

Cade lança segunda edição de 2023 da Revista de Defesa da Concorrência

Publicação apresenta dez artigos sobre assuntos relacionados à matéria antitrusteCompartilhe:

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Publicado em 21/12/2023 17h26 Atualizado em 21/12/2023 17h40

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OConselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Cade) lançou, nesta quinta-feira (21/12), a segunda edição de 2023 da Revista de Defesa da Concorrência (RDC). A publicação é editada semestralmente pela autarquia e tem como objetivo contribuir para o fomento da produção de conhecimento na área antitruste. 

Ao todo, dez artigos compõem o 11º volume da RDC. O primeiro artigo explora a forma pela qual a regulação da concorrência pode ser utilizada como mecanismo para proteger a privacidade e a proteção de dados nos mercados digitais. 

O segundo, por sua vez, apresenta pesquisa que expõe como as características do metaverso impactam na defesa da concorrência e do consumidor, trazendo a necessidade do uso de ferramentas da economia comportamental. 

O terceiro artigo identifica se ganhos de eficiência gerados por agentes econômicos são relevantes para a análise concorrencial, bem como se o Google produz tais ganhos, capazes de compensar ou atenuar possíveis condutas anticompetitivas.   

O quarto avalia se as ferramentas usadas pelo Cade são suficientes para lidar com atos de concentração em mercados digitais que não sejam de notificação obrigatória, de acordo com os critérios do art. 88 e art. 90 da Lei nº 12.529/2011.   

O quinto texto investiga de que modo a União Europeia, por meio da adoção do DMA, tem regulado a defesa da concorrência no setor digital, em especial sobre as condutas adotadas pelas grandes empresas desse setor.  

Dando sequência, o sexto artigo traz reflexões e proposições sobre a revisão da extensão que tem sido dada à proteção da marca nos leilões da Internet.  

O sétimo texto explica de forma teórica as condições que resultam em uma interferência política sobre o processo regulatório em um contexto de regulação por preços, para uma região que ainda não atingiu a universalização dos serviços, bem como testa as principais conclusões do modelo empiricamente.  

O oitavo trabalho demonstra a relevância do surgimento das fintechs e da regulação jurídica associada a intervenções de ordem regulatória e concorrencial para o aumento da inovação e da concorrência. 

O nono artigo da RDC averigua a natureza das novas normas trazidas pela Lei nº 14.470/2022, classificando-as como material e processual, analisando as hipóteses de aplicação das disposições nas ações reparatórias por danos concorrenciais já extintas, ainda pendentes, e que ainda não foram iniciadas.  

Já o último artigo aborda o contexto das sanções previstas na Lei de Defesa da Concorrência (LDC), entre as quais figura a proibição de licitar. 


A edição pelo Cade de publicação periódica sobre política de defesa da concorrência teve início em 1975, com o lançamento da “Revista de Direito Econômico”. Em 2004, a revista passou a ser denominada “Revista de Direito da Concorrência” e, desde 2013, leva o nome “Revista de Defesa da Concorrência”. 

Em 2015, com apenas dois anos de publicação, a RDC foi qualificada na categoria B2 do “Programa Qualis”, promovido pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes), órgão vinculado ao Ministério da Educação. Na avaliação seguinte, a revista do Cade recebeu qualificação B1. Em janeiro de 2023, a RDC recebeu a classificação A3, subindo ainda mais no conceito de qualidade. 

Outra novidade é que a RDC foi indexada à plataforma Scopus, uma base de dados conhecida por sua abrangência e excelência no conteúdo oferecido, além da precisão das ferramentas de pesquisa e análise. Essa indexação é fundamental para ampliar a disseminação dos conhecimentos produzidos pela revista, alcançando com maior efetividade pesquisadores, profissionais e demais interessados nas publicações do periódico. 

