Clipping da Concorrência – 03.04

Este é um informativo diário que traz para o(a) leitor (a) notícias e casos de defesa da concorrência das principais jurisdições antitruste do mundo (CADE, FTC, Comissão Europeia, CMA etc).


Superintendência-Geral do Cade publica manual para uso de trustee

Documento formaliza o uso de trustees na fiscalização de decisões, compromissos e acordos pela autoridadeCompartilhe:

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Publicado em 02/04/2024 19h26 Atualizado em 02/04/2024 20h18


ASuperintendência-Geral do Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (SG/Cade) lançou, nesta terça-feira (02/04), o Manual para Uso de Trustee. O objetivo da publicação é formalizar, uniformizar e aprimorar a fiscalização do cumprimento das decisões, compromissos e acordos adotados no âmbito de controle de estruturas ou de investigações de condutas anticompetitivas que pressuponham a implementação de remédios em que a limitação de recursos impeça que os dados e informações gerados no monitoramento sejam processados pela própria agência concorrencial ou que exijam uma expertise que a autarquia não detém.   

Trustees são terceiros independentes contratados pelos administrados sujeitos a remédios antitruste, a pedido das autoridades concorrenciais, para auxiliá-las no monitoramento do cumprimento decisões, compromissos e acordos adotados, seja pela falta de recursos disponíveis ou pela necessidade de expertise específica para execução de alguma tarefa ou adoção de medida necessária para implementação de remédios mais complexos.   

Esses profissionais são responsáveis pela execução de procedimentos, sob ordens do Cade, nos processos de fiscalização do cumprimento das decisões, compromissos e acordos aprovados pelo Tribunal Administrativo.   

O documento foi elaborado com base em revisão de guias, estudos e precedentes do Cade, além de benchmark internacional, e contou com a contribuição de consultoria internacional, como parte de esforços para o aprimoramento institucional da fiscalização das decisões, compromissos e acordos da autoridade antitruste.   

O manual reúne os melhores procedimentos e práticas a serem observados para a adoção de trustees ou similares, como monitores, auditores independentes, mandatários, dentre outros.   

Vale ressaltar que a publicação é um documento orientativo, portanto não possui caráter normativo e não é vinculativo. Dessa forma, os processos, etapas de análise, prazos e modelos indicados devem ser observados quando possível, e a não observância estrita do manual não acarreta qualquer tipo de nulidade na fiscalização do cumprimento das decisões, compromissos e acordos aprovados pelo Cade.   

Acesse o Manual para Uso de Trustee. 

Energy network mergers: CMA190

Guidance on the CMA’s procedure and approach to its assessment when reviewing mergers involving energy network enterprises.From:Competition and Markets AuthorityPublished3 April 2024Get emails about this page


Energy network mergers: Guidance on the CMA’s procedure and assessment CMA190

PDF, 414 KB, 37 pages


This guidance provides advice and general information on the Competition and Markets Authority’s procedures and assessment in energy network mergers in Great Britain under the Enterprise Act 2002 as amended by the Energy Act 2023.

Published 3 April 2024

Suspected anti-competitive behaviour relating to freelance labour in the production and broadcasting of sports content

The CMA is investigating suspected breaches of competition law in relation to the purchase of freelance services supporting the production and broadcasting of sports content in the UK.From:Competition and Markets AuthorityPublished13 July 2022Last updated3 April 2024 — See all updatesCase type:CA98 and civil cartelsCase state:OpenMarket sector:CommunicationsOpened:12 July 2022


  1. Administrative timetable
  2. Case information
    1. Personal data
  3. Contacts

Administrative timetable

March 2024 to May 2024Ongoing assessment of information gathered in respect of the purchase of freelance services supporting the production and broadcasting of sports content in the UK
March 2024Investigation narrowed to exclude suspected breaches of competition law in relation to the employment of staff supporting the production and broadcasting of sports content in the UK, (see February 2023 entry below)
November 2023 to March 2024Further investigatory steps and assessment of evidence
April 2023 to October 2023Further information gathering and review and analysis of information gathered
April 2023Formal notice of investigation issued to two further case parties: the British Broadcasting Corporation and Sunset & Vine Productions Limited
January 2023 to April 2023Further review and analysis of information gathered
February 2023Investigation extended to include suspected breaches of competition law in relation to the employment of staff supporting the production and broadcasting of sports content in the UK
July 2022 to January 2023Initial investigation: information gathering
12 July 2022Investigation opened in relation to the purchase of freelance services. Formal notice of investigation issued to four case parties: BT Group PLC, IMG Media Limited (including Premier League Productions), ITV PLC and Sky UK Limited

Case information

12 July 2022: the CMA launched an investigation under section 25 of the Competition Act 1998 (‘CA98’) into suspected infringements of the Chapter I prohibition of the CA98 by undertakings involved in the production and broadcasting of sports content.

The investigation concerns the activities of these undertakings in relation to the purchase of freelance services which support the production and broadcasting of sports content in the UK.

The CMA is investigating suspected breaches of competition law by at least the following:

  • the British Broadcasting Corporation
  • BT Group PLC
  • IMG Media Limited (including Premier League Productions)
  • Sky UK Limited
  • Sunset & Vine Productions Limited

At this stage the CMA believes it has reasonable grounds to suspect one or more breaches of competition law. The CMA has not reached a view as to whether there is sufficient evidence of an infringement of competition law for it to issue a statement of objections to any party or parties. Not all cases result in the CMA issuing a statement of objections and no assumption should be made at this stage that the CA98 has been infringed.

Personal data

The CMA may collect, use and share personal data for its investigations, including investigations under the CA98. This includes processing personal data for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018.

For more information about how the CMA handles personal information,


Comissão Europeia




Last decision date: 02.04.2024


Wolseley/Kooltech merger inquiry

  • The CMA investigated the anticipated acquisition by Wolseley UK Limited of Kooltech Limited.
    • Updated: 3 April 2024

T&L Sugars/Tereos merger inquiry

  • The CMA is investigating the anticipated acquisition by T&L Sugars Limited of the UK packing and distribution site and business-to-consumer activities of Tereos United Kingdom and Ireland Limited from Tereos SCA.
    • Updated: 3 April 2024

Theramex/European Rights to Viatris’ Femoston and Duphaston products

  • The CMA is investigating the acquisition by Theramex HQ UK Limited of certain rights to Viatris Inc’s Femoston and Duphaston products.
    • Updated: 2 April 2024

Circle Health / BMI Healthcare: Review of undertakings

  • The CMA is reviewing the undertakings in lieu of a reference relating to the completed acquisition by Circle Health Holdings Limited of all the issued share capital of CHC Healthcare Holdings Limited.
    • Updated: 2 April 2024