Antitrust: Commission seeks feedback on commitments offered by Apple over practices related to Apple Pay
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The European Commission invites comments on commitments offered by Apple to address competition concerns over access restrictions to the technology used for contactless payments with mobile devices in stores (Near-Field Communication – ‘NFC’).
The Commission’s investigations
Apple Pay is Apple’s own mobile wallet solution used to allow iPhone users to pay with their mobile devices. Apple’s iPhones run exclusively on Apple’s operating system (‘iOS’), with which they form a ‘closed ecosystem’. Apple controls every aspect of this ecosystem, including mobile wallet developers’ access to it.
The Commission preliminarily found that Apple enjoys significant market power in the market for smart mobile devices and a dominant position on mobile wallet markets on iOS. Apple Pay is the only mobile wallet solution that may access the necessary hardware and software (‘NFC input’) on iOS to enable mobile payments in physical stores. Apple does not make it available to third-party mobile wallet app developers.
On 2 May 2022, the Commission informed Apple of its preliminary view that such exclusionary conduct may restrict competition in the market for mobile wallets on iOS devices, in breach of Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (‘TFEU’)
The proposed commitments
To address the Commission’s competition concerns, Apple has offered the following commitments:
- To allow third-party mobile wallet and payment service providers to access and interoperate through a set of Application Programming Interfaces (‘APIs’) with the NFC functionality on iOS devices free of charge, without having to use Apple Pay or Apple Wallet. Apple would create the necessary APIs to allow equivalent access to the NFC components in the so-called Host Card Emulation (‘HCE’) mode, a technology issued to securely store payment credentials and complete transactions using NFC, without relying on an in-device secure element.
- To apply the commitments to all third-party mobile wallet app developers established in the European Economic Area (‘EEA’) and all iOS users with an Apple ID registered in the EEA. Apple will not prevent the use of these apps for payments in stores outside the EEA.
- To provide additional features and functionalities, including defaulting of preferred payment apps, access to authentication features such as FaceID and a suppression mechanism.
- To apply fair, objective, transparent, and non-discriminatory eligibility criteria to grant NFC access to third-party mobile wallet app developers, who will have to conclude an ADP license agreement to have access.
- To establish a dispute settlement mechanism under which Apple’s decisions denying access to NFC input will be reviewed by independent experts.
The commitments offered by Apple would remain in force for ten years. Their implementation would be monitored by a monitoring trustee, who will report regularly to the Commission.
The Commission invites all interested parties to submit their views on Apple’s proposed commitments within one month from the publication of a summary of the proposed commitments in the EU’s Official Journal. The full text of the commitments will be available on the Commission’s competition website.
The NFC technology enables communication between a mobile device and payment terminals in stores. NFC is standardised, available in almost all payment terminals in stores in the EU and may allow for safer and more seamless mobile payments compared to other technologies.
On 16 June 2020, the Commission opened a formal antitrust investigation to assess whether Apple’s conduct in connection with Apple Pay violates EU competition rules.
On 2 May 2022, the Commission sent a Statement of Objections informing Apple of its preliminary view that it abused its dominant position in markets for mobile wallets on iOS devices, by limiting access by third-party developers of mobile wallets to the NFC input used for contactless payments with mobile devices in stores.
Article 102 TFEU prohibits the abuse of a dominant position that may affect trade within the EU and prevent or restrict competition. The implementation of this provision is defined in Regulation 1/2003, which can also be applied by national competition authorities.
Article 9(1) of Regulation 1/2003 enables companies investigated by the Commission to offer commitments in order to meet the Commission’s concerns and empowers the Commission to make such commitments binding on the companies. Article 27(4) of Regulation 1/2003 requires that before adopting such decision, the Commission shall provide interested third parties with an opportunity to comment on the offered commitments.
If the market test indicates that the commitments address the competition concerns, the Commission may adopt a decision making them legally binding on Apple. Such a decision would not conclude that there is an infringement of EU antitrust rules but would legally bind Apple to respect the commitments it has offered.