Confira a edição completa da Revista de Defesa da Concorrência

Cade lança sistema que automatiza notificação de ato de concentração sumário

Ferramenta e-Notifica proporcionará experiência eficiente e integrada aos usuáriosCompartilhe:

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Publicado em 21/12/2023 17h12 Atualizado em 21/12/2023 17h38

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Nesta quinta-feira (21/12), o Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Cade) anunciou o lançamento do e-Notifica, sistema de notificação on-line de atos de concentração. A live de apresentação foi conduzida pelo superintendente-geral, Alexandre Barreto. 

A ferramenta visa modernizar e digitalizar o processo de notificação de atos de concentração, proporcionando uma experiência mais eficiente e integrada aos usuários. O sistema será conectado a outras bases de dados do Cade, bem como a outros órgãos públicos, marcando um avanço na gestão e transparência dessas informações. 

Essa é a primeira de três fases do projeto. Na segunda fase, a plataforma prevê a criação de minutas automatizadas de análise dos atos de concentração mais simplificados. E na terceira, a notificação de atos de concentração ordinário. 

Além do lançamento, a transmissão apresentou uma visão abrangente do projeto, incluindo os avanços que a ferramenta trará para a autarquia. Alexandre Barreto destacou que o e-Notifica é um marco na política antitruste. “Tenho convicção que o projeto será exitoso, e, daqui a algum tempo, estaremos nos perguntando como que nós fazíamos notificações no formato anterior”, disse.  

A expectativa, segundo o superintendente-geral, é que o sistema promova reduções de emendas; solicitações de informações; tempo de análise; facilidade na validação das informações preenchidas e pagamento das taxas; entre outros. Nessa fase, o modelo de notificação utilizado hoje continuará sendo usado. 

“O formato atual vai conviver com o e-notifica. Ao longo do tempo, os dois canais poderão ser utilizados. Em algum momento, dependendo da nossa avaliação, e da comunidade acerca da ferramenta, as notificações serão realizadas exclusivamente pela nova plataforma”, ressaltou Barreto.  

Em seguida, o coordenador da CGAA5, Ednei Nascimento, a coordenadora da CGP, Keila Ferreira, e o coordenador da CGTI Vinícius Eloy, demostraram as funcionalidades do sistema, compartilhando detalhes sobre o funcionamento da ferramenta. Ainda no evento, foram disponibilizados materiais de apoio, como manuais e vídeos de treinamento para facilitar a adoção do projeto. 

O e-Notifica está disponível para acesso na página institucional do Cade no Gov.Br. Os usuários externos podem explorar as funcionalidades do sistema pelo botão “item Usuário Externo do SEI”, marcando assim o início de uma nova era na notificação de atos de concentração, tornando o processo mais ágil e descomplicado. 

O procedimento sumário é aplicado pelo Cade aos casos que, em virtude da simplicidade das operações, tenham menor potencial ofensivo à concorrência. A decisão de enquadramento em procedimento sumário é discricionária e será adotada pela autarquia conforme os critérios de conveniência e oportunidade. 

Acesse os tutoriais, e saiba mais detalhes:  

– Exemplo de notificação completa de Ato de Concentração Sumário e-Notifica 

–  Compartilhamento de notificação com usuários externos e –Notifica 

–  Edição e Exportação e-Notifica 

–  Formas de pagamento e-Notifica 

Cade define o calendário das sessões de julgamento do primeiro semestre de 2024

Até junho, serão realizadas dez sessões ordinárias do Tribunal da autarquia. A primeira será dia 07 de fevereiroCompartilhe:

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Publicado em 21/12/2023 10h25 Atualizado em 21/12/2023 10h29

Definido o calendário das sessões de julgamento do primeiro semestre do Cade

OTribunal do Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Cade) aprovou o calendário das Sessões Ordinárias de Julgamento para o primeiro semestre de 2024. A proposta foi publicada nesta quinta-feira (21/12) por meio do Despacho nº112 do presidente da autarquia, Alexandre Cordeiro.

Serão realizadas dez reuniões do Conselho no período. A primeira, de número 223, será no dia 07 de fevereiro. Já a última sessão do semestre, de número 232, está marcada para o dia 26 de junho.

