Este é um informativo diário que traz para o(a) leitor (a) notícias e casos de defesa da concorrência das principais jurisdições antitruste do mundo (CADE, FTC, Comissão Europeia, CMA etc).
A concorrência pelo mundo começa a semana trazendo duas importantes notícias. A primeira vem do FTC e se refere esforços que continuarão a ser envidados pela autoridade para incluir na análise antitruste os efeitos das fusões e aquisições sobre o mercado de trabalho e, a segunda, se refere ao lançamento do estudo sobre complaince concorrencial realizado pela Japan Fair Trade Commission – JFTC
Com o estudo proposto, a JFTC objetiva avaliar como as empresas estão respondendo às tendências recentes nas seguintes áreas, além do desenvolvimento geral e implementação de programas de conformidade com a Lei Antimonopólio. Especificamente, com o recente avanço rápido das tecnologias de TI, como a IA, há preocupações crescentes sobre o potencial de violações da Lei Antimonopólio por meio do uso de algoritmos e IA.
A autoridade japonesa de defesa da concorrência também propõe a criação de medidas para ampliar a eficiência no cumprimento da sua Lei de Defesa da Concorrência, bem como revisar o “Guia para a Concepção e Implementação de um Programa Eficaz de Conformidade com a Lei Antimonopólio” lançado em dezembro de 2023 a partir dos resultados obtidos.
Com relação as operações de fusões e aquisições ocorridas no Brasil e no mundo, vale registrar que a Superintendência-Geral do CADE aprovou sem restrições por rito sumário a operação que envolve as empresas Camil Alimentos S.A., Rice Paraguay S.A. e Villa Oliva Rice S.A. (mercado de beneficiamento e comercialização de arroz), e que a Autoridade Britânica de Defesa da Concorrência – CMA avança na análise das fases 2 dos casos Vodafone/CK Hutchison (proposta de formação de uma joint-venture nos mercados de fornecimento de serviços móveis no varejo e atacado no Reino Unido) e Spreadex / Sporting Index (Aquisição completa do B2C business pela empresa Sporting Index Limited no mercado de prestação de serviços licenciados de apostas esportivas online em Reino Unido). Ambos os casos estão na fase de imposição de remédios.
Statement on Memorandum of Understanding Related to Antitrust Review of Labor Issues in Merger Investigations
The Federal Trade Commission has notified the other parties that it will withdraw from a Memorandum of Understanding with federal labor agencies related to merger investigations. The agency will continue to closely scrutinize all issues related to mergers, including potential impacts on labor, in accordance with its merger guidelines.
The Federal Trade Commission works to promote competition, and protect and educate consumers. The FTC will never demand money, make threats, tell you to transfer money, or promise you a prize. You can learn more about consumer topics and report scams, fraud, and bad business practices online at ReportFraud.ftc.gov. Follow the FTC on social media, read our blogs and subscribe to press releases for the latest FTC news and resources.
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Office of Public Affairs
Presentación de la CNDC sobre el control de concentraciones económicas en el Colegio de Abogados
Lucas Trevisani Vespa, vocal de la Comisión Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia (CNDC), conversó acerca del régimen vigente de control de concentraciones económicas en la Comisión de Defensa de la Competencia del Colegio de Abogados de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
27 de septiembre de 2024
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Durante el encuentro, que se llevó a cabo el 25 de septiembre en la sede del Colegio de Abogados de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, el vocal de la CNDC, Lucas Trevisani Vespa, conversó con Marcos Nazar Anchorena, presidente de la Comisión de Defensa de la Competencia del Colegio, y con Santiago del Río, socio del estudio de abogados Marval O ́Farrel Mairal, acerca del presente del régimen de control de las operaciones de concentración económica.
A lo largo de la conversación, se hizo una evaluación del Reglamento para la Notificación de Operaciones de Concentración Económica, que fue aprobado en 2023 y lleva en vigencia un año. Los nuevos formularios de notificación, F0, F1 y F2 fueron ponderados, aunque algunos aspectos podrían ser revisados en el futuro. También los Informes de Objeción fueron resaltados como una herramienta fundamental y un hito de relevancia en el procedimiento de control.
Asimismo, fue anunciada la próxima publicación de reglamentaciones específicas para las Opiniones Consultivas y las Diligencias Preliminares, las cuales serán sometidas a consulta pública.
Statement by the Secretary General at a regular press conference (September 18, 2024)
September 18, 2024
Japan Fair Trade Commission
Today, I would like to explain the following matters: (1) Launch of Market Study on Corporate Compliance and (2) Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the Japan-U.S. Competition Cooperation Agreement.
Launch of Market Study on Corporate Compliance
The JFTC has been actively supporting initiatives by enterprises to promote Antimonopoly Act compliance, with the aim of fostering an environment where competitive business activities can be conducted autonomously. As part of these efforts, we published the “Guide for the Design and Implementation of an Effective Antimonopoly Act Compliance Program” in December last year.