If Apple does not honour such commitments, the Commission can impose a fine of up to 10% of the company’s worldwide turnover, without having to prove an infringement of the EU antitrust rules.
More information will be available on the Commission’s competition website, in the public case register under the case number AT.40452.
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Commission seeks feedback on commitments offered by Apple
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La CNMC autorizó siete operaciones de concentración en diciembre
19 Ene 2024
nota de prensa
nota de prensa
- Todas las operaciones se aprobaron en primera fase sin compromisos.
La Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (CNMC) aprobó siete operaciones de concentración durante el mes de diciembre. Todas ellas se autorizaron en primera fase y sin compromisos al no presentar problemas para la competencia en los mercados afectados.
DFDS adquiere el control exclusivo de cuatro filiales de FRS
DFDS es una sociedad danesa de responsabilidad limitada que cotiza en el Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S y está controlada en última instancia por la fundación comercial autónoma danesa Lauritzen Fonden. Presta servicios de transporte marítimo en toda Europa, tanto de mercancías como de pasajeros, así como soluciones de transporte y logística en general. En España, dentro de la primera división (ferris), DFDS limita su actividad a la venta de billetes para la ruta de ferris que cubre el Canal de la Mancha. En la división de logística, solo presta asistencia operativa intragrupo.
Las filiales de FRS (FRS Europe Holding GmbH) adquiridas son cuatro, y solo dos de ellas operan en España: FRS Iberia S.L.U y Red Fish Speedline S.A.R.L. FRS Iberia presta servicios de transporte marítimo de pasajeros y carga en el área Sur Península – Norte de África. Red Fish es una compañía con sede social en Marruecos que presta determinados servicios de transporte marítimo de pasajeros y de carga, también en rutas entre el Sur de la Península y el Norte de África.
Como no hay solapamientos horizontales ni relaciones verticales, la CNMC considera que la operación no supone una amenaza para la competencia ya que no produce cambios significativos en la actual estructura de mercado.
Caser Seguros adquiere el control exclusivo de Funerarias Pompas Fúnebres de Padrón
Caser Seguros forma parte del grupo asegurador Helvetia Holding AG. Opera a lo largo de todo el territorio nacional y centra su actividad en el sector de seguros: está presente como aseguradora y reaseguradora tanto en los ramos de vida como en los de no vida operando, entre otros segmentos, en el de seguros de decesos. Además, gestiona fondos de pensiones, y hospitales y residencias para la tercera edad.
FPF Padrón es una sociedad española que presta servicios funerarios en las provincias de La Coruña y Pontevedra, tanto a nivel minorista como a nivel mayorista, en dos tanatorios de los municipios de Padrón y Valga.
Como los solapamientos verticales son débiles y no existen solapamientos horizontales, la CNMC considera que la operación no supone una amenaza para la competencia ya que no produce cambios significativos en la actual estructura de mercado.
Lyntia Networks adquiere el control exclusivo de Evolutio Business Connectivity
Lyntia es una sociedad que ofrece servicios mayoristas de telecomunicaciones, principalmente, a operadores de redes de comunicaciones electrónicas y compañías prestadoras de suministros públicos de electricidad (utilities).
Evolutio es una sociedad que ofrece servicios de conectividad a través de canales indirectos, con los que llega a clientes empresariales de más de 50 empleados.
La concentración supone el reforzamiento de Lyntia en el mercado nacional de suministro mayorista de fibra oscura y en el mercado nacional de suministro mayorista de fibra iluminada (líneas alquiladas). Las adiciones en estos mercados son moderadas, por lo que no se prevén cambios relevantes en su estructura competitiva. Además, existen competidores significativos a nivel nacional.
En cuanto a los posibles efectos verticales de la operación, se descarta una alteración de la dinámica competitiva entre los mercados mayoristas de suministro de fibra oscura y fibra iluminada, ya que la adición de cuota no es significativa. También se descartan efectos verticales entre los mercados de servicios mayoristas de fibra iluminada y los mercados de servicios de coubicación, dado que las cuotas de las partes son moderadas, la adición reducida, hay cierto poder compensador de la demanda, y la regulación facilita que los operadores puedan desplegar red donde fuera necesario usando infraestructura civil existente.