Acesse aqui o calendário de sessões e confira todas as datas!

FTC, DOJ Issue Fiscal Year 2022 Hart-Scott-Rodino Notification Report

December 21, 2023


The Federal Trade Commission, together with the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division, released their annual report detailing fiscal year 2022 data on the HSR Premerger Notification Program, which alerts the agencies to transactions that may substantially lessen competition in violation of federal law.

The agencies’ 45th Annual Hart-Scott-Rodino Report notes that in fiscal year 2022, 3,152 transactions were reported under the HSR Act, which is the second-highest number of reported transactions over the past 10 years. Of the 3,152 transactions reported, 47 transactions or 1.6% of all HSR reportable transactions were subject to a second request issued by the agencies. The number of second requests issued by the agencies in fiscal year 2022 is consistent with the average number of second requests issued across the last decade.

The FTC and DOJ together filed 50 merger enforcement actions in fiscal year 2022, representing the highest level of enforcement activity in over 20 years. The Commission brought 24 merger enforcement challenges in fiscal year 2022; 11 in which it issued final consent orders after a public comment period; seven in which the transaction was abandoned or restructured as a result of antitrust concerns raised during the investigation; and six in which the Commission initiated administrative or federal court litigation. These enforcement actions preserved competition in numerous sectors of the economy, including consumer goods and services, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, high tech and industrial goods, and energy.

The report includes statistical tables profiling HSR filings and investigations during fiscal year 2022. Appendices provide a summary of transactions for the past 10 years, as well as the number of transactions reported and the number of transactions by industry group.

Enacted by Congress in 1976, the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act gives the federal government the opportunity to investigate and challenge mergers that are likely to harm consumers before injury occurs.

The Commission vote to issue the report was 3-0. FTC Chair Lina M. Khan was joined by Commissioners Rebecca Kelly Slaughter and Alvaro M. Bedoya in a statement.

The Federal Trade Commission works to promote competition, and protect and educate consumers. You can learn more about how competition benefits consumers or file an antitrust complaint.  For the latest news and resources, follow the FTC on social mediasubscribe to press releases and read our blog.

Contact Information

Media Contact

Victoria Graham 

Office of Public Affairs


AdC adotou uma decisão de inaplicabilidade na operação de concentração 73/2023 – OneVet / Calvet.

Em 20 de dezembro de 2023, o Conselho de Administração da Autoridade da Concorrência, no uso da competência que lhe é conferida pela alínea d) do n.º 1 do artigo 19.º dos Estatutos, aprovados pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 125/2014, de 18 de agosto, delibera adotar uma decisão de inaplicabilidade à operação de concentração, nos termos da alínea a) do n.º 1 do artigo 50.º da Lei da Concorrência, uma vez que a mesma não se encontra abrangida pela obrigação de notificação prévia a que se refere o artigo 37.º deste diploma.

Ficha do processo

Ficha do processo

EDP Comercial notifica a aquisição do controlo exclusivo sobre um conjunto de ativos de produção de eletricidade.

Ficha do processo

Ficha do processo


Lancement d’une consultation publique par l’Autorité sur son projet de communiqué relatif aux orientations informelles en matière de développement durable

Publié le 22 décembre 2023Imprimer la page

L’Autorité soumet à consultation publique son projet de communiqué visant à permettre aux entreprises de bénéficier d’orientations informelles quant à la compatibilité de leurs projets avec les règles de concurrence

Le développement durable constitue l’une des priorités de l’Autorité, inscrite à sa feuille de route 2023-2024. L’Autorité souhaite accompagner les entreprises désireuses de poursuivre des projets dans ce domaine. Dans ce but, elle soumet à consultation publique jusqu’au 23 février 2024 un projet de communiqué qui vise à leur permettre de bénéficier d’orientations informelles quant à la compatibilité de leurs projets avec les règles de concurrence.


