
Cade disponibiliza formulário de inscrição para consultores não-governamentais
A autarquia analisará os currículos e selecionará os candidatos mais adequados para cada grupo de trabalho com atuação junto à ICNCompartilhe:
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Publicado em 26/01/2024 15h21 Atualizado em 26/01/2024 16h56

Está acessível, no site do Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Cade), o formulário de inscrição para interessados em atuar como consultor não-governamental (NGA) na International Competition Network (ICN). Advogados, economistas, consultores, representantes de organizações internacionais e não governamentais, membros da indústria e de grupos de consumidores, acadêmicos e juízes podem submeter os currículos para a participação no programa.
A ICN é um dos principais fóruns de cooperação mundial em antitruste. A rede busca fomentar a convergência de políticas concorrenciais entre as diferentes autoridades da concorrência ao redor do mundo. Já os NGAs são especialistas em direito concorrencial, do setor privado e não governamental, que atuam, de forma voluntária, para impulsionar troca de conhecimento e experiência em projetos e eventos promovidos pela rede.
O Cade possui um histórico de engajamento na ICN, tendo assumido posições de liderança na rede ao longo dos últimos anos. Em 2021, a autarquia foi convidada para atuar como NGA Liaison, ponto focal junto ao fórum para fomentar a participação e contribuição desses consultores, ouvindo suas necessidades, provendo apoio às agências de concorrência e os envolvendo em projetos e atividades realizadas em grupos de trabalho da ICN.
Clique aqui e saiba mais sobre a seleção.
Cade realizou sessão de distribuição na quinta-feira (25/01)
Vinte e dois processos administrativos foram sorteados para relatoria dos conselheirosCompartilhe:
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Publicado em 26/01/2024 09h43 Atualizado em 26/01/2024 09h59
OConselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Cade) realizou, na última quinta-feira (25/01), a 301ª Sessão Ordinária de Distribuição. Nas sessões de distribuição, os casos em análise na autarquia são encaminhados para um conselheiro relator, designado por sorteio.
Confira abaixo os casos sorteados:
1.Processo Administrativo nº 08700.002070/2019-35
Representados: Akira Wada, Hideki Takasaki e Mitsuhiro Chiba.
Relator: conselheiro José Levi Mello do Amaral Júnior
2. Processo Administrativo nº 08700.000556/2019-39
Representados: Ciemarsal Comércio de Indústria e Exportação de Sal Ltda. – ME.
Relator: conselheiro Diogo Thomson de Andrade.
3. Processo Administrativo nº 08700.003473/2021-16
Representados: Conselho Federal de Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional – COFFITO e Conselho Regional de Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional da 15ª Região – CREFITO.
Relator: conselheiro Carlos Jacques Vieira Gomes.
4. Processo Administrativo nº 08700.004558/2019-05
Representados: Bernd Brünig, Faustino Luigi Minchella, Jose Angel Viani Barroyeta
Relator: conselheiro Carlos Jacques Vieira Gomes.
5. Processo Administrativo nº 08700.001164/2018-14
Representados: Azevedo Bento S/A Comércio e Indústria, Refisa Indústria e Comércio Ltda, SPO Indústria e Comércio Ltda e pessoas físicas.
Relator: conselheiro Victor Oliveira Fernandes.
6. Processo Administrativo nº 08700.000881/2019-00
Representados: LUK GmbH & Co. KG, Schaeffler Brasil Ltda., Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG, Valeo S.A, Valeo Sistemas Automotivos Ltda. – Divisão Transmissões, Valeo Sistemas Automotivos Ltda. – Divisão Valeo Service, Valeo Sistemas Automotivos Ltda., ZF do Brasil Ltda., ZF Friedrichshafen AG, ZF Sachs AG e pessoas físicas.
Relator: conselheira Camila Cabral Pires Alves.
7. Processo Administrativo nº 08700.005683/2019-24
Representados: Sindicato das Academias do Rio de Janeiro (Sindacad/RJ), Sindicato dos Profissionais de Educação Física do Rio de Janeiro (Sinpef/RJ) e pessoas físicas.
Relator: conselheiro José Levi Mello do Amaral Júnior.
8. Processo Administrativo nº 08700.003266/2022-42
Representados: Campneus Comercial e Importadora de Pneus LTDA, Della Via Pneus, Tropical Pneus, Pneuaço Administração e Participações Ltda, Santa Helena Pneus (Irmãos Silva S/A), Pirelli Comercial de Pneus Brasil Ltda e Prometeon TP industrial de Pneus Brasil Ltda. e pessoas físicas.