Abertis Autopistas adquiere el control exclusivo de Autovía del Camino a través de la compra de Galvantula
Abertis Autopistas pertenece al grupo Abertis, que gestiona carreteras de alta capacidad (autopistas y autovías) en todo el mundo, principalmente en España, en Francia y, en menor medida, en Italia. Se dedica al mantenimiento y la gestión de autovías y autopistas en España, y controla seis sociedades. Abertis Autopistas, por su parte, está controlada conjuntamente por Mundys, S.p.A.1, y ACS, Actividades de Construcción y Servicios, S.A.
Autovía del Camino, participada al 100% por Galvantula, es la sociedad titular de la concesión que otorga el departamento de Obras Públicas, Transportes y Comunicaciones del Gobierno de Navarra para la construcción, mantenimiento y operación de la “Autovía del Camino” o “A12”, que une los 72 kilómetros que aproximadamente separan Pamplona y Logroño.
Como no hay solapamientos horizontales relevantes ni relaciones verticales, la CNMC considera que la operación no produce cambios significativos en la actual estructura de mercado.
KKR adquirió el control exclusivo de Generalife a través de la compra de Global Drew en 2022
KKR Genesis Bidco S.L.U. era, en el momento de la adquisición, una sociedad vehículo controlada indirectamente por KKR, una entidad de inversión a escala mundial que ofrece servicios de gestión alternativa de activos, mercados de capitales y seguros. Antes de la adquisición de Generalife, ninguna de las empresas en cartera controladas directa o indirectamente por KKR estaba activa en el sector de la fertilidad en España ni en otros mercados verticalmente relacionados.
Generalife es un grupo europeo de clínicas de reproducción cuya sociedad matriz es Global Drew. Generalife está activa en España, Italia, Suecia, República Checa y Portugal; y presta servicios de medicina reproductiva y de ginecología y obstetricia, así como servicios auxiliares y/o complementarios necesarios o convenientes para estas especialidades.
La operación no dio lugar a ningún solapamiento horizontal ni vertical, ya que cambió un operador por otro en el mercado de prestación de servicios de medicina reproductiva a pacientes privados. La autorización de esta operación se realiza sin perjuicio de que se analice en el marco de un expediente sancionador su ejecución sin notificación previa.
TADECO adquiere los activos del tanatorio de Fuente Obejuna, Córdoba
Tanatorios de Córdoba (TADECO) es una empresa domiciliada en Córdoba, que presta servicios funerarios de forma integral en la provincia a través de sus instalaciones de tanatorio y crematorio. Está controlada conjuntamente por la empresa ASV-Funeser y Albia Gestión de Servicios S.L.U., estando sus grupos empresariales presentes en el mercado verticalmente relacionado de seguros de decesos: en el caso de Albia, a través de Santa Lucía; y en el caso de ASV-Funeser, a través de Meridiano, S.A. Ni Albia ni ASV Funeser tienen instalaciones funerarias (ni de tanatorio, ni de crematorio o cementerio) en la provincia de Córdoba, a excepción de las que explota directamente TADECO.
La parte adquirida (Activos Fuente Obejuna) es el conjunto de activos empresariales que incluye el inmueble de uno de los dos tanatorios existentes en Fuente Obejuna (Córdoba), así como los vehículos, instalaciones, bienes, existencias y restantes elementos materiales e inmateriales necesarios para el desarrollo de la actividad económica del negocio de pompas fúnebres.
Los efectos horizontales de la operación no son preocupantes, ya que no alteran la estructura competitiva previa a la operación. En concreto, en el mercado minorista, el refuerzo que experimenta la adquirente es mínimo.
Desde el punto de vista del refuerzo vertical, la incorporación a la cartera de Santa Lucía (Albia) y Meridiano (ASV) de las instalaciones funerarias gestionadas por la adquirida aumenta levemente la capacidad de ambas, presentes en el mercado de seguros de deceso, de prestar intragrupo las actividades funerarias de sus asegurados en la localidad de Fuente Obejuna.