L’Autorité soumet à consultation publique son projet de communiqué visant à permettre aux entreprises de bénéficier d’orientations informelles quant à la compatibilité de leurs projets avec les règles de concurrence

Lire le communiqué

Press release

CMA announces new Deputy General Counsel

The CMA has appointed Jessica Radke to the new post of Deputy General Counsel.From:Competition and Markets AuthorityPublished21 December 2023

Jessica has been a part of the Competition and Markets Authority’s (CMA) litigation team since 2017 and is currently the Senior Director for Litigation. Jessica will report to the General Counsel and will, together with the General Counsel, be responsible for delivering first-class legal and policy advice across the CMA’s casework.

Jessica Radke said: 

I’m really excited to take up this new role at a time when the CMA is preparing to take on greater powers.  

Over the last few years I’ve enjoyed working with some really talented colleagues in the litigation unit and look forward to continuing to work with a brilliant legal team to deliver for UK businesses and consumers.

Sarah Cardell, Chief Executive of the CMA, said: 

This exciting new position reflects the increase in workload and responsibilities that the CMA has taken on recently.  

Jessica brings a wealth of experience and insight to this role and will continue to be a real asset to the CMA’s senior leadership team.

Jessica will take up her new role in early 2024.  

The process to finalise the appointments of the General Counsel and Executive Director for Digital Markets Regulation are ongoing and the CMA expects these appoints to be confirmed in early 2024.

Notes to editors 

  1. This appointment was managed by a Civil Service Commissioner to ensure a fair, merit-based, and open process, in keeping with the Civil Service Recruitment Principles. 
  2. The role was advertised publicly with applicants being asked to submit an application form and cover letter detailing their suitability for the role, as measured against a published role profile with a set of required skills and experience. 
  3. For media queries, please contact the press office via press@cma.gov.uk or on 020 3738 6460.

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Published 21 December 2023

Referral of the proposed subsidy scheme, the British Industry Supercharger, by the Department for Business and Trade (DBT)

The Subsidy Advice Unit (SAU) has accepted a request for a report from the Department for Business and Trade (DBT) concerning its proposed subsidy scheme, the British Industry Supercharger.From:Competition and Markets AuthorityPublished10 November 2023Last updated22 December 2023 — See all updatesCase type:SAU referralCase state:ClosedMarket sector:EnergyMineral extraction, mining and quarryingOpened:10 November 2023Closed:22 December 2023


  1. Administrative timetable
  2. Final report
  3. Request from DBT 
  4. Information about the subsidy provided by DBT 
  5. Information for third parties 
    1. Notes to third parties wishing to make a submission  
  6. Contacts  

Administrative timetable

22 December 2023Final report published
23 November 2023Deadline for receipt of any third-party submissions (submissions after 5pm on this date cannot be taken into account)
10 November 2023Beginning of reporting period

Final report

22 December 2023: The SAU has published its report providing advice to DBT concerning its proposed subsidy scheme, the British Industry Supercharger. The report sets out our evaluation of the DBT’s Assessment of Compliance of its proposed subsidy with the requirements set out in the Subsidy Control Act 2022.

Request from DBT 

10 November 2023: The SAU has accepted a request for a report from DBT for its proposed subsidy scheme, the British Industry Supercharger. This request relates to a Subsidy Scheme of Particular Interest. 

The SAU will prepare a report, which will provide an evaluation of DBT’s assessment of whether the subsidy scheme complies with the subsidy control requirements (Assessment of Compliance). The SAU will complete its report within 30 working days. 

Information about the subsidy provided by DBT 

Energy-Intensive Industries (EIIs) are businesses in sectors whose energy costs constitute a significant percentage of their overall operating costs. They play a significant role in the UK economy, employing around 400,000 workers and they have a gross value added of £33.7 billion (1.7% of the UK economy). Their turnover is around £135bn and in 2022 their exports totalled around 33% of total UK exports. They support thousands of additional indirect jobs as part of the wider supply chain, with many providing higher than average wages in more economically vulnerable areas.  