Relator: conselheiro Gustavo Augusto Freitas de Lima.
9. Processo Administrativo nº 08700.010979/2013-71
Representados: Orion Eletric Corporation Ltd. e pessoas físicas.
Relator: conselheira Camila Cabral Pires Alves.
10. Processo Administrativo nº 08700.000335/2019-61
Representada: Cooperativa dos Médicos Anestesiologistas da Bahia (Coopanest-BA).
Relator: conselheiro Carlos Jacques Vieira Gomes.
11. Processo Administrativo nº 08700.002501/2022-69
Representados: Conselho de Arquitetura e Urbanismo do Brasil (“CAU”).
Relator: conselheiro José Levi Mello do Amaral Júnior.
12. Processo Administrativo nº 08700.004093/2020-18
Representados: Sindicato dos Corretores de Imóveis de Goiás; Federação Nacional dos Corretores de Imóveis (FENACI); Sindicato dos Corretores de Imóveis de Alagoas; Sindicato dos Corretores de Imóveis da Bahia; Sindicato dos Corretores de Imóveis do Ceará; Sindicato dos Corretores de Imóveis do Distrito Federal; Sindicato dos Corretores de Imóveis do Espírito Santo; Sindicato dos Corretores de Imóveis do Pará; Sindicato dos Corretores de Imóveis do Pernambuco; Sindicato dos Corretores de Imóveis do Paraná; Sindicato dos Corretores de Imóveis de Minas Gerais; Sindicato dos Corretores de Imóveis de Sergipe.
Relator: conselheiro Victor Oliveira Fernandes.
13. Processo Administrativo nº 08700.003826/2015-30
Representados: Detalhe Serigrafia e Confecções; Francisco Flávio de Carvalho ME, “Infodigital”; F. N. dos Santos Neto – ME, “Ideal Artes Gráficas”; Gerusa Rodrigues de P. Oliveira ME, “Gerusa Confecções”; Gisnaude Gentil Fernandes de Souza – ME, “Gráfica Brasil”; João Batista Dantas Maia ME, “BM Gráfica”; L de L Alves ME, “Gráfica Luzia”; M. C. Batista dos Santos ME, “J L Gráfica”; M. X. Formiga Frota EPP, “Repet Design”; Ricardo Gomes da Silva ME, “RGS Impressos Gráficos” e pessoas físicas.
Relator: conselheiro José Levi Mello do Amaral Júnior.
14. Processo Administrativo nº 08700.008413/2014-60
Representados: Associação Brasileira da Indústria Elétrica e Eletrônica (Abinee); Dowertech da Amazônia Indústria de Instrumentos Eletrônicos Ltda. (atual Wasion da Amazônia Indústria de Instrumentos Eletrônicos Ltda.); Eletra Indústria e Comércio de Medidores Elétricos Ltda.; Elo Sistemas Eletrônicos S.A.; Elster Medição de Energia Ltda.; FAE Sistemas de Medição S.A.; Itron Sistemas e Tecnologia Ltda.; Itron Soluções para Energia e Água Ltda.; Itron, Inc.; Landis+Gyr Equipamentos de Medição Ltda.; Nansen Instrumentos de Precisão Ltda e pessoas físicas.
Relator: conselheiro Carlos Jacques Vieira Gomes.
15. Processo Administrativo nº 08700.003528/2016-21
Representados: pessoas físicas.
Relator: Conselheiro Carlos Jacques Vieira Gomes.
