Este é um informativo diário que traz para o(a) leitor (a) notícias e casos de defesa da concorrência das principais jurisdições antitruste do mundo (CADE, FTC, Comissão Europeia, CMA etc).
Justice Department Withdraws from 1995 Bank Merger Guidelines
Tuesday, September 17, 2024Share
For Immediate Release
Office of Public Affairs
The Justice Department announced today its withdrawal from the 1995 Bank Merger Guidelines and emphasized that the 2023 Merger Guidelines remain its sole and authoritative statement across all industries.
The department today also released commentary explaining the application of the 2023 Merger Guidelines in banking. This commentary identifies competition issues that may commonly occur in bank mergers and outlines which guidelines best inform analysis of those issues. As with the 2023 Merger Guidelines, this commentary offers transparency into the department’s merger review process but does not create rights or obligations of any party under the laws governing mergers of banks and bank holding companies.
The announcement today was the result of a collaborative consultative process with the department’s close partners at the Federal Reserve, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. The announcement was also informed by robust public feedback, department experience and expertise, as well as developments in the market, law and economics.
Neither the 2024 Banking Addendum nor the 2023 Merger Guidelines predetermine enforcement action by the department. Although the 2023 Merger Guidelines identify the factors and frameworks the department considers when investigating mergers, the department’s enforcement decisions will necessarily depend on the facts in any case and will continue to require prosecutorial discretion and judgment.
Throughout any bank merger review, the Justice Department works closely with the relevant bank regulators to ensure the complementary and consistent application of the laws within each agency’s area of expertise. As is always the case, those agencies may at their discretion use their own methods for screening and evaluating bank mergers.
Updated September 17, 2024
Statement by the Secretary General at a regular press conference (September 11, 2024)
September 11, 2024
Japan Fair Trade Commission
Today, I would like to explain the following matters: (1) Establishment of a Chief Green Officer and (2) Request for Participation in a Web Questionnaire and Proactive Information Submission for the Market Study on Business Practices in the Food Supply Chain.
Establishment of a Chief Green Officer
The JFTC established a new position, Chief Green Officer, on August 1 this year. Throughout this summer, Japan once again experienced record-breaking heat waves across the country. The issue of climate change is not only a concern for Japan, but a challenge for humanity as a whole, and it is becoming increasingly urgent for the international community to step up its collective efforts to address this global problem.
The JFTC has published the “Guidelines Concerning the Activities of Enterprises, etc. Toward the Realization of a Green Society under the Antimonopoly Act” (the Green Guidelines), and has been conducting publicity activities for the Green Guidelines and consultations with enterprises and trade associations to encourage their efforts to become carbon neutral.
Additionally, through the Market Study Report on the Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Services and the Market Study Report on the Recycling of Used Plastic Bottles, which were conducted over the past two years, we gathered insights into market conditions and made recommendations, etc., for the future. Furthermore, as introduced during the July press meeting, we actively engaged in international collaboration in this field, including presenting Japan’s initiatives at the Workshop on Sustainability of the International Competition Network (ICN).
To further accelerate these efforts, a Chief Green Officer has been established in the JFTC’s General Secretariat. The Chief Green Officer, established by a commission directive, will be responsible for collecting and analyzing information on business activities, technological trends, market trends, and developments by foreign competition authorities, etc., related to the realization of a Green Society— a society that balances environmental sustainability and economic growth. In addition, the Chief Green Officer will provide this information both within and outside the JFTC, conduct pre-consultations, assist in the appropriate handling of merger reviews related to the realization of a Green Society, and promote the Commission’s efforts in this area to external stakeholders.
On September 1 of this year, the position of Chief Green Officer was assigned to Mr. Suzuki, the Director of the Consultation and Guidance Office. Mr. Suzuki was responsible executive for the formulation of the Green Guidelines in March 2023 and the revision in April, 2024. He currently oversees the Consultation and Guidance Office, which handles inquiries from enterprises and other organizations regarding individual initiatives.
