Clipping da concorrência – 12.02.2025

Este é um informativo diário que traz para o(a) leitor (a) notícias e casos de defesa da concorrência das principais jurisdições antitruste do mundo (CADE, FTC, Comissão Europeia, CMA etc).

Notícias da concorrência

Annual merger investigation outcomes

Updated 11 February 2025


  1. Merger outcomes in 2024
  2. Merger outcomes in 2023
  3. Merger outcomes in 2022

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Most of the mergers the CMA investigates end at phase 1.

Only a few make it to phase 2, and fewer still are blocked by us or abandoned by the merging parties.

This page outlines how many mergers we investigated, and their outcomes, in each of the last three full years (January to December).

Merger outcomes in 2024

In 2024 we considered 1,037 mergers formally or informally. This includes mergers that we were told about and mergers that we found ourselves.

Of those 1,037 mergers, we investigated 38 at phase 1.

Of the 38 mergers investigated at phase 1, only 6 were referred to phase 2.

Of the 6 mergers investigated at phase 2:

  • 2 were unconditionally cleared by us
  • 2 had the parties offer acceptable remedies (selling off assets)
  • 1 was blocked by us
  • 1 was cancelled/abandoned by the parties

Of all considered mergers, only 0.2% were blocked or abandoned.

Merger outcomes in 2023

In 2023 we considered 848 mergers formally or informally. This includes mergers that we were told about and mergers that we found ourselves.

Of those 848 mergers, we investigated 56 at phase 1.

Of the 56 mergers investigated at phase 1, 10 were referred to phase 2.

Of the 10 mergers investigated at phase 2:

  • 4 were unconditionally cleared by us
  • 2 had the parties offer acceptable remedies (selling off assets)
  • 2 were blocked by us
  • 2 were cancelled or abandoned by the parties

Of all considered mergers, only 0.5% were blocked or abandoned.

Merger outcomes in 2022

In 2022 we considered 718 mergers formally or informally. This includes mergers that we were told about and mergers that we found ourselves.

Of those 718 mergers, we investigated 48 at phase 1.

Of the 48 mergers investigated at phase 1, 15 were referred to phase 2.

Of the 15 mergers investigated at phase 2:

  • 3 were unconditionally cleared by us
  • 6 had the parties offer acceptable remedies (selling off assets)
  • 3 were blocked by us
  • 3 were cancelled or abandoned by the parties

Of all considered mergers, only 0.8% were blocked or abandoned.

Decisões da concorrência


Ato de Concentração nº 08700.009192/2024-10

REQUERENTES: Unimed de Cascavel – Cooperativa de Trabalho Médico, Hospital Policlínica Cascavel S.A.

Declaração de Ato de Concentração complexo.

Ato de Concentração nº 08700.009090/2024-02

Requerentes: Bimbo do Brasil Ltda. (Bimbo) e Grupo Wickbold (Wickbold)

Terceiro Interessado: Pandurata Alimentos Ltda.

Declaração de Ato de Concentração complexo.

Autorité de la Concurrence

Secteur(s) :

Energie / Environnement

relative à la prise de contrôle conjoint de la société Holding Dream Energy par les sociétés EdRPE Infra TIIC GP III S.à.r.l. Luxembourg et Artea

Décision de contrôle des concentrations|

Publication du sens de la décision le : 11 février 2025

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Principiais sítios eletrônicos de defesa da concorrência do mundo

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FTC – Federal Trade Commission

USDOJ – Departamento de Justiça dos EUA

Comissão Europeia – Responsável pela política da concorrência na Europa

CMA – Autoridade da concorrência do Reino Unido

Autorité de la Concurrence – Autoridade da concorrência da França

AdC -Autoridade da Concorrência de Portugal

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