16. Processo Administrativo nº 08700.005915/2022-40
Representados: Auto Posto Pacaembu LTDA; Auto Posto Beija Flor (Franciene Soares Rocha); Auto Center Pacaembu; Central Auto Posto Ltda; Auto Posto Melo Borges Eireli; Auto Posto Capelinha Eireli; Posto Brasil LTDA; Auto Service Joia Comercio de Combustíveis Eireli (Kurujão 93); Auto Posto K92 Eireli (Kurujão 92); Costa e Lourenço Comercio de Combustíveis Ltda (Kurujão 83); Posto Nossa Senhora Aparecida LTDA (Posto Nossa Senhora Aparecida); Posto Via Azul LTDA; Posto Mirante Prime LTDA (Posto Mirante Prime); Posto Boa Vista Ltda; Auto Posto Nippon Ltda; Posto Milani Gasparoto Comércio de Combustíveis e Loja de Conveniência (Posto Milani); Posto Palmeira Imperial Ltda (Posto Milani); Posto e Conveniência Talismã LTDA (Posto Milani); Auto Posto Zumpano 8 LTDA (Grupo Forte); Auto Posto Zumpano 9 LTDA (Grupo Forte); Auto Posto Zumpano 10 LTDA (Auto Posto Zumpano 10); Auto Posto Zumpano 11 LTDA; Cinquentão Comércio de Combustíveis LTDA; Cinquentão Comércio de Combustíveis LTDA; Cinquentão Comércio de Combustíveis LTDA; Grupo Cinquentão Comércio de Combustíveis LTDA (Posto Apolo); Posto Automan LTDA; Posto Automan LTDA (Posto Automan 1) e pessoas físicas.
Relator: conselheiro Carlos Jacques Vieira Gomes.
17. Processo Administrativo nº 08700.000413/2021-41
Representados: AMV Oficina Mecânica Eireli, Braslimp Serviços Ltda., Conservo Serviços Gerais Ltda., Vix Serviços – ES Ltda., Serdel Serviços e Conservação Ltda., Serge Serviços Conservação e Limpeza Ltda., Servlimp Serviços de Conservação e Limpeza de Vitória Ltda. e pessoas físicas.
Relator: conselheiro José Levi Mello do Amaral Júnior.
18. Processo Administrativo nº 08700.003388/2018-52
Representados: Ana Proneli Bremm de Castro ME; Atos Livraria e Papelaria EIRELI EPP; Drogaria Furtado Ltda. ME; E.B de Castro Junior Cafeteria e Informática EPP (antiga DPM de Castilho Cafeteria e Informática. EPP); Lopes & Pereira Ltda. ME; Marilza Tomaz Pereira Cabeleireiros ME e pessoas físicas.
Relator: conselheira Camila Cabral Pires Alves.
19. Processo Administrativo nº 08700.000379/2020-24 19
Representados: Companhia Ultragaz S/A, Copagaz Distribuidora de Gás S/A, D.P.H. Vitol (MGás), Dourados Revendedora de Gás Ltda., Edgas Ltda – ME (Edgás), GNB Distribuidora de Gás – EPP (GNB Distribuidora de Gás Supergasbras), GR Gás Ltda. – ME (Graziele Gás), JE Machado Comércio de Gás (Big Gás), Kushida & Cia Ltda. – ME (Nippongaz), Kushida & Kushida Ltda. – EPP (Nippongaz), Mauro Victol ME (MGás), Megapreço Gás e Água Mineral, Paiva & Paiva Ltda – ME (Paivinha Comércio de Gás), Revendedora de Gás Bahia Ltda. (Gás Bahia) e Victol & Victol – ME e pessoas físicas.
Relator: conselheiro José Levi Mello do Amaral Júnior.
20. Processo Administrativo nº 08700.002420/2022-69.
Representados: Conselho Federal de Odontologia (“CFO”).
Advogados: sem advogados constituídos.
Relator: conselheira Camila Cabral Pires Alves.
21. Processo Administrativo nº 08700.002502/2022-11
Representados: Conselho Federal de Farmácia (“CFF”).
Relator: conselheiro Gustavo Augusto Freitas de Lima.
22. Processo Administrativo nº 08700.005638/2020-11
Representados: Augustinho Stang, Stang & Stang Ltda (Posto Delta), Stang & Stang Ltda (Posto Delta), Stang & Stang Ltda (Posto Delta), Stang & Stang Ltda (Posto Delta), Centro Automotivo Delta Ltda, Marco A. Dinon & Cia Ltda, Posto Dinon Ltda, Auto Posto Cipó Ltda, Auto Posto Cipó Ltda, Auto Posto Cipó Ltda, Candoi – Comércio de Combustíveis Ltda, Candoi – Comércio de Combustíveis Ltda, Panda Comércio de Combustíveis e Serviços Ltda, Panda Comércio de Combustíveis e Serviços Ltda, Panda Comércio de Combustíveis e Serviços Ltda., Panda Comércio de Combustíveis e Serviços Ltda, Panda Comércio de Combustíveis e Serviços Ltda, Panda Comércio de Combustíveis e Serviços Ltda, Stopetróleo S.A. – Comércio de Derivados de Petróleo (Rede Stop), Stopetróleo S.A. – Comércio de Derivados de Petróleo (Rede Stop), Stopetróleo S.A. – Comércio de Derivados de Petróleo (Rede Stop).
