Clipping da Concorrência – 15.02


Referral of the proposed Network Support Grant by Transport Scotland

The Subsidy Advice Unit (SAU) has accepted a request from Transport Scotland for a report concerning its proposed scheme for the Network Support Grant (NSG).From:Competition and Markets AuthorityPublished15 February 2024Case type:SAU referralCase state:OpenMarket sector:TransportOpened:15 February 2024


  1. Administrative timetable
  2. Request from Transport Scotland
  3. Information about the subsidy scheme provided by Transport Scotland
  4. Information for third parties
    1. Notes to third parties wishing to make a submission
  5. Contacts

Administrative timetable

28 March 2024SAU’s report to be published
28 Feburary 2024Deadline for receipt of any third party submissions (submissions after 5pm on this date cannot be taken into account)
15 Feburary 2024Beginning of reporting period

Request from Transport Scotland

15 Feburary 2024: The SAU has accepted a request from Transport Scotland for a report concerning its proposed scheme for the NSG.

This request relates to a Subsidy Scheme of Particular Interest.

The SAU will prepare a report, which will provide an evaluation of Transport Scotland’s assessment of whether the subsidy scheme complies with the subsidy control requirements (Assessment of Compliance). The SAU will complete its report within 30 working days.

Information about the subsidy scheme provided by Transport Scotland

The Network Support Grant (NSG) is a Transport Scotland subsidy scheme, the policy objective of which is ‘to support bus operators running local bus services in Scotland to keep fares lower and the bus network more extensive than would otherwise be the case’. Transport Scotland explained that NSG contributes to the provision of bus services that are otherwise not commercially viable and keeps fares lower than would otherwise be the case thus contributing to the maintenance of bus networks across Scotland. It also contributes to the operators of Community Transport services, allowing people who cannot make use of conventional bus services to access local services. This makes public transport ‘more accessible and affordable to a broader population leading to positive social outcomes, including improved connectivity, enhanced mobility and reduced social isolation for residents, particularly in under-served and remote urban and rural communities, having positive impacts on social equity and accessibility’.

The NSG scheme has been in place since 1 April 2022 and is awarded on a rolling annual basis. This referral to the SAU relates to operation of the NSG from 1 April 2024 over a five-year period. The total estimated funding package over that term is expected to be around £250 million (about £50 million per year).

The NSG is a discretionary grant paid under section 38 of the Transport (Scotland) Act 2001 by Transport Scotland on behalf of Scottish Ministers. This grant is payable only on a local bus service as defined in section 2 of the Transport Act 1985 or a community transport service possessing a section 19 or section 22 permit. The service(s) must meet the further requirements detailed in the Bus Service Operators Grant (Scotland) Regulations 2002 and guidance as set out by the Office of the Traffic Commissioner. All grantees must comply with the terms and conditions as set out for Scottish Government grants and set out in the NSG guidance document which is reviewed and updated regularly.

The NSG provides financial subsidy support to approximately 300 bus operators, including commercial, community and local transport authorities across Scotland. The NSG is paid as a subsidy of pence per kilometre per bus operated, and is a demand led scheme. The payment rate is currently 14.4 pence per kilometre which maintains the rate which was previously available under the Bus Service Operator Grant which preceded the introduction of NSG. Payments are made based on the annual kilometres run by the bus operator, with payments distributed across the relevant financial year.

Information for third parties

If you wish to comment on matters relevant to the SAU’s evaluation of the Assessment of Compliance concerning proposed scheme for the NSG, please send your comments before 5pm on the date stipulated in the timetable above. For guidance on representations relevant to the Assessment of Compliance, see the section on reporting period and transparency in the Operation of the subsidy control functions of the Subsidy Advice Unit.

Please send your submissions to us at:

Copying the public authority:

Please also provide a contact address and explain in what capacity you are making the submission (for example, as an individual or a representative of a business or organisation).

Notes to third parties wishing to make a submission

The SAU will only take your submission into account if it can be shared with Transport Scotland. The SAU will send a copy of your submission to Transport Scotland together with its report. This is to allow the public authority to take account of the submission in its decision as to whether to grant or modify the subsidy or its assessment. We therefore ask that you provide express consent for your full and unredacted submission to be shared. We also encourage you to share your submission directly with Transport Scotland using the email address provided above.

The SAU may use the information you provide in its published report. Therefore, you should indicate in your submission whether any specified parts of it are commercially confidential. If the SAU wishes to refer in its published report to material identified as confidential, it will contact you in advance.

For further details on confidentiality of third party submissions, see identifying confidential information in the Operation of the subsidy control functions of the Subsidy Advice Unit.