Despite existing government support, typical electricity costs for the most energy-intensive industry users in GB are higher than those in other EU countries. This is in part due to differing policy regimes that these countries put in place to protect their EIIs from high electricity prices which, to date, the UK has not matched. High electricity prices result in GB EIIs struggling to remain profitable. This risks significant job losses and disinvestment in foundational industries.  

Failure to tackle high electricity prices risks GB losing these critical sectors for good, resulting in the need to place much greater reliance on import markets, sourcing goods from territories with less stringent climate policies which would lead to carbon leakage. This is both a risk to the UK’s economic security and efforts to reduce global emissions.  

In February 2023, the Government announced its intention to introduce the British Industry Supercharger designed to reduce industrial electricity prices for eligible EIIs and address the risks set out above.  

The package of measures comprises:  

  • increasing the exemption level provided via the existing EII Exemption Scheme on Feed in 
  • tariffs, Contracts for Difference and the Renewables Obligation from 85% to 100%
  • implementing a 100% exemption from the indirect costs of funding Capacity Market Charges
  • providing relief on 60% of network charging costs 

The government expects electricity costs for eligible EIIs to reduce by on average £24 per MWh by 2025, which would significantly close the price gap that exists with competitor nations. The costs removed from the bills of eligible EIIs will be redistributed to other billpayers, including households and non-eligible businesses and therefore is a transfer and not paid for through general taxation. The impact on non-eligible billpayers is limited to what is necessary to achieve the policy objective while ensuring that bills are not increased by more than £3-£5 for households and c.£1 per MWh for non-eligible businesses per annum. The measures will exempt eligible businesses from 100% of EII renewable policy costs; 100% of costs associated with the Capacity Market; and compensate them for 60% of their Network Charges costs. We cannot quantify the monetary value of the scheme at business level due to the sensitivity of firm specific data, and what this looks like for each business will vary depending on their electricity usage. Our current indicative estimate suggests the annual value of the scheme in 2025 may be between around £320-410m per annum based on current EII electricity costs. 

Government action to supercharge competitiveness in key British industries and grow economy 

Information for third parties 

If you wish to comment on matters relevant to the SAU’s evaluation of the Assessment of Compliance concerning DBT’s proposed subsidy to British Industry Supercharger, please send your comments before 5pm on the date stipulated in the timetable above. For guidance on representations relevant to the Assessment of Compliance, see the section on reporting period and transparency in the Operation of the subsidy control functions of the Subsidy Advice Unit.  

Please send your submissions to us at SAU-BIS2023@cma.gov.uk

copying the public authority EIICorrespondence@beis.gov.uk

Please also provide a contact address and explain in what capacity you are making the submission (for example, as an individual or a representative of a business or organisation).  

Notes to third parties wishing to make a submission  

  • the SAU will only take your submission into account if it can be shared with DBT. The SAU will send a copy of your submission to DBT together with its report. This is to allow the public authority to take account of the submission in its decision as to whether to grant or modify the subsidy or its assessment. We therefore ask that you provide express consent for your full and unredacted submission to be shared. We also encourage you to share your submission directly with DBT using the email address provided above
  • the SAU may use the information you provide in its published report. Therefore, you should indicate in your submission whether any specified parts of it are commercially confidential. If the SAU wishes to refer in its published report to material identified as confidential, it will contact you in advance
  • for further details on confidentiality of third party submissions, see identifying confidential information in the Operation of the subsidy control functions of the Subsidy Advice Unit


  1. SAU project team: SAU-BIS2023@cma.gov.uk
  2. CMA press team: 020 3738 6460 or press@cma.gov.uk

Published 10 November 2023
Last updated 22 December 2023 + show all updates


Referral of the proposed subsidy to Tata Steel UK by the Department for Business and Trade

The Subsidy Advice Unit (SAU) has accepted a request for a report from the Department for Business and Trade (DBT) for a report concerning its proposed subsidy to Tata Steel UK.From:Competition and Markets AuthorityPublished21 December 2023Case type:SAU referralCase state:OpenMarket sector:EngineeringOpened:21 December 2023


  1. Administrative timetable
  2. Request from DBT
  3. Information about the subsidy provided by DBT
  4. Information for third parties
  5. Notes to third parties wishing to make a submission
  6. Contacts

Administrative timetable

6 February 2024SAU’s report to be published
9 January 2024Deadline for receipt of any third party submissions (submissions after 5pm on this date cannot be taken into account)
21 December 2023Beginning of reporting period

Request from DBT

21 December 2023: The SAU has accepted a request for a report from DBT for its proposed subsidy to Tata Steel UK. This request relates to a Subsidy of Particular Interest.