Además, a pesar de que la tasa de penetración en la provincia de Córdoba es elevada, la cuota no despreciable pero moderada de la entidad resultante en el mercado de seguros de deceso limita efectos significativos del posible refuerzo vertical sobre los competidores de la adquirente en el mercado de prestación de servicios funerarios, ante una posible pérdida de clientes en favor de la adquirente. Tampoco se aprecian riesgos derivados de los efectos del posible refuerzo vertical en el mercado de seguros de deceso, dada la existencia de otros competidores con instalaciones funerarias y, por tanto, de alternativas a la entidad resultante para los restantes competidores en el mercado.
GED adquiere el control de Helios Fertility Spain
GED es una gestora independiente que opera en la Península Ibérica en el segmento lower mid-market a través de diferentes vehículos de inversión de capital privado, infraestructuras o capital riesgo.
Helios Fertility Spain presta servicios de asistencia sanitaria de medicina reproductiva en Madrid y Barcelona. Además, ofrece servicios relacionados con la fertilidad, como la gestión y la donación de células reproductoras o la provisión de análisis de genética reproductiva.
Como los solapamientos verticales son débiles y no existen solapamientos horizontales, la CNMC considera que la operación no supone una amenaza para la competencia ya que no produce cambios significativos en la actual estructura de mercado.
Contenido relacionado:
- Nota de prensa (15/12/2023): La CNMC autorizó cinco operaciones de concentración en noviembre
- Blog (25/04/2017): En la CNMC vigilamos las concentraciones entre las empresas.
Documento no oficial destinado a los medios de comunicación y que no vincula a la CNMC. Reproducción permitida solo si se cita a la fuente.
Fonte: CNMC
La CNMC inicia un expediente sancionador contra KKR Genesis
19 Ene 2024
nota de prensa
- La empresa no notificó a la CNMC la compra del grupo de fertilidad GeneraLife.
- La Ley de Defensa de la Competencia establece que las empresas deben notificar sus operaciones de concentración a la CNMC antes de ejecutarlas, si cumplen ciertos umbrales.
- La CNMC ha autorizado la compra en primera fase sin compromisos, tras requerir a KKR Genesis que notificara la operación.
La CNMC ha incoado un expediente sancionador contra KKR Genesis, una sociedad en cartera del fondo KKR, por ejecutar la compra del grupo de fertilidad GeneraLife en enero de 2022 sin haberla notificado (SNC/DC/077/23).
Esta práctica, conocida en el argot de competencia como “gun jumping”, supone un incumplimiento de la Ley de Defensa de la Competencia (artículo 9, apartado primero), que obliga a las empresas a notificar sus operaciones de concentración a la CNMC antes de ejecutarlas.
En julio de 2023, la CNMC requirió de oficio a KKR Genesis que notificara la compra de GeneraLife, dado que en el momento de ejecutarla superaba el umbral de cuota de mercado que establece la Ley para que las empresas informen de este tipo de operaciones. Tras analizar la operación, la CNMC la ha autorizado en primera fase sin compromisos (C/1407/23).
La incoación de este expediente no prejuzga el resultado final de la investigación. Se abre ahora un período máximo de tres meses para la instrucción del expediente y su resolución por la CNMC.
Contenido relacionado:
- SNC/DC/077/23
- C/1407/23
- Blog (21/04/2022): Gun jumping, o cuando las prisas no son buenas consejeras en la notificación de concentraciones
- Nota de prensa (18/01/2023): La CNMC aprueba con compromisos la adquisición de IVI por parte de KKR
Documento no oficial, destinado a los medios de comunicación, y que no vincula a la CNMC. Reproducción permitida solo si se cita la fuente.
CMA: workforce management information November 2023
Reports on departmental staff numbers and costs.From:Competition and Markets AuthorityPublished19 January 2024Get emails about this page
CMA: workforce management information, November 2023
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The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) publishes details about staff numbers and payroll costs for payroll and non-payroll staff on a monthly basis.