Relator: conselheira Camila Cabral Pires Alves.
CMA announces 2 new senior executive appointments
The CMA has today appointed its new General Counsel and Executive Director for Digital Markets.From:Competition and Markets AuthorityPublished29 January 2024

Will Hayter has been appointed Executive Director for Digital Markets and will take up his role on 1 February 2024. Will has been Senior Director for the Digital Markets Unit since 2021, having previously been a Director in Markets and Senior Director for Policy and International. Will brings a wealth of experience and knowledge from previous roles at the Cabinet Office, Ofcom, and UK Regulators Network. Will reports directly to the CEO and will take up his roles as a member of the Senior Executive Team and as an executive member of the CMA Board.
Chris Prevett has been appointed as permanent General Counsel having undertaken the role on an interim basis since July 2022. Chris has been with the CMA since its inception in 2014 and was previously a Senior Legal Director and Legal Director. Prior to joining the CMA, Chris was a senior lawyer in private practice at Travers Smith LLP and Slaughter and May. Chris will continue to lead the CMA’s Legal Service and the Policy and International teams. Working together with our recently appointed Deputy General Counsel, Jessica Radke, Chris advises across the CMA’s most important cases and associated litigation. He reports directly to the CEO and will continue with his roles as a member of the Senior Executive Team and advisor to the CMA Board.
Welcoming the appointments Sarah Cardell, CEO of the CMA said:
I am delighted to announce appointments to the roles of Executive Director for Digital Markets and General Counsel. Both are well-deserved and follow highly competitive open recruitment rounds.
The appointments of Will and Chris will further strengthen our senior executive team, bringing strong leadership and oversight. This comes as we take on important new responsibilities and continue to focus on the CMA’s core purpose – in digital and other markets – to help people, businesses, and the UK economy by promoting competition and tackling unfair behaviour.
Will Hayter said:
It’s an exciting time to be part of an organisation that is helping to shape competitive digital markets in a way that will ultimately benefit businesses and consumers alike. I look forward to taking on this leadership role and building on the hard work the CMA has done in preparing for the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill to take effect – and continuing to work with excellent colleagues across the organisation.
Chris Prevett said:
I’m pleased to be taking up this role at such a crucial time for the CMA, as it prepares to take on new powers and continues to tackle competition and consumer protection issues that matter most in the UK. It’s a huge privilege to lead the fantastic group of CMA lawyers and policy professionals, and to be able to shape the evolving legal landscape through supporting the CMA’s priorities.
Notes to editors
- The appointments were managed by a Civil Service Commissioner to ensure a fair, merit-based and open process, in keeping with the Civil Service Recruitment Principles.
- The roles were advertised publicly with applicants being asked to submit an application form and cover letter detailing their suitability for the role, as measured against a set of required skills and experience.
- For media queries, please contact the press office via press@cma.gov.uk or on 020 3738 6460.
CMA launches formal investigation into Vodafone / Three merger
Investigation will examine the potential impact the proposed deal could have on competition for consumers and businesses.From:Competition and Markets AuthorityPublished26 January 2024

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has today started its Phase 1 investigation looking into Vodafone UK’s joint venture agreement with Three UK.
The deal would combine the companies’ telecommunications operations under one single network provider.
Having now received the required pre-notification evidence and information from both Vodafone UK and Three UK, as well as early views from stakeholders, the CMA is starting its formal investigation.
The CMA now has up to 40 working days to assess the deal as part of a Phase 1 investigation. This review is designed to identify whether the deal may lead to a ‘substantial lessening of competition’ and – if so – whether a more in-depth Phase 2 investigation is required.
Sarah Cardell, Chief Executive of the CMA, said:
This deal would bring together two of the major players in the UK telecommunications market, which is critical to millions of everyday customers, businesses and the wider economy. The CMA will assess how this tie-up between rival networks could impact competition before deciding next steps.
We now have 40 working days to complete this formal Phase 1 investigation, before publishing our findings and any next steps.
The CMA’s remit, by law, is to assess the potential impact of a merger on competition. It cannot consider other potential effects that a merger might have, for example, on access to personal data. National security concerns are a matter for the UK government, which may choose to intervene under the National Security and Investment Act if it finds concerns.
