New Non-Executive Directors appointed at CMA
DBT appoints five new Non-Executive Directors to the CMAFrom:Department for Business and Trade, Competition and Markets Authority, and Kevin Hollinrake MPPublished1 March 2024
The Department for Business and Trade has today announced the appointment of five new Non-Executive Directors to the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) board.
Dame Patricia Hodgson, Justin Basini, Dharmash Mistry and Frank Dangeard will join the board as Non-Executive Directors, whilst Cyrus Mehta will join the board as a Panel Member Non-Executive Director. Kirstin Baker CBE and Amelia Fletcher CBE will step down from the board.
CMA Chair, Marcus Bokkerink, said:
“Our new board members will bring further fresh perspectives and expertise at a time when our responsibilities, and our positive impact on people, businesses and the economy, are growing significantly. They will help us continue the great strides we have made over the past year to ensure that people can get great choices and a fair deal, competitive businesses are free to innovate and thrive, and the economy is able to grow more productively and sustainably.
“I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Kirstin Baker and Amelia Fletcher for their immense contributions to the CMA during their time as Non-Executive Directors.”
Referral of the proposed subsidy to Related Argent Property Limited Partnership by the London Borough of Barnet
The Subsidy Advice Unit (SAU) has published a report providing advice to the London Borough of Barnet (LBB) concerning its proposed subsidy to Related Argent Property Limited Partnership.From:Competition and Markets AuthorityPublished22 January 2024Last updated29 February 2024 — See all updatesCase type:SAU referralCase state:ClosedMarket sector:Building and constructionOpened:19 January 2024Closed:29 February 2024
- Administrative timetable
- Final report
- Request from London Borough of Barnet
- Information about the subsidy provided by London Borough of Barnet
- Information for third parties
- Contact
Administrative timetable
Date | Action |
29 February 2024 | SAU’s report published |
2 February 2024 | Deadline for receipt of any third-party submissions (submissions after 5pm on this date cannot be taken into account) |
19 January 2024 | Beginning of reporting period |
Final report
29 February 2024: The SAU has published its report providing advice to LBB concerning the proposed subsidy to Related Argent Property Limited Partnership. The report sets out our evaluation of LBB’s Assessment of Compliance of its proposed subsidy with the requirements set out in the Subsidy Control Act 2022.
- Final report (PDF, 237KB) (29.2.24)
Request from London Borough of Barnet
19 January 2024: The SAU has accepted a request for a report from London Borough of Barnet (LBB) for its proposed subsidy to Related Argent Property Limited Partnership. This request relates to a Subsidy of Particular Interest.
The SAU will prepare a report, which will provide an evaluation of LBB’s assessment of whether the subsidy complies with the subsidy control requirements (Assessment of Compliance). The SAU will complete its report within 30 working days.
Information about the subsidy provided by London Borough of Barnet
London Borough Barnet Council propose to provide Related Argent Property Limited Partnership with £100m of short-term loan funding for part of the Brent Cross & Cricklewood Regeneration project. The loan is assessed to comprise a subsidy value of £17.46m and is intended to be awarded in March 2024.
The loan aims to unlock construction of a new office/flexible workspace building at Plot 1 of a new Station Quarter. Sheffield Hallam University has committed to take 110,000 sq.ft. in the building for its new London Campus.
This first office plot is expected to generate confidence in the wider new business district at Brent Cross Town and, in turn, provide a focus for attracting inward investment and creating high quality, higher paying employment within the Brent Cross Town area.
Information for third parties
If you wish to comment on matters relevant to the SAU’s evaluation of the Assessment of Compliance concerning London Borough of Barnet’s proposed subsidy to Related Argent Property Limited Partnership please send your comments before 5pm on the date stipulated in the timetable above. For guidance on representations relevant to the Assessment of Compliance, see the section on reporting period and transparency in the Operation of the subsidy control functions of the Subsidy Advice Unit.
Please send your submissions to us at, copying the public authority
Please also provide a contact address and explain in what capacity you are making the submission (for example, as an individual or a representative of a business or organisation).
Notes to third parties wishing to make a submission
The SAU will only take your submission into account if it can be shared with London Borough of Barnet. The SAU will send a copy of your submission to London Borough of Barnet together with its report. This is to allow the public authority to take account of the submission in its decision as to whether to grant or modify the subsidy or its assessment. We therefore ask that you provide express consent for your full and unredacted submission to be shared. We also encourage you to share your submission directly with London Borough of Barnet using the email address provided above.
The SAU may use the information you provide in its published report. Therefore, you should indicate in your submission whether any specified parts of it are commercially confidential. If the SAU wishes to refer in its published report to material identified as confidential, it will contact you in advance.
For further details on confidentiality of third party submissions, see identifying confidential information in the Operation of the subsidy control functions of the Subsidy Advice Unit.
OneVet notifica a aquisição do controlo exclusivo sobre a Espalhaprimavera.