Published 19 January 2024
Financial resilience appeal 2023
The CMA has issued its final determination to the Parties in the appeal by Utilita Energy Limited (Utilita) against the decision of Ofgem (GEMA) to introduce a common minimum capital requirement.From:Competition and Markets AuthorityPublished1 September 2023Last updated19 January 2024 — See all updatesCase type:Regulatory references and appealsCase state:OpenMarket sector:EnergyOpened:23 August 2023
- Administrative timetable
- CMA Final determination
- Response to the Notice of Appeal
- Interveners
- Appeal group appointed
- CMA decision on permission
- Notice of appeal
- Contact
Administrative timetable
Published on 16 November 2023, as required by Rule 13 of the Energy Licence Modification Appeals: Competition and Markets Authority Rules (CMA 70). Any revisions to this timetable will be published on this website.
Date | Action |
21 January 2024 | Statutory deadline for final determination |
19 January 2024 | Final determination issued to parties |
Early December 2023 | Provisional determination shared with parties. |
Late October 2023 | Main hearings |
12 October 2023 | Deadline for GEMA’s response to the Notice of Appeal and for any applications for permission to intervene |
21 September 2023 | Permission to appeal granted and published |
7 September 2023 | GEMA sent representations on whether permission to appeal should be granted |
23 August 2023 | Permission to appeal sought by Utilita |
A full administrative timetable will be published in due course.
CMA Final determination
- Order (PDF, 103KB) (19.1.24)
- Summary of final decision (PDF, 147KB) (19.1.24)
Response to the Notice of Appeal
18 October 2023: On 12 October 2023 the CMA received a response from Ofgem (GEMA) to the Notice of Appeal by Utilita Energy Limited (Utilita).
25 October 2023: On 12 October 2023 the CMA received applications for permission to intervene from EDF Energy Customers Limited (EDFE) and from OVO Energy Limited (OVO). On 19 October 2023, the CMA issued its decisions on the applications allowing both EDFE and OVO to intervene.
- EDFE intervention notice (PDF, 9,752KB) (25.10.23)
- EDFE decision on permission to intervene (PDF, 128KB) (25.10.23)
- OVO intervention notice (PDF, 2,288KB) (25.10.23)
- OVO decision on permission to intervene (PDF, 129KB) (25.10.23)
Appeal group appointed
21 September 2023: The CMA has appointed a group of 3 panel members to determine the appeal.
Richard Feasey (Chair), Anne Fletcher and Jo Armstrong.
CMA decision on permission
21 September 2023: The CMA has granted permission to appeal on all grounds pleaded by Utilita Energy Limited (Utilita).
Notice of appeal
23 August 2023: Utilita Energy Limited (Utilita) has applied for permission to appeal GEMA’s decision of 26 July 2023 to introduce a common minimum capital requirement. The decision related to the modifications of standard licence conditions and concerns the decision to impose the capital target in respect of gas and electricity supply licences.
The CMA has 4 months to determine the appeal.
Any queries or submissions relating to this matter should be sent to utilitaappeal@cma.gov.uk
Suspected anti-competitive conduct in relation to the recycling of end-of-life vehicles
The CMA is investigating suspected anti-competitive conduct in relation to the recycling of old or written-off vehicles, specifically cars and vans, also known as ‘end-of-life vehicles’ or ELVs.From:Competition and Markets AuthorityPublished15 March 2022Last updated18 January 2024 — See all updatesCase type:CA98 and civil cartelsCase state:OpenMarket sector:Motor industryOpened:15 March 2022
Case timetable
Date | Action |
July 2023 to March 2024 | Investigation continuing: including information gathering, analysis and review of information gathered |
December 2022 to July 2023 | Investigation continuing: including information gathering, analysis and review of information gathered |
March to December 2022 | Initial investigation: including information gathering, analysis and review of information gathered |
March 2022 | Investigation opened |
Penalty notice
Court of Appeal unanimously upholds the CMA’s appeal relating to jurisdictional challenges brought by BMW AG and VW AG
17 January 2024: In a unanimous judgment, the Court of Appeal has fully upheld the CMA’s appeal against a combined High Court and Competition Appeal Tribunal judgment which had limited the CMA’s power to issue formal information requests to overseas entities.