The JFTC will continue to actively and appropriately address the various initiatives of enterprises and other organizations aimed at realizing a Green Society.
Request for Participation in a Web Questionnaire and Proactive Information Submission for the Market Study on Business Practices in the Food Supply Chain
The JFTC decided to conduct a market study on business practices in transactions between food manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers within the food supply chain, from the perspective of abuse of superior bargaining position under the Antimonopoly Act. The study period covers one year, from September 2023 to August 2024. We will send out a request for cooperation in the web questionnaire to manufacturers and wholesalers on the 13th of this week.
For this market study, we would like to encourage a wide range of enterprises, including those not selected for the web questionnaire, to provide information. From the 13th of this week to the 25th of next month, the JFTC will set up an anonymous information submission form on its website, where enterprises can share information regarding business practices in the food supply chain. We strongly encourage those with relevant information to submit it through this form.
I would like to provide additional context regarding the background for conducting this market study. The JFTC has long held concerns regarding competition in food distribution. We conducted a market study on the distribution practices in the processed food industry in 1992, a market study on transactions between food manufacturers and wholesalers in 2011, and a Fact-Finding Survey on Transactions of Private Brand Products in the Food Sector in 2014. In this context, we had been receiving various concerns regarding business practices in the food supply chain related to competition. These voices and others led us to consider that certain industry-specific practices, such as the one-third rule for deliveries, may constitute problematic conduct from the perspective of abuse of superior bargaining position under the Antimonopoly Act.
Furthermore, concerns regarding competition in food distribution are being examined internationally. In December of this year, the OECD is scheduled to hold a roundtable on the theme of “Competition in the Food Supply Chain,” and similar discussions are taking place within the ICN. Taking these factors into consideration, we have decided to conduct this market study.
As for the conducts we are considering as potential issues in this market study, examples include those mentioned in the press release, such as unjust return of goods or refusal to accept goods by retailers. Specifically, there are concerns that retailers may unjustly refuse to accept deliveries on the grounds that the delivery deadline is approaching, based on the one-third rule, or that retailers may unjustly return unsold food to manufacturers or others.
If the study results identify any potentially problematic conduct, we plan to publicize the findings and widely disseminate them across the industry. Through this, we aim to promote fair transactions within the food supply chain and eliminate unjust burdens placed on food manufacturers and other stakeholders.
Based on the results of the web questionnaire, we plan to conduct interviews with retailers and aim to compile the findings by the end of 2024, if possible.
Atos de concentração – Decisões
Ato de Concentração nº 08700.006319/2024-49
Requerentes: ArcelorMittal Brasil S.A. e Casa dos Ventos S.A. Aprovação sem restrições.
Ato de Concentração nº 08700.006740/2024-50
Requerentes: Vibra Energia S.A. e Comerc Energia S.A. Aprovação sem restrições.
Ato de concentração nº 08700.004450/2024-71
Requerentes: Phibro Animal Health Corporation e Zoetis Inc.
Advogados: Bruno Drago, Marco Antonio Fonseca e Otávio Cividanes.
Aprovação sem restrições
Processo nº 08700.002241/2024-93
Tipo de Processo: Procedimento Administrativo de Apuração de Ato de Concentração – APAC
Representante: Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica – Ex-officio.
Representadas: NovaAgri Infra-Estutura de Armazenagem e Escoamento Agrícola S.A., Valter Gatto, Valdir Gatto, Vilson Gatto, Clair Gatto, Roberto Gatto e Ruth Mara dos Santos Gatto.