More information on the CMA’s investigation can be found on the Vodafone / CK Hutchison JV case page.
Notes to editors
- Vodafone UK is owned by Vodafone Group Plc. Three UK is owned by CK Hutchison Holdings Limited.
- The 4 mobile network operators in the UK are Vodafone UK, Three UK, BT/EE and Virgin Media O2.
- The CMA can only open a formal investigation when it has the information and evidence it needs from the merging parties to assess the effects of a merger. The amount of time it takes to gather this information varies from case to case depending on the complexity of the issues and how quickly the parties provide the required information.
- The CMA is now inviting views by 9 February 2024 on how the merger could affect competition. This follows the preliminary invitation to comment (ITC) launched in October 2023. Under the CMA’s rules a Phase 1 merger investigation must be completed within 40 working days. The statutory deadline for this investigation is Friday 22 March 2024.
- If the CMA finds the merger could lead to a substantial lessening of competition, then it can refer it for a more in-depth Phase 2 merger investigation. Phase 2 investigations last between 24 and 32 weeks and are led by an independent panel of experts.
- As part of its normal merger review process in a regulated sector, the CMA has been engaging with Ofcom, the sectoral regulator which oversees mobile communications.
- For media enquiries, contact the CMA press office on 020 3738 6460 or press@cma.gov.uk.
CMA research report on competition and market power in UK labour market
New Microeconomics Unit research explores trends in the UK job market including the market power of employers, the impact on wages, the use of restrictive clauses, and recent developments such as hybrid working.From:Competition and Markets AuthorityPublished25 January 2024

- Report, conducted by the CMA’s Microeconomics Unit, offers insight into competition in the UK labour market to support wider policy thinking
- Research finds labour market concentration roughly the same as 20 years ago
- Around 30% of employees impacted by non-compete clauses
- Findings support CMA focus on tackling anti-competitive wage-fixing and no-poach agreements between employers
The report by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) Microeconomics Unit takes a deep dive into trends in the UK labour market, focusing on the impact of competition and employer market power. It seeks to provide insight and evidence to inform not only the CMA’s work, but also wider government and policy thinking.
Labour markets will continue to form a key part of the CMA’s focus, as outlined in its 2023 to 2024 Annual Plan. As part of its cartel enforcement work, the CMA is already looking into suspected anti-competitive conduct in relation to rates for workers in the sports and non-sports TV production and broadcasting sectors. It also recently broadened its investigation into the fragrances industry to cover suspected unlawful ‘no poaching’ arrangements.
Today’s report is the first major research issued by the CMA’s Microeconomics Unit. Established in 2022, the unit seeks to further strengthen the CMA’s analytical capabilities and to act as a collaborative centre of research expertise for government as a whole.
The report will be accompanied by a speech from CMA Chief Executive Sarah Cardell, and delivered at Durham University, during which she will unpack the findings of this important research, including:
- Labour market concentration in the UK is roughly the same as 20 years ago: Labour market concentration measures how many employers operate in a particular market – the fewer firms, the more concentrated it is, providing an indicator of labour market power. The CMA considered labour market concentration in the UK over a 20-year period finding that levels remained roughly constant, despite fluctuations over time. This means the ratio between the number of workers and the number of employers has remained largely consistent. This is in stark contrast to the US, where there is a substantial body of research showing that labour market power in US labour markets has been increasing over time.
- Concentration varies according to region and industry: The report shows that labour markets outside of London and the Southeast are more concentrated, i.e. there are more employers per person in these two areas. Blue-collar professions like care workers and tradespeople have seen concentration in their sectors fall, while concentration has remained steady for white-collar workers, like managerial staff and IT professionals. For affected workers, concentrated labour markets have a very real impact – wages, on average, are 10% lower in the most concentrated markets, compared to the least.
- Share of income workers receive compared to their input has been rising slightly in most of the UK: Across the economy, the share of income workers receive has risen slightly to around two thirds of their contribution to revenues. Consistent with other academic research in this area, the report finds that where there is labour market power, workers receive less than the full value of their contribution to revenue. This is true for workers in any major economy.
- ‘Non-compete’ clauses impact around 30% of UK workers: Non-compete clauses stop employees from working at a competitor firm for a set amount of time after their employment ends. Such clauses impact around 30% of workers – with this percentage increasing to over 40% in ICT and professional and scientific services. The report finds that non-competes are prevalent across the UK economy, even in sectors where one would not expect firms to need to protect their intellectual property – in retail, education, and food services, for example, around 20% of workers have non-compete clauses in their contracts.
