publication du sens de la décision le : 01 octobre 2024


Secteur(s) :

Banque / Assurance

relative à la prise de contrôle exclusif de la société Finaxi et de ses filiales par la société Cinven

Décision de contrôle des concentrations|

Publication du sens de la décision le : 30 septembre 2024

Atos de concentração – Ingressos


Ato de concentraçãoRequerentesDescrição da operaçãoNatureza da operaçãoAtividade econômicaRitoEdital (DOU)
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08700.007264/2024-94Serena Energia S.A.; ODATA BRASIL LTDA.A operação consiste em aquisição e, consequentemente, aumento de participação societária, pela Odata Brasil Ltda. e pela Odata SP 01 Ltda., em sociedades de propósito específico detidas, em última instância, pela Serena Energia S.A.1 e nas quais a Odata já é acionista indireta em decorrência do Ato de concentração nº 08700.001218/2023-09, aprovado sem restrições pela SG/CADE em março de 2023.Aquisição de quotas/ações sem aquisição de controleCNAEs 35.11‐5‐01 – geração de energia elétrica e 35.13-1-00 – comercialização de energia elétricaSumário30/09/2024
08700.007274/2024-20RIO BALSAS PARTICIPAÇÕES E EMPREENDIMENTOS LTDA; TRX REAL ESTATE FUNDO DE INVESTIMENTO IMOBILIARIO – FIIA operação consiste na aquisição, por TRX Real Estate Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário FII (TRX FII ou Superficiário) e TR13 Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. (TR13 ou Proprietária e, em conjunto com TRX FII, Compradores), respectivamente, do direito real de superfície e da propriedade de 4 imóveis que atualmente são detidos por Rio Balsas Participações e Empreendimentos Ltda. (Rio Balsas) e Dom Incorporação Ltda. (Dom e, em conjunto com a Rio Balsas, Vendedoras), bem como a locação desses imóveis em favor de Mateus Supermercados S.A. (Mateus Supermercados ou Locatário e, em conjunto com os Compradores e a Rio Balsas, Partes ou Requerentes), nas modalidades sale-and-leaseback e built-to-sale-and-leaseback (Operação).Aquisição de ativosCompra e Venda de Imóveis Próprios – 6810-2/01Sumário30/09/2024
08700.007285/2024-18Mix Vali Comércio de Produtos Alimentícios Ltda.; Companhia Brasileira de DistribuiçãoA operação consiste na aquisição, pela Mix Vali Comércio de Produtos Alimentícios Ltda. (Compradora ou MIX VALI), de um ponto comercial da Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição (CBD ou Vendedora e, em conjunto com a Compradora, Requerentes ou Partes), localizado no município de Vinhedo/SP (Ativo-Alvo) (Operação).Aquisição de ativosComércio varejista de mercadorias em geral, com predominância de produtos alimentícios – hipermercados e supermercados (CNAE 47.11-3)Sumário30/09/2024