Conselheiro Relator: Victor Oliveira Fernandes
1. Trata-se de Procedimento Administrativo para Apuração de Ato de Concentração (APAC), instaurado em 05/04/2024 a partir do Despacho SG nº 353/2024 (1366317), integrante do Ato de Concentração nº 08700.000692/2024-96 (“AC 692/2024” – NovaAgri Infra-Estutura de Armazenagem e Escoamento Agrícola S.A. e Irmãos Gatto), que foi submetido espontaneamente pelas Partes para avaliação do Cade em 31/01/2024. O procedimento tem como objetivo verificar a consumação da referida operação antes da aprovação pelo Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (“CADE”), conforme previsão do art. 88, §3º, da Lei nº 12.529/2011.
2. A operação tratou da aquisição, pelos Irmãos Gatto, de imóvel rural localizado no município de Luis Eduardo Magalhães, Bahia (“Ativo-Alvo”), onde a NovaAgri operava um armazém para granéis sólidos (“Operação”).
3. A notificação foi realizada espontaneamente pelas partes em 31/01/2024 (SEI 1341159) e o AC 692/2024 foi aprovado sem restrições no dia 01/03/2024, vide Despacho SG nº 228/2024 (1354766), nos termos do Parecer nº 92/2024 (1354747), com certidão de trânsito em julgado de 20/03/2024 (1363413).
4. Ocorre que, conforme se extrai das informações prestadas pelas partes, houve o pagamento antecipado do valor integral da operação antes da submissão da Operação ao CADE. O fato foi confirmado pelas partes tanto no formulário de notificação quanto na resposta ao Ofício nº 4309/2024 (SEI nº 1383871), enviado pela SG para coleta de informações adicionais. O comprovante do pagamento antecipado foi apresentado pelas partes no SEI 1388059, de acesso restrito.
5. Em 05/09/2024 a Superintendência-Geral (“SG/Cade”) exarou o Despacho SG nº 1026/2024 (1439518), acolhendo as razões da Nota Técnica nº 16/2024/SG-TRIAGEM AC/SGA1/SG/CADE (1439517), no qual conclui-se que o ato de concentração teria sido consumado antes da notificação e aprovação do CADE.
6. Em 09/09/2024, este APAC foi distribuído à minha relatoria por meio do sorteio realizado na 314ª Sessão Ordinária de Distribuição (1441973), cuja ata foi publicada no Diário Oficial da União em 11/09/2024 (1442707).
7. Feitas as considerações acima, e após detido exame dos autos, entendo que o presente processo está devidamente saneado, não havendo necessidade de diligências adicionais ou de instruções complementares nesta fase processual.
8. Nesse contexto, concedo às Representadas o prazo de 10 (dez) dias corridos, a partir da publicação desta decisão no DOU, para se manifestarem e fornecerem os esclarecimentos que julgarem necessários, especialmente em relação ao conteúdo da Nota Técnica nº 16/2024 (1439517).
9. Submeto o presente despacho à homologação do Tribunal, ad referendum.
10. Publique-se e intime-se.
Comissão Europeia
Last decision date: 17.09.2024 Super simplified procedure
Last decision date: 17.09.2024 Simplified procedure
Arla Foods Ingredients / Volac Whey Nutrition merger inquiry
- The CMA is investigating the anticipated acquisition by Arla Foods Ingredients Group P/S of Volac Whey Nutrition Holdings Limited.
- Updated: 18 September 2024
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company / Juniper Networks, Inc. merger inquiry
- The CMA investigated and cleared the anticipated acquisition by Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company of Juniper Networks, Inc.
- Updated: 17 September 2024
Lindab / HAS-Vent merger inquiry
- The CMA is investigating the completed acquisition by Lindab International AB of HAS-Vent Holdings Limited.