Ficha do processo
AdC adotou uma decisão de inaplicabilidade na operação de concentração Hyperion SGPS / Hyperion Elvas.
Em 27 de fevereiro de 2024, o Conselho de Administração da Autoridade da Concorrência, no uso da competência que lhe é conferida pela alínea d) do n.º 1 do artigo 19.º dos Estatutos, aprovados pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 125/2014, de 18 de agosto, delibera adotar uma decisão de inaplicabilidade, nos termos da alínea a) do n.º 1 do artigo 50.º da Lei da Concorrência, uma vez que a operação projetada não se encontra abrangida pela obrigação de notificação prévia a que se refere o artigo 37.º deste diploma.
Ficha do processo
AdC adotou uma decisão de não oposição na operação de concentração EST/Inquieta.
Em 27 de fevereiro de 2024, o Conselho de Administração da Autoridade da Concorrência, no uso da competência que lhe é conferida pela alínea d) do n.º 1 do artigo 19.º dos Estatutos, aprovados pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 125/2014, de 18 de agosto, delibera adotar uma decisão de não oposição à operação de concentração, nos termos da alínea b) do n.º 1 do artigo 50.º da Lei da Concorrência, uma vez que a mesma não é suscetível de criar entraves significativos à concorrência efetiva no mercado nacional ou em parte substancial deste.
Ficha do processo
AdC adotou uma decisão de não oposição na operação de concentração CDC*FAP / SAS.
Em 27 de fevereiro de 2024, o Conselho de Administração da Autoridade da Concorrência, no uso da competência que lhe é conferida pela alínea d) do n.º 1 do artigo 19.º dos Estatutos, aprovados pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 125/2014, de 18 de agosto, adota uma decisão de não oposição à operação de concentração, nos termos da alínea b) do n.º 1 do artigo 50.º da Lei da Concorrência, uma vez que a mesma não é suscetível de criar entraves significativos à concorrência efetiva no território nacional.
Ficha do processo
La CNMC analizará la concentración JCDecaux/ClearChannel en segunda fase
01 Mar 2024 | Competencia Nota de prensa
- JCDecaux ha notificado la adquisición en exclusiva de Clear Channel España.
- La operación puede suponer riesgos para la competencia en el mercado de la publicidad exterior por lo que la CNMC la analizará en profundidad.
La CNMC ha acordado, con fecha 21 de febrero de 2024, el inicio de la segunda fase del análisis de la concentración JCDecaux/ClearChannel (C/1426/23).
La operación de concentración consiste en la adquisición por parte de JCDecaux Europe Holding (“JCDecaux”) del control exclusivo sobre Clear Channel España (“Clear Channel”).
Riesgos para la competencia
La operación supone un reforzamiento muy notable de la posición de liderazgo de JCDecaux en el mercado de publicidad exterior. En concreto, destaca la posición que adquiere en el segmento de publicidad en mobiliario urbano exterior.
La investigación, realizada en la primera fase, ha mostrado que se trata de un mercado en el cual los competidores no tienen la capacidad suficiente para ejercer presión competitiva a la entidad resultante de la operación. Además, la demanda puede no tener suficiente capacidad para compensar los efectos de la operación en los precios y otras condiciones.
En el mercado de la publicidad exterior existen elevadas barreras de entrada a la hora de obtener contratos de explotación de publicidad en espacios públicos, incluidos mobiliario urbano exterior y transporte público como metro y autobuses. En este sentido, también se vería afectada la competencia entre operadores a la hora de optar a la adjudicación de contratos públicos para la explotación de soportes de publicidad exterior
Análisis en profundidad
Por todo ello, la CNMC ha acordado analizar en segunda fase la operación. Este paso no prejuzga las conclusiones definitivas que la CNMC pueda alcanzar en relación con la operación de concentración JCDecaux/ClearChannel.
Durante esta segunda fase, la CNMC podrá requerir más información a distintos operadores en los mercados afectados. Adicionalmente, las notificantes y terceros interesados podrán presentar alegaciones para la defensa de sus legítimos intereses.
La resolución final que apruebe la CNMC podrá autorizar, acordar compromisos, subordinar condiciones o prohibir la operación de concentración JCDecaux/ClearChannel.
Contenido relacionado:
Documento no oficial destinado a los medios de comunicación y que no vincula a la CNMC. Reproducción permitida solo si se cita a la fuente.
Comissão Europeia
Last decision date: 29.02.2024 Simplified procedure
Investigation phase:1
Last decision date: 29.02.2024 Simplified procedure
Last decision date: 29.02.2024 Simplified procedure
Investigation phase:1
Ato de Concentração nº 08700.001174/2024-90
Requerentes: CMD BD Comércio de Automóveis Elétricos Ltda e BMMOT Comércio de Veículos Ltda. Advogados: Isabela Amorim Diniz Ferreira e Caio Guerra Nascimento. Decido pela aprovação sem restrições.