- Number of firms offering hybrid working has increased dramatically in recent years: Since the pandemic, the number of jobs offering remote and hybrid working has increased significantly and stabilised at around 20% of UK roles. Hybrid jobs are more common in geographical areas with lower concentration – such as London – and are associated with a rise in wages. Hybrid working can impact the employer-employee power dynamic, as it can widen a person’s potential job pool.
Sarah Cardell said about today’s report:
This report adds to the robust body of evidence to support the benefits of well-functioning labour markets, widely recognised as an important driver of economic growth. Where labour markets work well, workers are able to access the right jobs for them, and firms can find the workers they need in the easiest, most efficient way.
It will provide helpful insights to inform thinking across the academic and policymaking community, at a time when we are all seeking ways to stimulate our economy and make people better off. The CMA will also use the findings to inform our own work to combat anti-competitive conduct in labour markets, including our ongoing investigations into suspected anti-competitive agreements between employers.
The report and speech can be found here: Competition and market power in UK labour markets.
Notes to editors
- The Microeconomics Unit (part of the CMA) was established in 2022 and is located in Darlington. It conducts economic research focusing on issues of competition, innovation, and productivity to support growth in the UK economy. The role of the unit is to provide expertise and ensure the CMA and wider government, remains informed of emerging economic issues; helping people, businesses, and the UK economy by promoting competitive markets and tackling unfair behaviour. The unit was set up following the UK government-commissioned 2021 Penrose report on competition policy.
- The CMA’s cartel investigations regarding sports and non-sports TV production and broadcasting sectors, and the fragrances industry are ongoing. No assumption should be made at this stage that the CA98 has been infringed. The CMA has not reached a view as to whether there is sufficient evidence of an infringement of competition law for it to issue a statement of objections to any of the parties under investigation. Not all cases result in the CMA issuing a statement of objections.
- The labour market refers to the supply and demand of labour – with employees providing the supply and employers providing the demand.
- Labour market concentration measures how many firms exist within a specific market – the fewer firms within a specific labour market, the more concentrated it is.
- Employer market power is the ability of a company to pay its workers less than the value of their contribution to the firm’s output.
- Employee market power represents the ability of employees to demand a larger wage for their input, for instance through collective bargaining.
- The ‘wage markdown’ measures the difference between the contribution of a worker to a firm’s revenue and the wage they are paid: a higher markdown, i.e. a bigger difference between revenue contribution and wage, is therefore suggestive of the employer having more market power in the labour market.
Pennon / Sumisho Osaka Gas Water UK merger inquiry
- 29 January 2024
- Competition and Markets Authority case
Alumasc / ARP and Rainwater Online Holdings merger inquiry
- 29 January 2024
- Competition and Markets Authority case
RedBird IMI / Telegraph Media Group merger inquiry
- The CMA is investigating the anticipated acquisition by RedBird IMI of Telegraph Media Group.
- Updated: 26 January 2024
Ato de Concentração nº 08700.009351/2023-03
Requerentes: Megatelecom Telecomunicações S.A. e Internexa Brasil Operadora de Telecomunicações S.A. Advogados: Ricardo Gaillard, Thales Lemos, Luis Nagalli, Julia Raquel Haddad Niemeyer e outros.
Ato de Concentração nº 08700.000024/2024-69
Requerentes: General Atlantic (LV), LLC e LiveMode Serviços Digitais S.A. Advogados: Daniel Costa Rebello e Alexandre Horn Pureza Oliveira.
Ato de Concentração nº 08700.000333/2024-39
Requerentes: Epiroc AB e STANLEY Infrastructure. Advogadas: Camilla Paoletti, Maria Eduarda Scott e Joyce Ricarte.
Ato de Concentração nº 08700.000282/2024-45
Requerentes: Honeywell International Inc. e Carrier Global Corporation. Advogados: Barbara Rosenberg, Maria Sampaio, Milena Mundim e Stephanie Penereiro.
Ato de Concentração nº 08700.000295/2024-14
Requerentes: Posto Palmeira Ltda. e Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição. Advogados: Eduardo Caminati, Marcio Bueno, Guilherme Misale e Lucas Rodrigues.
Comissão Europeia
Last decision date: 29.01.2024 Super simplified procedure
Last decision date: 29.01.2024 Simplified procedure