Clipping da Concorrência – 19.04

Este é um informativo diário que traz para o(a) leitor (a) notícias e casos de defesa da concorrência das principais jurisdições antitruste do mundo (CADE, FTC, Comissão Europeia, CMA etc).



Federal Agencies Launch Portal for Public Reporting of Anticompetitive Practices in Health Care Sector

Thursday, April 18, 2024Shareright caret

For Immediate Release

Office of Public Affairs

The Justice Department, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) today launched an easily accessible online portal for the public to report health care practices that may harm competition.

The online portal,, allows the public to report potentially unfair and anticompetitive health care practices to the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division and FTC. The launch of the new portal advances the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to lower health care and prescription drug costs and help create more competitive health care markets that are fairer to patients, providers, payers and workers.

“Competition in health care is crucial to ensuring fair and competitive wages across the healthcare sector and affordable and quality healthcare for all Americans,” said Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter of the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division. “Today’s launch of – a one-stop shop to report potential violations of our competition laws to the Justice Department and FTC – will allow the agencies to collaborate early and often, helping to promote economic opportunity and fairness for all.”

“All too often, we hear how unfair methods of competition and monopolistic practices may be depriving Americans of access to affordable, high-quality healthcare,” said FTC Chair Lina M. Khan. “This joint initiative between FTC, DOJ and HHS will provide a crucial channel for the agencies to hear from the public, bolstering our work to check illegal business practices that harm consumers and workers alike.”

“Americans depend on competitive health care markets to provide quality choices and lower costs for coverage. That’s why we are working to tackle anticompetitive practices in the health care markets,” said HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. “The Biden-Harris Administration and HHS know it is our responsibility to stop monopolistic, anti-competitive practices that undermine the delivery of health care to Americans. The information provided by the public will help to root out these behaviors.”

Complaints will undergo preliminary review by staff at the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division and FTC. If a complaint raises sufficient concern under the antitrust laws or is related to HHS authorities, it will be selected for further investigation by the appropriate agency. This action may lead to the opening of a formal investigation.

The privacy and confidentiality policies that govern information submitted through the portal, including any personal information members of the public choose to provide, can be found at DOJ Privacy PolicyDOJ Antitrust Division Confidentiality Policy Regarding Complainants and FTC Privacy Policy is the latest effort by the Justice Department, FTC and HHS to promote competition in health care markets to ensure that every American has access to high-quality, affordable care. As announced in December 2023, the Justice Department, FTC and HHS have continued to partner on new initiatives, which included a joint request for information to seek input on how private-equity and other corporations’ control of health care is impacting Americans.

Updated April 18, 2024




Antitrust DivisionPress Release Number: 24-467

Federal Agencies Launch Portal for Public Reporting of Anticompetitive Practices in the Health Care Sector

April 18, 2024


Today, the Federal Trade Commission, Justice Department, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) launched an easily accessible online portal for the public to report health care practices that may harm competition.

The online portal,, allows the public to report potentially unfair and anticompetitive health care practices to the FTC and the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division. The launch of the new portal advances the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to lower health care and prescription drug costs and help create more competitive health care markets that are fairer to patients, providers, payers, and workers.

“All too often, we hear how unfair methods of competition and monopolistic practices may be depriving Americans of access to affordable, high-quality healthcare,” said FTC Chair Lina M. Khan. “This joint initiative between, FTC, DOJ, and HHS will provide a crucial channel for the agencies to hear from the public, bolstering our work to check illegal business practices that harm consumers and workers alike.”

“Competition in health care is crucial to ensuring fair and competitive wages across the healthcare sector and affordable and quality healthcare for all Americans,” said Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter of the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division. “Today’s launch of – a one-stop shop to report potential violations of our competition laws to the Justice Department and FTC – will allow the agencies to collaborate early and often, helping to promote economic opportunity and fairness for all.”

“Americans depend on competitive health care markets to provide quality choices and lower costs for coverage. That’s why we are working to tackle anticompetitive practices in the health care markets,” said HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. “The Biden-Harris Administration and HHS know it is our responsibility to stop monopolistic, anti-competitive practices that undermine the delivery of health care to Americans. The information provided by the public will help to root out these behaviors.”