Published 15 February 2024


AdC adotou uma decisão de não oposição na operação de concentração 2/2024 – Urbaser / Ecosourcing*Carmona.

Em 15 de fevereiro de 2024, o Conselho de Administração da Autoridade da Concorrência, no uso da competência que lhe é conferida pela alínea d) do n.º 1 do artigo 19.º dos Estatutos, aprovados pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 125/2014, de 18 de agosto, delibera adotar uma decisão de não oposição à operação de concentração, nos termos da alínea b) do n.º 1 do artigo 50.º da Lei da Concorrência, uma vez que a mesma não é suscetível de criar entraves significativos à concorrência efetiva no mercado nacional ou numa parte substancial deste.

Ficha do processo

Ficha do processo


Santogal notifica a aquisição do controlo exclusivo sobre a Mercedes-Benz Retail.

Ficha do processo

Ficha do processo’s proposed acquisition of Dynamic Methods raises potential concerns


15 February 2024



The ACCC has outlined preliminary competition concerns with’s proposed acquisition of Dynamic Methods in a statement of issues published today.

The ACCC was not notified of the proposed acquisition and commenced a public review once it became aware of the proposed deal.

“This is yet another example of a potentially concerning merger not being notified to the ACCC under the current informal voluntary system. It highlights the importance of reforming Australia’s merger laws,” ACCC Commissioner Liza Carver said.

REA Group (ASX:REA), which owns and operates, is the largest supplier of digital real estate advertising services in Australia and has acquired companies supplying services and products which complement its real estate advertising services in recent years.

Dynamic Methods operates the only national forms platform that enables real estate agents to access and use digital real estate forms, such as contracts for the sale and leasing of homes. The forms are created and maintained by real estate institutes in each state and territory except Victoria, where Dynamic Methods supplies its own forms.

“We are concerned that by expanding REA Group’s existing ecosystem of products and services, this acquisition may extend REA Group’s already strong position and give it the ability and incentive to significantly harm competitors,” Ms Carver said.  

“Industry participants such as real estate service providers have expressed serious concerns to us about how the proposed acquisition will entrench REA Group’s position of strength in the supply of real estate services.”

“Many are concerned that REA Group, which operates, will have the ability to control access to, and data from, digital forms which are necessary for providing real estate related services,” Ms Carver said.

The ACCC is concerned that the proposed acquisition may reduce competition in markets for the supply of digital real estate products and services that encompass REA Group’s ecosystem of products and services. This includes real estate advertising services, digital real estate forms, real estate agency software solutions, and property data services.   

The ACCC is considering the impact of the proposed acquisition and the extent to which REA Group owning the largest supplier of digital real estate forms may further advantage REA Group’s ecosystem of real estate businesses and harm competition.

The statement of issues can be found on the ACCC’s public register at – Dynamic Methods.

The ACCC invites submissions in response to the statement of issues by 1 March 2024.

Background is a wholly owned subsidiary of REA Group (ASX:REA). REA Group provides digital advertising services for residential and commercial real estate, including through the websites and apps known as, and

REA Group is also involved in mortgage broking and lending and agent solutions through its ownership/investments in:

  • Mortgage Choice Pty Ltd, an online mortgage broking franchise
  • PropTrack Pty Ltd, a property data and valuation services provider and, an online property research website 
  • Campaign Agent Pty Ltd, a provider of vendor paid advertising and home preparation finance solutions
  • Realtair Pty Ltd, a digital platform which enables real estate agents to manage real property transactions online
  • Managed Platforms Pty Ltd, a property management software solution for the collection and payment of property management related fees
  • Simpology Pty Ltd, a mortgage applications and e-lodgement service provider
  • Arealytics, a provider of commercial real estate information and technology.

Dynamic Methods provides a digital forms platform to distribute and facilitate the use of real estate institutes’ digital real estate forms by real estate agents in all states and territories except Victoria.

In Victoria, Dynamic Methods supplies its own forms directly to real estate agents. The Real Estate Institute of Victoria supplies its forms via a competing digital forms platform.

Dynamic Methods’ platform can be integrated into real estate agency software solutions and data platforms but does not currently integrate with any digital property listing platforms. 

La CNMC autorizó siete operaciones de concentración en enero

15 Feb 2024 |Competencia Nota de prensa

  • Todas las operaciones fueron aprobadas en primera fase sin compromisos, al no haberse detectado problemas para la competencia en sus respectivos mercados. 

La Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (CNMC) aprobó siete operaciones de concentración durante el mes de enero. Todas ellas se aprobaron en primera fase y sin compromisos. 

