ToggleNotícias da concorrência
Commission approves Constantia’s acquisition of Aluflexpack subject to conditions
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The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the proposed acquisition of Aluflexpack AG (‘Aluflexpack‘) by Constantia Flexibles GmbH (‘Constantia‘). The approval is conditional upon full compliance with commitments offered by the parties.
The Commission’s investigation
Constantia is a global producer and supplier of flexible packaging solutions, including plastic and aluminium-based products. Aluflexpack is a manufacturer and supplier of flexible packaging solutions, primarily made from aluminium, for a variety of industries.
The Commission’s investigation showed that the parties compete in the supply of flexible aluminium packaging for various end-uses, such as human and wet pet food, dairy and pharmaceuticals.
The Commission found that the transaction would have reduced competition in the markets for the supply of sterilisable aluminium containers and lids for wet pet food and certain human foods (such as pâté) in the European Economic Area (‘EEA’). In particular, the Commission concluded that the deal would have resulted in very large combined market shares as well as high concentration levels in the EEA.
The Commission also found that, after the acquisition, there would not be enough alternative suppliers to exert competitive pressure on the merged entity. This would have likely led to higher prices and less choice for human and pet food producers in Europe.
The proposed remedies
To address the Commission’s competition concerns, the parties offered to divest the entirety of Aluflexpack’s wet pet and human food sterilisable business in the EEA, including all assets and personnel currently part of Aluflexpack’s production plant Omial Novi in Omiš (Croatia).
Following the positive feedback received during the market test, the Commission concluded that the transaction, as modified by the commitments, would no longer raise competition concerns. This is because the divestiture of a stand-alone business fully removes the overlap between the parties’ activities, by enabling a purchaser to run the divestment business as a viable competitive force in the market on a lasting basis.
Constantia proposed to divest the business to the MTX Group, a Czech industrial trading and production holding active in flexible packaging. The Commission will formalise its conclusions on the purchaser in a separate buyer approval process.
The decision is conditional upon full compliance with the commitments. Under the supervision of the Commission, an independent trustee will monitor their implementation.
Companies and products
Constantia, headquartered in Austria, is a global producer and supplier of flexible packaging solutions, including plastic and aluminium-based products. Constantia’s product portfolio includes flexible packaging solutions for everyday use products such as human and pet food, beverages, pharmaceuticals and personal care products. Since January 2024, Constantia is solely controlled by One Rock Capital Partners, LLC.
Aluflexpack, headquartered in Switzerland, is a manufacturer and supplier of flexible packaging solutions for a variety of industries. The packaging solutions are primarily made from aluminium and used for various human and pet food, pharmaceuticals and other non-food products.
For more information
The transaction was notified to the Commission on 28 November 2024.
The Commission has the duty to assess mergers and acquisitions involving companies with a turnover above certain thresholds (see Article 1 of the EU Merger Regulation) and to prevent concentrations that would significantly impede effective competition in the EEA or any substantial part of it.
The vast majority of notified mergers do not pose competition problems and are cleared after a routine review. From the moment a transaction is notified, the Commission generally has a total of 25 working days to decide whether to grant approval (Phase I) or to start an in-depth investigation (Phase II). If commitments are proposed in Phase I, the Commission has 10 additional working days, bringing the total duration of a Phase I case to 35 working days, such as in this case.
Throughout its investigation, the Commission had exchanges and cooperated with the Competition Commission of Switzerland.
More information will be available on the Commission’s competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.11536.
La CNMC recomienda más claridad en las obligaciones para garantizar la accesibilidad cognitiva
Sector: Nota de prensa
Ámbito CNMC: Promoción de Competencia
- El futuro Reglamento facilitará el acceso igualitario a ciertos bienes y servicios para las personas con dificultades cognitivas.
- La CNMC valora la norma como positiva, pero sugiere mejorar la definición de las obligaciones y precisar los costes asociados.
- También destaca la importancia de asegurar que las exigencias sean equivalentes para entes públicos y empresas privadas.
La CNMC ha analizado el Proyecto de Real Decreto que aprobará el Reglamento de las condiciones básicas de accesibilidad cognitiva (IPN/CNMC/039/24).
Esta norma pretende facilitar el acceso en igualdad de condiciones a bienes y servicios (públicos y privados) por parte de personas con dificultades cognitivas.
El reglamento abarca distintos ámbitos, como los procedimientos administrativos, la participación en procesos electorales, el acceso al empleo, bienes y servicios a disposición del público, la cultura, los espacios públicos urbanos y sectores clave como las telecomunicaciones y el transporte.
Análisis de la CNMC
La CNMC destaca que esta normativa mejorará la protección de los derechos de las personas con dificultades cognitivas y fomentará su participación activa en los mercados, ya sea como consumidores o como proveedores. Este enfoque puede incrementar la competencia y ampliar la oferta de bienes y servicios disponibles.
Sin embargo, la CNMC subraya que es esencial aplicar los principios de necesidad y proporcionalidad en las obligaciones que se imponen a las empresas. Además, formula las siguientes recomendaciones:
- Definir mejor las obligaciones y los agentes implicados. Es necesario que el reglamento aclare de forma concreta qué se exige y a quién.
- Asegurar la equidad entre lo público y lo privado. Las exigencias deben ser coherentes y equivalentes para empresas públicas y privadas, respetando la neutralidad competitiva.
- Reducir la dependencia de normas UNE (acrónimo de Una Norma Española). Incluir los requisitos en el texto normativo o ampliar los mecanismos de acreditación.
- Estimar con precisión los costes. Calcular el impacto económico para las empresas y especificar si parte de esos costes podrían ser subvencionados.
La CNMC puede actuar de oficio (de acuerdo con el artículo 5.1.h de la Ley de creación) o a petición de las Cámaras Legislativas, el Gobierno, los departamentos ministeriales, las Comunidades Autónomas, las Corporaciones locales, los Colegios Profesionales, las Cámaras de Comercio y las Organizaciones Empresariales y de Consumidores y Usuarios (de acuerdo con su artículo 5.2).
Documento no oficial, destinado a los medios de comunicación, y que no vincula a la CNMC. Reproducción permitida solo si se cita la fuente.
Decisões da concorrência
Ato de Concentração nº 08700.000378/2025-94
Requerentes: Alvorada Comércio de Produtos Agropecuários Ltda. e Casa da Ração Veterinária Ltda. Aprovação sem restrições.
Ato de Concentração nº 08700.000646/2025-78
Requerentes: WEG Equipamentos Elétricos S.A. e Reivax S.A. Automação e Controle. Aprovação sem restrições.
Comissão Europeia
Last decision date: 29.01.2025 Super simplified procedure
Last decision date: 29.01.2025 Simplified procedure
Last decision date: 29.01.2025
Investigation phase: 1
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Autorité de la Concurrrence
Secteur(s) :
relative à la prise de contrôle exclusif de la société Groupe CM Exedra par la société Fayat
Décision de contrôle des concentrations|
Publication du sens de la décision le : 30 janvier 2025
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Principiais sítios eletrônicos de defesa da concorrência do mundo
CADE – Autoridade da concorrência do Brasil
FTC – Federal Trade Commission
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Comissão Europeia – Responsável pela política da concorrência na Europa
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