The SAU will prepare a report, which will provide an evaluation of DBT’s assessment of whether the subsidy complies with the subsidy control requirements (Assessment of Compliance). The SAU will complete its report within 30 working days.

Information about the subsidy provided by DBT

The Department for Business and Trade is a public authority. The Department for Business and Trade is proposing to award Tata Steel UK Limited a capital grant of up to £500m, to enable investment into greener steel production at the Port Talbot site, currently the UK’s largest single industrial carbon emitter.

This grant is part of a larger potential capital investment from the company totalling £1.25 billion. The proposal is subject to employee consultation and includes replacing existing Blast Furnaces at Port Talbot with an Electric Arc Furnace.

This investment would reduce the UK’s entire carbon emissions by around 1.5%. The subsidy would be ringfenced for the purposes of decarbonisation, and used solely for the installation of the Electric Arc Furnace and associated works/plant. The subsidy would be paid in arrears against milestones to be agreed, reimbursing Tata Steel UK Limited for approved capital expenditure.

Information for third parties

If you wish to comment on matters relevant to the SAU’s evaluation of the Assessment of Compliance concerning DBT’s proposed subsidy, please send your comments before 5pm on the date stipulated in the timetable above. For guidance on representations relevant to the Assessment of Compliance, see the section on reporting period and transparency in the Operation of the subsidy control functions of the Subsidy Advice Unit.

Please send your submissions to us at: sau-tatasteel@cma.gov.uk copying the public authority: steel.comms@businessandtrade.gov.uk

Please also provide a contact address and explain in what capacity you are making the submission (for example, as an individual or a representative of a business or organisation).

Notes to third parties wishing to make a submission

The SAU will only take your submission into account if it can be shared with DBT. The SAU will send a copy of your submission to DBT together with its report. This is to allow the public authority to take account of the submission in its decision as to whether to grant or modify the subsidy or its assessment. We therefore ask that you provide express consent for your full and unredacted submission to be shared. We also encourage you to share your submission directly with DBT using the email address provided above.

The SAU may use the information you provide in its published report. Therefore, you should indicate in your submission whether any specified parts of it are commercially confidential. If the SAU wishes to refer in its published report to material identified as confidential, it will contact you in advance.

For further details on confidentiality of third party submissions, see identifying confidential information in the Operation of the subsidy control functions of the Subsidy Advice Unit.


Published 21 December 2023




Ato de Concentração nº 08700.008877/2023-68

Requerentes: Albert Joseph Safra e Embracred S.A. Sociedade de Crédito Direto. Advogados: José Carlos Berardo e Stephanie Vendemiatto Penereiro. Decido pela aprovação sem restrições.

Ato de Concentração nº 08700.008941/2023-19

Requerentes: Pfizer Brasil Ltda. e Libbs Farmacêutica Ltda. Advogados: José Inácio Gonzaga Franceschini, Cristhiane Helena Lopes Ferrero Taliberti e Fernanda Dalla Valle Martino. Decido pela aprovação sem restrições.

Ato de Concentração nº 08700.008786/2023-22

Requerentes: All4Labels Gráfica do Brasil Ltda. e Unitec Tecnologia de Embalagens Ltda. Advogados: José Carlos Berardo, Isabela Martins Soares, Caio Mario da Silva Pereira Neto, Daniel Tinoco Douek e Felipe Starzynski Zolezi Pelussi. Decido pela aprovação sem restrições.