Mémora Servicios Funerarios, S.L. adquiere el control exclusivo de Tanatorio de Palencia S.L.U.

Mémora es una empresa dedicada a la prestación de servicios funerarios en España y Portugal. Concretamente presta servicios de tanatorio, crematorio o cementerio, además de servicios funerarios de conducción o transporte de cadáveres, venta de féretros y otros artículos relacionados. 

Tanatorio de Palencia es propietaria de instalaciones funerarias de tanatorio, velatorio y cremación en la provincia de Palencia. 

Dada la ausencia de solapamientos o reducidas adiciones y la discreta presencia de la adquirente en el mercado verticalmente relacionado, se considera que no introducirá cambios significativos en la estructura de mercado. Por tanto, la CNMC considera que la concentración no supone una amenaza para la competencia efectiva.

Nex Continental Holdings S.L.U. (Nexcon) adquiere el control exclusivo del Grupo 1844, a través de la compra de activos y participaciones sociales del Grupo
C/1433/24 NEXCON / GRUPO 1844

Nexcon, también conocida como Grupo ALSA, es un operador de transporte público internacional de autobuses, autocares y ferrocarriles con presencia en Reino Unido, Europa Continental, Norteamérica, el Norte de África y Oriente Medio. 

Grupo 1884 es un grupo de empresas canario del sector del transporte cuya matriz se dedica al transporte de pasajeros por carretera en sus diversas modalidades. Su actividad principal es la de transporte en autobús por carretera en las islas de Fuerteventura, Tenerife, Gran Canaria, La Palma y Lanzarote. 

Respecto de la operación se han analizado los mercados de transporte regular y de transporte discrecional de viajeros en bus. Se ha comprobado, en primer lugar, que en el mercado de transporte de viajeros regular permanente de uso general no se producen solapamientos entre la adquirente y la adquirida. Con respecto al mercado de transporte regular de viajeros de uso especial, si bien es cierto que en la isla de Gran Canaria operan las dos compañías, la adición de cuota de mercado es moderada y la cuota combinada no es muy significativa; además, es seguido de cerca por los competidores más próximos, que podrían actuar como elemento disciplinador en las licitaciones.  

Por otro lado, respecto del mercado de transporte discrecional por carretera a pasajeros, en las islas de Fuerteventura, Tenerife, Lanzarote y La Palma, al estar presente exclusivamente Grupo 1884, la operación sólo supondría el cambio de un operador por otro. En la isla de Gran Canaria, aunque se produce solapamiento, la adición es muy moderada, por lo que apenas supone una alteración de la estructura competitiva del mercado. 

Por todo ello, la CNMC considera que la concentración no supone una amenaza para la competencia efectiva.

Ascendi IGI, Inovação e Gestão de Infra-Estruturas, S.A (Ascendi) adquiere el control exclusivo sobre Elsamex Gestión de Infraestructuras, S.L. (EGI)
C/1435/24 ASCENDI / EGI

Ascendi es un grupo de empresas que desarrolla su actividad en el sector de las infraestructuras en Portugal y diseña, desarrolla, instala, mantiene y explota sistemas de peaje. Actualmente no tiene actividad en España.

EGI es un grupo de empresas español cuya actividad económica consiste en la prestación de servicios de conservación y mantenimiento de infraestructuras, fundamentalmente de transporte vial.  

La concentración no da lugar a solapamientos horizontales ni verticales en España. Por tanto, la CNMC considera que la concentración no supone una amenaza para la competencia efectiva.

Zegona Communications plc (Zegona) adquiere el control exclusivo de Vodafone Holdings Europe S.L.U. (Vodafone)

Zegona es una empresa cotizada que opera como vehículo de inversión en el sector europeo de tecnología, medios de comunicación y telecomunicaciones.

Vodafone es un operador multinacional de telecomunicaciones con actividad en 17 países, mayoritariamente en Europa y África. Principalmente se dedica a la prestación de servicios de telecomunicaciones móviles y fijas y servicios minoristas de televisión y tecnología. 

La concentración no da lugar a solapamientos horizontales ni verticales, por lo que no introducirá cambios significativos en la estructura de mercado. Por tanto, la CNMC considera que la concentración no supone una amenaza para la competencia efectiva.

Rameder Anhängerkupplungen und autoteile, Gmbh. (Rameder) adquiere el control exclusivo de Enganches y Remolques Aragón, S.L. (Enganches Aragón)

Rameder es una compañía alemana especializada en la comercialización de enganches de remolque y accesorios para automóviles. 