Complaints will undergo preliminary review by staff at the FTC and Justice Department, Antitrust Division. If a complaint raises sufficient concern under the antitrust laws or is related to HHS authorities, it will be selected for further investigation by the appropriate agency. This action may lead to the opening of a formal investigation.

The privacy and confidentiality policies that govern information submitted through the portal, including any personal information members of the public choose to provide, can be found at: DOJ Privacy PolicyDOJ Antitrust Division Confidentiality Policy Regarding Complainants, and FTC Privacy Policy. is the latest effort by the FTC, DOJ, and HHS to promote competition in health care markets to ensure that every American has access to high-quality, affordable care. As announced in December 2023, the FTC, DOJ and HHS have continued to partner on new initiatives, which included a joint request for information to seek input on how private-equity and other corporations’ control of health care is impacting Americans.

The Federal Trade Commission develops policy initiatives on issues that affect competition, consumers, and the U.S. economy. The FTC will never demand money, make threats, tell you to transfer money, or promise you a prize. Follow the FTC on social media, read consumer alerts and the business blog, and sign up to get the latest FTC news and alerts.

Contact Information

Media Contact

Victoria Graham 

Office of Public Affairs


Breaches of the CMA’s markets and mergers remedies

A register of all significant breaches of market and merger remedies notified to us since 1 April 2020.

From: Competition and Markets Authority

Published8 July 2020Last updated19 April 2024 — See all updates

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Register of breaches of the CMA’s markets and merger remedies



This register is updated on a quarterly basis with all significant breaches of market remedies (made or accepted under sections 159 and 161 of the Enterprise Act 2002) and merger remedies (made or accepted under sections 82 and 84 of the Enterprise Act 2002) notified to us since 1 April 2020.

Notice of a public register of breaches was published on 1 April 2020.

Published 8 July 2020
Last updated 19 April 2024 + show all updates

La CNMC autoriza con múltiples compromisos la compra de Centro Médico El Carmen por Hospitales Cosaga

18 Abr 2024 | Competencia Nota de prensa

  • La adquisición afecta a la prestación de servicios de asistencia sanitaria privada en Orense, donde solo operará Cosaga. 
  • Los compromisos pretenden garantizar la calidad de estos servicios y mantener la colaboración con la sanidad pública.
  • La CNMC vigilará los precios de los servicios médicos y del alquiler de espacios durante cinco años para garantizar el acceso de competidores.
  • Cosaga realizará inversiones en tres años para renovar y mejorar la dotación actual de personal y equipamiento.

La Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (CNMC) ha aprobado en primera fase con compromisos la compra de Centro Médico El Carmen por Hospitales Cosaga (Grupo Recoletas), en la provincia de Orense (C/1438/24).

Los múltiples compromisos pretenden mejorar la calidad de los servicios médicos, evitar el encarecimiento de precios y garantizar el acceso de competidores. La CNMC vigilará su cumplimiento durante cinco años.

Riesgos para la competencia

Tras la operación, Cosaga será el único prestador de servicios de asistencia sanitaria con internamiento en Orense. Por ello, la CNMC llevó a cabo una investigación y un test de mercado con competidores, aseguradoras, Administraciones Públicas y otros agentes afectados por la operación. 

Este análisis permitió identificar, en primera fase, tres tipos de problemas: empeoramiento de la calidad de los servicios (incluida la posible reducción de especialidades y especialistas), incremento de precios, y problemas de acceso a instalaciones con internamiento (quirófanos) por parte de otros competidores. 

Los riesgos detectados afectarían a varios mercados: la prestación privada de asistencia sanitaria a pacientes privados (con y sin internamiento), la prestación privada de asistencia sanitaria a pacientes públicos derivados (con y sin internamiento) y el alquiler o cesión de espacios con internamiento. 

Compromisos presentados

La CNMC considera que los compromisos presentados en primera fase por Cosaga son suficientes para evitar estos problemas de competencia.