Ato de Concentração nº 08700.008857/2023-97

Nos termos do art. 53, § 2º, da Lei nº 12.529/2011, dá-se publicidade ao Ato de Concentração nº 08700.008857/2023-97. Requerentes: Valgroup RJ Indústria R-Pet Ltda. e Mirvi Brasil Ltda. Advogados: Eduardo Caminati, Marcio Bueno, Tatiane Zichi, Renata Fonseca Zuccolo Giannella e Maria Izabella Vilas Boas. Decido pela aprovação sem restrições.

Ato de Concentração nº 08700.008627/2023-28

Requerentes: Cisco Systems, Inc e Splunk Inc. Advogados: Barbara Rosenberg, Marcos Exposto e Julia Krein. Decido pela aprovação sem restrições.

Ato de Concentração nº 08700.008759/2023-50

Requerentes: Assuruá 5 Energia S.A., Água de Barra do Garças Ltda. e outras. Advogados: Eduardo Caminati, Marcio Bueno, Guilherme Misale, Tatiane Zichi, André Marques Gilberto, Natali de Vicente Santos Kapulskis e Sarah Rafaela Silva Fida Carneiro. Decido pela aprovação sem restrições.

Ato de Concentração nº 08700.008790/2023-91

Requerentes: Bunge Alimentos S.A. e EspaçoGrãos Empreendimentos e Participações S/A. Advogados: Francisco Ribeiro Todorov, Adriana Franco Giannini e Karina Mundim Pena. Decido pela aprovação sem restrições.


Statement of Chair Lina M. Khan Joined by Commissioner Rebecca Kelly Slaughter and Commissioner Alvaro M. Bedoya Regarding the FY2022 HSR Annual Report to Congress


December 21, 2023


Lina M. Khan, Chair

Matter Number



Statement of Chair Lina M. Khan Joined by Commissioner Rebecca Kelly Slaughter and Commissioner Alvaro M. Bedoya Regarding the FY2022 HSR Annual Report to Congress (148 KB)

John Muir Health/Tenet Healthcare Co., In the Matter of

The Federal Trade Commission sued to block John Muir Health’s proposed $142.5 million deal to acquire sole ownership of San Ramon Regional Medical Center, LLC from current majority owner Tenet Healthcare Corporation, saying the deal will drive up health care costs.

The Commission issued an administrative complaint and authorized a lawsuit in federal court alleging the proposed acquisition will eliminate head-to-head competition between John Muir Health and nearby San Ramon Regional Medical Center.

On December 18, 2023  the FTC and California moved to dismiss their federal court case and the FTC dismissed its administrative challenge following John Muir announcing it would terminate its proposed deal to acquire Tenet’s remaining interest in San Ramon Medical Center.

Type of Action


Last Updated

December 21, 2023

FTC Matter/File Number


Docket Number


Case Status


Cases and Proceedings

Adjudicative Proceedings

Microsoft/Activision Blizzard, In the Matter of

The Federal Trade Commission authorized an administrative complaint against the proposed merger between Microsoft Corp. and Activision Blizzard, Inc., a video game developer that creates and publishes games such as Call of DutyWorld of WarcraftDiablo, and Overwatch. Microsoft sells the Xbox gaming console and also offers a video game subscription service called Xbox Game Pass, as well as a cloud-based video game streaming service. The agency alleges that the deal would enable Microsoft to suppress competitors to its Xbox gaming consoles and its rapidly growing subscription and cloud-gaming business. The Commission withdrew the matter from adjudication in July 2023, and returned it to adjudication on September 26, 2023.  The evidentiary hearing will commence 21 days after the issuance of the district court’s decision in FTC v. Microsoft.  

Type of Action


Last Updated

December 21, 2023

FTC Matter/File Number


Docket Number


Case Status


Comissão Europeia




Last decision date:22.12.2023Simplified procedure


Investigation phase:1




Last decision date:22.12.2023


Investigation phase:1




Last decision date:21.12.2023 Simplified procedure




Last decision date: 21.12.2023 Simplified procedure




Last decision date: 21.12.2023


Investigation phase:1

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