
Este é um informativo diário que traz para o(a) leitor (a) notícias e casos de defesa da concorrência das principais jurisdições antitruste do mundo (CADE, FTC, Comissão Europeia, CMA etc).


Este é um informativo diário que traz para o(a) leitor (a) notícias e casos de defesa da concorrência das principais jurisdições antitruste do mundo (CADE, FTC, Comissão Europeia, CMA etc).


CMA provisionally finds Vodafone / Three could address competition concerns through network investment and customer protections

CMA inquiry group investigating Vodafone / Three merger publishes Remedies Working Paper.

From: Competition and Markets Authority

Published 5 November 2024

  • CMA inquiry group investigating Vodafone / Three merger publishes Remedies Working Paper.  
  • Merger could proceed if appropriate remedies are implemented. 
  • CMA to seek feedback before making a final decision by 7 December. 

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has provisionally found that a multi-billion-pound commitment to upgrade the merged company’s network across the UK, including the roll-out of 5G, combined with short-term customer protections could solve competition concerns identified in September and allow the merger to go ahead. 

The CMA investigation – led by an independent inquiry group – provisionally found in September that the merger could lead to higher prices for customers and harm the position of mobile virtual network operators, such as Sky Mobile, Lyca, Lebara and iD Mobile. The CMA also consulted on potential solutions to address its concerns – known as remedies. 

The CMA has today set out a Remedies Working Paper to seek views on the effectiveness of a proposed remedy package.  

It provisionally finds that a legally binding commitment to undertake the network integration and investment programme proposed by Vodafone and Three would significantly improve the quality of the merged company’s mobile network, boosting competition between mobile network operators in the long term and benefiting millions of people who rely on mobile services.  

The CMA also found that short term protections would be needed to ensure that retail consumers and mobile virtual network operators can continue to secure good deals during the initial years of network integration and investment roll-out. 

The remedies proposed today would require Vodafone and Three to:  

  • deliver their joint network plan – which sets out the network upgrade and improvements they will make through significant levels of investment over the next 8 years across the UK. This would be a legal obligation overseen by both Ofcom – the telecoms regulator – and the CMA
  • commit to retain certain existing mobile tariffs and data plans for at least 3 years, protecting millions of current and future Vodafone / Three customers (including customers on their sub-brands) from short-term price rises in the early years of the network plan 
  • commit to pre-agreed prices and contract terms to ensure that Mobile Virtual Network Operators can obtain competitive wholesale deals

Stuart McIntosh, chair of the inquiry group leading the investigation, said:  

We believe this deal has the potential to be pro-competitive for the UK mobile sector if our concerns are addressed.  

Our provisional view is that binding commitments combined with short-term protections for consumers and wholesale providers would address our concerns while preserving the benefits of this merger.  

A legally binding network commitment would boost competition in the longer term and the additional measures would protect consumers and wholesale customers while the network upgrades are being rolled out.

Today’s announcement is provisional, with a final decision due before the 7 December statutory deadline. The inquiry group is inviting feedback on today’s announcement by 5pm on 12 November.  

More information can be found on the  Vodafone / CK Hutchison JV case page and on  the detailed guidance page

Notes to editors

  1. The CMA’s guidance explains that the Remedies Working Paper may be published on the CMA website if the CMA deems wider consultation to be necessary. In this case, the CMA considers the publication of the Remedies Working Paper is appropriate for third parties to understand its provisional decision and provide any further views before the final decision.  
  2. The inquiry group’s decision set out in the Remedies Working Paper published today on the appropriate remedy to address the competition concerns identified in the provisional findings is provisional. Following consultation on the Remedies Working Paper, the Group will take its final decision on both the competition issues and any remedies by 7 December 2024. 
  3. Vodafone UK (which is owned by Vodafone Group Plc) and Three UK (which is owned by CK Hutchison Holdings Limited) are two major providers of mobile telecommunication services in the UK. Last year both businesses announced a joint venture agreement which would bring their 27 million customers under a new, single network operator. 
  4. The 4 mobile network operators in the UK are Vodafone UK, Three UK, BTEE and Virgin Media O2. 
  5. ‘Virtual’ network operators – such as Sky Mobile, Tesco Mobile, Lebara, Lyca Mobile and iD Mobile – do not own their own networks and rely on access to a mobile network operator’s network to supply mobile services to their customers. 
  6. Part way through the Phase 2 investigation, Vodafone and Three entered into an agreement with VMO2 (Beacon 4.1) which involves, among other things, the divestment of spectrum to VMO2 (conditional on CMA approval for the merger). The CMA has considered the impact of this as part of its assessment.