In recent years, on the other hand, there have continued to be cases where Antimonopoly Act compliance appears not to be functioning effectively. For instance, in some cease and desist orders issued against enterprises that violated the Antimonopoly Act, those companies have been ordered to implement measures to prevent recurrence, including the establishment of compliance systems. In response, the JFTC has decided to conduct a study on Antimonopoly Act compliance aimed at further improving the effectiveness of enterprises’ compliance efforts. This study targets 1,643 companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market (as of the end of August 2024, excluding foreign companies).
This is the first study on Antimonopoly Act compliance targeting listed companies in 12 years, since the last one conducted in 2012.
As for the content of the study, we aim to assess how enterprises are responding to recent trends in the following areas, in addition to the general development and implementation of Antimonopoly Act compliance programs. Specifically, with the recent rapid advancement of IT technologies such as AI, there are growing concerns about the potential for Antimonopoly Act violations through the use of algorithms and AI. At the same time, there are also cases where AI is being utilized in audits undertaken to detect violations of the Antimonopoly Act. In recent years, efforts to ensure proper price pass-through in response to rising labor and other costs have gained importance. Compliance initiatives related to Antimonopoly Act violations other than cartels and bid-rigging have also become increasingly significant.
In this study, we consider it important to gather and analyze information on how enterprises are responding to the latest developments, notably the use of algorithms and AI, as well as the proper price pass-through in response to rising labor and other costs, and actions related to Antimonopoly Act violations other than cartels and bid-rigging. Based on the analysis, we intend to propose measures to further enhance the effectiveness of Antimonopoly Act compliance. These aspects are considered crucial in our approach. In addition, we plan to revise the “Guide for the Design and Implementation of an Effective Antimonopoly Act Compliance Program” based on the results of the study.
We plan to conduct a web questionnaire targeting companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market from early October to mid-November. We sincerely hope that you will understand the purpose of this survey and kindly provide your cooperation.
Please note that this matter is being handled by the General Affairs Division of the Economic Affairs Bureau.
Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the Japan-U.S. Competition Cooperation Agreement
This agreement was signed in 1999 and marks its 25th anniversary this year. The meeting was held in Washington, D.C., and was attended by JFTC Commissioner Reiko Aoki, the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Commissioner Alvaro Bedoya. In addition to reflecting on the cooperative relationship to date, both sides confirmed their undertakings to continue working together on future competition law challenges.
The JFTC views this as a highly meaningful opportunity to reaffirm the cooperative relationship between Japan and the U.S. in the field of competition law and continues our close collaboration with the United States to ensure the effective enforcement of competition laws and the fostering of a healthy market environment in both countries.
Atos de concentração – Decisões
Ato de Concentração nº 08700.007137/2024-95
Requerentes: Camil Alimentos S.A., Rice Paraguay S.A. e Villa Oliva Rice S.A. Aprovação sem restrições.
Ato de Concentração nº 08700.007135/2024-04
Requerentes: Crescera Growth Capital Master V Fundo de Investimento em Participações Multiestratégia e Nava Serviços e Outsourcing Ltda. Aprovação sem restrições.
Ato de Concentração nº 08700.007184/2024-39
Partes: Dayprev Vida e Previdência S.A., BMG Seguros S.A. e BMG Participações em Negócios Ltda. Aprovação sem restrições.
Ato de Concentração nº 08700.006969/2024-94
Requerentes: Itaú Unibanco S.A. e Cocal Participações S.A. Aprovação sem restrições.
Comissão Europeia
Last decision date: 27.09.2024 Super simplified procedure
Last decision date: 27.09.2024 Simplified procedure
Last decision date: 27.09.2024 Simplified procedure
Spreadex / Sporting Index merger inquiry
- The CMA is investigating the completed acquisition by Spreadex Limited of the B2C business of Sporting Index Limited.
- Updated: 30 September 2024
Vodafone / CK Hutchison JV merger inquiry
- The CMA is investigating the anticipated joint venture between Vodafone Group Plc and CK Hutchison Holdings Limited concerning Vodafone Limited and Hutchison 3G UK Limited.
- Updated: 30 September 2024
Amazon / Anthropic partnership merger inquiry
- The CMA is investigating Amazon.com, Inc’s (Amazon) partnership with Anthropic PBC (Anthropic).
- Updated: 27 September 2024
Lindab / HAS-Vent merger inquiry
- The CMA is investigating the completed acquisition by Lindab International AB of HAS-Vent Holdings Limited.
- Updated: 27 September 2024
Autorité de la Concurrence
Secteur(s) :
relative à la prise de contrôle exclusif de la société Finaxi et de ses filiales par la société Cinven
Décision de contrôle des concentrations|
Publication du sens de la décision le : 30 septembre 2024