Enganches Aragón es una empresa industrial familiar, líder en España y en el sur de Europa en la producción y distribución de enganches de remolque y accesorios relacionados.

La concentración no da lugar a solapamientos entre las empresas adquirente y adquirida, por lo que se estima que no introducirá cambios significativos en la estructura de mercado. Por tanto, la CNMC considera que la concentración no supone una amenaza para la competencia efectiva. 

Abac Solutions (Abac) adquiere el control exclusivo de Zootecnia, S.L.

Abac es un fondo de inversión que cuenta en su cartera con compañías del sector de la distribución de productos y servicios de salud animal, productos farmacológicos y de veterinaria, equipos, consumibles y alimentación, tanto para animales domésticos como para ganadería. 

Zootecnia una empresa canaria dedicada al sector zoosanitario, que suministra equipamiento, medicamentos y alimentación, entre otros, para animales de producción y productos para animales de compañía.

La concentración no da lugar a solapamientos, por lo que se considera que no introducirá cambios significativos en la estructura de mercado. Por tanto, la CNMC considera que la concentración no supone una amenaza para la competencia efectiva.

Inveramen adquiere el control exclusivo de Delicium Petfood 

Inveramen forma parte del grupo Agroalimen, que opera tanto en la producción y comercialización de alimentos para mascotas, a través de su filial Affinity Petcare, como en la industria alimentaria para humanos, a través de The GB Foods. 

Delicium Petfood es una empresa activa en España en la producción y la distribución de comida fresca o casera y snacks para perros.

La concentración no da lugar a solapamientos horizontales, verticales ni de cartera, por lo que no introducirá cambios significativos en la estructura de mercado. Por tanto, la CNMC considera que la concentración no supone una amenaza para la competencia efectiva.

Contenido relacionado:

  • Nota de prensa (01/02/2024): La CNMC autoriza la operación de concentración de Zegona y Vodafone
  • Blog (25/04/2017): En la CNMC vigilamos las concentraciones entre las empresas

Nota de prensa

Documento no oficial destinado a los medios de comunicación y que no vincula a la CNMC.  Reproducción permitida solo si se cita a la fuente.

L’Autorité sanctionne les chocolats De Neuville pour avoir entravé la liberté commerciale de ses franchisés

Publié le 15 février 2024Imprimer la page

À la suite d’un rapport d’enquête transmis par la DGCCRF, l’Autorité de la concurrence sanctionne la société De Neuville pour avoir mis en œuvre des pratiques visant à restreindre, d’une part, la vente en ligne des chocolats de la marque De Neuville par ses franchisés, et, d’autre part, les ventes de ces derniers à destination de la clientèle professionnelle.

L’Autorité a en effet constaté que de 2006 à 2019, le dispositif contractuel liant le franchiseur à ses franchisés empêchait ces derniers de vendre librement leurs produits sur internet, la société De Neuville se réservant l’exclusivité des ventes en ligne.

Par ailleurs, l’Autorité a également relevé que de 2006 à 2022, la société De Neuville avait restreint la liberté commerciale des franchisés dans la prospection de la clientèle professionnelle.

L’Autorité a prononcé à l’encontre de De Neuville (solidairement avec sa société mère, Savencia Holding) une sanction de 4  068 000 euros, assortie d’une injonction de communication et de publication.


L’Autorité de la concurrence sanctionne les chocolats De Neuville pour avoir entravé la liberté commerciale de ses franchisés

Lire le communiqué



Ato de concentração nº 08700.009141/2023-15

Requerentes: Pátria Investimentos Ltda. e Credit Suisse Hedging-Griffo Corretora de Valores S.A.Advogados(as): Cristianne Saccab Zarzur, Barbara Rosenberg e outros.

Com fulcro no §1º do art. 50 da Lei nº 9.784, de 1999, integro as razões do Parecer nº 1/2024/CGAA3/SGA1/SG/CADE (SEI nº 1345950) à presente decisão, inclusive quanto à sua motivação. Nos termos dos arts. 13, XII, e 57, I, da Lei nº 12.529, de 2011, decido pela aprovação sem restrições do presente ato de concentração.


Pharmacy2U / Lloyds Direct merger inquiry

    • 12 February 2024
    • Competition and Markets Authority case

Investigation into Amazon’s Marketplace

    • 12 February 2024
    • Competition and Markets Authority case

Comissão Europeia




Last decision date:14.02.2024Super simplified procedure




Last decision date:13.02.2024 Simplified procedure




Last decision date:13.02.2024




Last decision date:13.02.2024