La CNDC conversó con expertos sobre los programas de clemencia en Argentina, Chile y Perú

El evento fue organizado por la Comisión de Defensa de la Competencia del Colegio de Abogados de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y contó con la participación de expertos de Chile y Perú en derecho de la competencia

04 de noviembre de 2024

El 31 de octubre de 2024 se realizó un evento sobre los programas de clemencia en Argentina, Chile y Perú, convocado por la Comisión de Defensa de la Competencia del Colegio de Abogados de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

Alexis Pirchio, Presidente de la Comisión Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia (CNDC), Ricardo Riesco, socio de Bering Asesores y ex Fiscal a cargo de la Fiscalía Nacional Económica de Chile y Alejandro Falla Jara, socio de Bullard Falla Ezcurra y ex Comisionado de la Comisión de Libre Competencia del Indecopi de Perú, conversaron acerca de la reglamentación de los programas de clemencia en sus respectivos países y sobre la experiencia en Chile y Perú -dos países en los que los programas de inmunidad cuentan con una larga trayectoria- en el uso de esta herramienta para la detección de cárteles.

En Argentina, recientemente ha sido aprobado el Reglamento para la Ejecución del Programa de Clemencia, el cual precisa las etapas, el procedimiento y los requisitos que debe cumplir una persona humana o jurídica que haya incurrido, o esté incurriendo, en una de las conductas de las enumeradas en el artículo 2º de la Ley 27.442 de Defensa de la Competencia (LDC) para acogerse y obtener el beneficio de exoneración o reducción de la sanción correspondiente. Estas conductas concertadas son las prácticas comúnmente conocidas como cárteles de núcleo duro, e incluyen los acuerdos entre dos o más competidores para fijar precios, restringir la oferta, repartirse el mercado o coordinar posturas en licitaciones, concursos o subastas.

El Programa de Clemencia permite al solicitante beneficiarse de la exoneración, o bien, de la reducción de la sanción, la cual puede ascender a multas de hasta el 30% de la facturación de las empresas infractoras en Argentina. El acogimiento a dicho beneficio requiere de una colaboración continua con la CNDC por parte del solicitante, aportando información y evidencia que permita al organismo probar la existencia y el funcionamiento del cártel.

Para realizar consultas sobre la disponibilidad de marcadores u otras consultas generales sobre el Programa de Clemencia, se puede escribir a la siguiente dirección de correo: clemencia@comercio.gob.ar.

Atos de concentração – Decisões


Ato de Concentração nº 08700.008270/2024-69

Partes: Cheplapharm Arzneimittel GmbH e Eli Lilly and Company.

Aprovação sem restrições.


Vodafone / CK Hutchison JV merger inquiry

  • The CMA is investigating the anticipated joint venture between Vodafone Group Plc and CK Hutchison Holdings Limited concerning Vodafone Limited and Hutchison 3G UK Limited.
    • Updated: 5 November 2024

Iberdrola / NWEN merger inquiry

  • The CMA is investigating the completed acquisition by Iberdrola, S.A., through its subsidiary Scottish Power Energy Networks Holdings Limited, of North West Electricity Networks (Jersey) Limited.
    • Updated: 4 November 2024

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