- Updated: 17 September 2024
Autorité de la Concurrence
Secteur(s) :
relative à la prise de contrôle exclusif du groupe Staffmatch par la société ISAI Gestion
Décision de contrôle des concentrations|
Publication du sens de la décision le : 17 septembre 2024
Secteur(s) :
relative à la prise de contrôle exclusif des sociétés LMG Assurances SA et Flex Conseil et Services par CNP Assurances
Décision de contrôle des concentrations|
Publication du sens de la décision le : 17 septembre 2024
Atos de concentração – Ingressos
Ato de concentração | Requerentes | Descrição da operação | Atividade econômica | Rito | Edital (DOU) |
08700.006907/2024-82 | J. Safra Holding S.A.; GIVE ENERGIA LTDA. | A Operação refere-se à aquisição, pela JSH, da totalidade das quotas da Give, atualmente em titularidade da Ludfor. | Sumário | 17/09/2024 | |
08700.006781/2024-46 | Amil Assistência Médica Internacional S.A.; Diagnósticos da América S.A. | Operação referente ao Contrato de Associação e Outras Avenças consistente na combinação de ativos de hospitais e oncologia da Ímpar Serviços Hospitalares (“Ímpar”), atualmente subsidiária integral da Dasa, e de ativos relacionados a hospitais e clínicas oncológicas da Amil, por meio de aumento de capital social da Ímpar, a ser integralmente subscrito e integralizado pela Amil, mediante contribuição de ativos de sua propriedade relacionados essencialmente a hospitais e clínicas oncológicas. | Ordinário | 16/09/2024 | |
08700.006875/2024-15 | SUPERMERCADOS BH COMÉRCIO DE ALIMENTOS S.A.; ABR DISTRIBUIDORA DE ALIMENTOS LTDA. | A operação se refere à aquisição, pela rede varejista SUPERMERCADOS BH COMÉRCIO DE ALIMENTOS S.A, de duas lojas (fundo de comércio) de comércio varejista de autosserviço ou autoatendimento, nos municípios de Vila Velha e Serra, ambas no Estado do Espírito Santo, incluindo estabelecimento (ponto comercial e instalações nos locais ? bens corpóreos e incorpóreos), detidas integralmente pela ABR DISTRIBUIDORA DE ALIMENTOS LTDA, dona da rede TOP MAIS ATACADO DISTRIBUIDOR. | 02.10-1-07; 49.30-2-02; 77.31-4-00; 01.61-0-99; 47.11-3-02 | Sumário | 10/09/2024 |
08700.006866/2024-24 | Rheinmetall AG; Carlyle Partners | A operação consiste na aquisição indireta pela Rheinmetall AG da Loc Performance Products, LLC por meio de uma aquisição pela American Rheinmetall Vehicles LLC de todas as quotas limitadas emitidas e em circulação da entidade controladora da Loc, a CP Prime Holdings, L.P. da Carlyle Partners VII Prime Holdings, L.P. e Prime Employee Holdings, LLC. | Sumário | 17/09/2024 | |
08700.006823/2024-49 | Ultrapar Logística Ltda.; Hidrovias do Brasil S.A | A operação proposta consiste no potencial aumento de capital social da Hidrovias do Brasil S.A (Empresa-Alvo)., com a subsequente subscrição, pela Ultrapar Logística Ltda (Compradora) de ações ordinárias da Empresa-Alvo, além de possível aquisição de ações da Empresa-Alvo em bolsa de valores pela Compradora. | 64.62-0-00 – Holdings de instituições não-financeiras; 50.21-1-02 – Transporte por navegação interior de carga, intermunicipal, interestadual e internacional, exceto travessia. | Sumário | 17/09/2024 |
08700.006782/2024-91 | José Ricardo Lemos Rezek; CPSB Patrimonial e Participações Ltda.; André Luis Vieira Azin; BRB – Banco de Brasília S.A. | A operação proposta trata da aquisição, direta ou indireta, por José Ricardo Lemos Rezek, CPSB Patrimonial e Participações Ltda. e André Luis Vieira Azin, de 49,9% das ações ordinárias representativas do capital social da BRB, Crédito, Financiamento e Investimento S.A., atualmente detidas pelo Banco BRB. | Serviços financeiros (CNAE 6619-3/99) | Sumário |