  • Garantía de calidad en los servicios sanitarios

La gran mayoría de los compromisos pretenden evitar una reducción en la calidad de los servicios y garantizar la colaboración actual con la sanidad pública. 

Cosaga se ha comprometido a implementar indicadores de calidad generales y específicos, y a mantener los certificados actuales de calidad en sus centros (ISO 9001 y certificado de calidad de la Consejería de Sanidad de la Xunta de Galicia).

También mantendrá la relación jurídica con todos los profesionales médicos, garantizará su acceso a los espacios sanitarios, e invertirá en mejora asistencial en los próximos tres años. 

Asimismo, Cosaga se ha comprometido a mantener la cartera de servicios global y el cuadro médico actuales.

Para garantizar la colaboración con la sanidad pública, Cosaga seguirá prestando la misma cartera de servicios al Servicio Gallego de Salud y no empeorará los indicadores de calidad asistencial para los pacientes derivados de la sanidad pública. Tampoco cerrará determinadas especialidades, como las que no presta el Hospital Público de Orense.  

  • Vigilancia de precios

Cosaga informará cada año sobre la evolución de precios de los alquileres de consultas y quirófanos, y de los diez procesos con mayor facturación de los servicios a pacientes privados y públicos. Esto permitirá que la CNMC supervise y detecte posibles subidas abusivas de precios, de acuerdo con el artículo 2 de la Ley de Defensa de la Competencia.

Además, algunos de los compromisos -como el mantenimiento de la cartera de servicios y las inversiones para mejorar la calidad asistencial- ayudarán a evitar un posible incremento de precios. 

  • Alquiler de espacios hospitalarios a terceros

Por último, para evitar el riesgo de cierre de mercado frente a otros competidores reales o potenciales, Cosaga se ha comprometido a mantener las relaciones jurídicas con los profesionales sanitarios que ya prestaban sus servicios en los hospitales, y a garantizar el acceso a aquellos médicos que alquilaban espacios. 

Contenido relacionado:

  •  C/1438/24: Hospitales Cosaga – Centro Médico El Carmen 
  • Blog (29/09/2023): En la CNMC vigilamos las concentraciones entre las empresas

Nota de prensa

Press release

Documento no oficial, destinado a los medios de comunicación, y que no vincula a la CNMC. Reproducción permitida solo si se cita la fuente.



Ato de Concentração nº 08700.001578/2024-83

Requerentes: TAM Linhas Aéreas S.A. e Passaredo Transportes Aéreos S.A.

Advogados: José Inácio de Almeida Prado Filho, Luiz Antonio Galvão, Enrico Romanielo, Rodrigo da Silva Alves dos Santos e outros.

Com fulcro no §1º do artigo 50 da Lei 9.784, de 1999, integro as razões do Parecer N° 5/2024/CGAA4/SGA1/SG/CADE (SEI 1375428) à presente decisão, inclusive quanto à sua motivação. Nos termos dos artigos 13, inciso XII, e 57, inciso I, da Lei nº 12.529, de 30 de novembro de 2011, combinados com os artigos 10, inciso XII, e 121, inciso I, do Regimento Interno do Cade, decido pela aprovação sem restrições do presente Ato de Concentração.


Pharmacy2U / Lloyds Direct merger inquiry

  • The CMA is investigating the completed acquisition by Pharmacy2U of Lloyds Direct.
    • Updated: 19 April 2024

Theramex/European Rights to Viatris’ Femoston and Duphaston products

  • The CMA is investigating the acquisition by Theramex HQ UK Limited of the certain rights to Viatris Inc’s Femoston and Duphaston products.
    • Updated: 18 April 2024

Spreadex / Sporting Index merger inquiry

  • The CMA is investigating the completed acquisition by Spreadex Limited of the B2C business of Sporting Index Limited.
    • Updated: 18 April 2024

Comissão Europeia




Last decision date:18.04.2024Super simplified procedure

CNMC – Espanha


Concentraciones – Adquisición control exclusivo


Resolución del Consejo – Autorización en 1ª fase | 17 Abr 2024


Concentraciones – Adquisición control exclusivo


Resolución del Consejo – Autorización en 1ª fase | 17 Abr 2024


Concentraciones – Adquisición control exclusivo

C/1452/24 – INDIGO / PARKIA

Resolución del Consejo – Autorización 1ª fase con compromisos | 17 Abr 2024

Autorité de la Concurrence

relative à des pratiques mises en œuvre dans le secteur des biens de consommation courante


18 mars 2024



Ato de concentração nº 08700.002309/2024-34

Cervejaria Petrópolis S.A – Em Recuperação Judicial
Imcopa – Importação, Exportação e Indústria de Óleos S.A. – Em Recuperação Judicial

Edital: 15.04.2024

Ato de concentração nº 08700.002378/2024-48


Edital: 16.04.2024

Ato de concentração nº 08700.002342/2024-64

Cencosud Brasil Atacado Ltda.
Makro Atacadista S.A.

Edital: 16.04.2024

Ato de concentração nº 08700.002307/2024-45

Plano Capivari Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda.
Tencasa Investimentos Imobiliários Ltda.

Edital: 15.04.2024

Ato de concentração nº 08700.002264/2024-06


Edital: 15.04.2024

Ato de concentração nº 08700.002265/2024-42

CSS United Aut Group Comércio de Veículos Ltda.
BCLV Comércio de Veículos S.A.
José Renato Polyceno Bernardes
Nova Sociedade Incorporações e Participações Ltda.
ABCTA Participações Ltda.
Guilherme Gonçalves Passalacqua
Roberto David Bittencourt Cury
BMMOT Comércio de Veículos Ltda.

Edital: 16.04.2024

Comissão Europeia




Last decision date: none Super simplified procedure


Investigation phase:1




Last decision date: none Simplified procedure


Investigation phase:1




Last decision date: none Super simplified procedure


Investigation phase:1




Last decision date:noneSimplified procedure


Investigation phase: 1




Last decision date: none Simplified procedure


Investigation phase:1

ACCC – Austrália

Aurizon Operations Limited – Flinders Logistics Pty Ltd


18 Apr 2024ACCC commenced informal review under the Informal Merger Review Process Guidelines.
3 May 2024Closing date for submissions.
11 Jul 2024Provisional (or Proposed) date for announcement of ACCC’s findings (as outlined in the Informal Merger Review Process Guidelines, this may be a final decision or release of a Statement of Issues).

L’Autorité met à jour son règlement intérieur


Actualité publiée le 19 avril 2024


Par sa décision n° 2024-025 en date du 28 mars 2024, l’Autorité a procédé à une modification de son règlement intérieur. Cette modification vise essentiellement à :

  •  préciser les règles de fonctionnement du collège relatives à la suppléance de la présidence et au déport de ses membres (article 2-1 et articles 5 à 8) ;
  • préciser les règles communes applicables à l’accès de l’Autorité aux informations (article 9) ;
  •  réorganiser les règles de procédure applicables aux règlements des différends, désormais rassemblées au sein chapitre III, qui leur est dédié, du titre III, et en préciser certaines  (articles 26, 27 et 29) ;
  • créer, au sein du titre III, un chapitre IV dédié aux règles de procédure applicables à la recherche et à la constatation de manquements, et aux poursuites, régies par les articles L. 1264-1 et suivants du code des transports (articles 38 à 47).

Le nouveau règlement intérieur de l’Autorité a été publié au Journal officiel de la République française en date du 18 avril 2024.

Les nouvelles règles de procédure sont donc applicables à compter du 19 avril 2024, y compris pour les procédures en cours.

> Consulter le règlement intérieur de l’Autorité

La commission des sanctions de l’Autorité dispose de son propre règlement intérieur

> Consulter le règlement intérieur de la commission des sanctions de l’Autorité

Les règlements intérieurs de l’Autorité et de la commission des sanctions de l’Autorité comprennent, outre les règles précisées dans ces documents, la charte de déontologie de l’Autorité.

> Consulter la charte de déontologie de l’Autorité