- Press notice: CMA wins appeal on legal challenge to overseas information requests (18.1.23)
Update on High Court and Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) judgment
8 February 2023: The High Court and CAT have handed down a combined judgment in relation to: (i) a judicial review application by Volkswagen AG relating to the CMA’s decision to issue a notice requiring it to produce documents and information under section 26 of the Competition Act 1998 (CA98); and (ii) an appeal by BMW AG of the CMA’s decision to impose a penalty under section 40A CA98 for BMW AG’s failure, without reasonable excuse, to comply with a requirement imposed on it pursuant to section 26 of the CA98. The High Court and CAT have found in Volkswagen AG’s and BMW AG’s favour.
The full judgment can be found on the CAT’s website.
A CMA spokesperson said:
“We are disappointed with today’s judgment. We need effective tools to investigate suspected unlawful conduct and ensure robust enforcement under the Competition Act. Increasingly, our investigations involve cross-border, multi-national organisations, and today’s judgment substantially risks undermining our ability to investigate, enforce against and deter anti-competitive conduct that harms consumers, businesses and markets in the UK.
“Given the importance of today’s judgment, we will be seeking permission to appeal.”
Notice of penalty
8 December 2022: The CMA has published a notice of a penalty imposed on Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW AG) under section 40A of the CA98. The CMA imposed the penalty on 6 December 2022 because BMW AG, without reasonable excuse, failed to comply with a requirement imposed on it pursuant to section 26 of the CA98.
- Penalty notice (PDF, 216KB) (8.12.22)
- News story: BMW fined for failing to comply with CMA information request
Case information
On 15 March 2022, the CMA launched an investigation into suspected breaches of competition law relating to the recycling of old or written-off vehicles, specifically cars and vans, which are known in the industry as ‘end-of-life vehicles’ or ELVs. The investigation concerns suspected infringements of Chapter I of the Competition Act 1998 (‘CA98’) involving a number of vehicle manufacturers and some industry bodies.
No assumption should be made at this stage that the CA98 has been infringed. The CMA has not reached a view as to whether there is sufficient evidence of an infringement of competition law for it to issue a statement of objections to any of the parties under investigation. Not all cases result in the CMA issuing a statement of objections.
If the CMA issues a statement of objections, it will provide the addressee(s) of that statement of objections with an opportunity to make written and oral representations, before it makes a final decision. See here for further detail of the CMA’s investigation procedures in CA98 cases.
- Press release: CMA launches investigation into recycling of cars and vans (15.3.22)
Personal data
The CMA may collect, use and share personal data for its investigations, including investigations under the Competition Act 1998. This includes processing personal data for the purposes of the UK General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018.
For more information about how the CMA handles personal information, please see the CMA’s Personal Information Charter.
For any enquiries relating to this case, please contact:
- Principal Case Officer: Adam Brill adam.brill@cma.gov.uk
- Assistant Project Directors: Jenny Brady jennifer.brady@cma.gov.uk and Sarah Northam sarah.northam@cma.gov.uk and Catherine Pemberton catherine.pemberton@cma.gov.uk
- Lead Investigator: Padraig Sheerin padraig.sheerin@cma.gov.uk
- Project Director: Lucília Falsarella Pereira lucilia.falsarella-pereira@cma.gov.uk
- Senior Responsible Officer: Juliette Enser juliette.enser@cma.gov.uk
Published 15 March 2022
Last updated 18 January 2024 + show all updates
CMA response to West Yorkshire Combined Authority Bus Reform Consultation
The CMA has published its response to West Yorkshire Combined Authority Bus Reform Consultation.From:Competition and Markets AuthorityPublished18 January 2024Get emails about this page

CMA response to West Yorkshire Combined Authority Bus Reform Consultation
PDF, 187 KB, 12 pages
The CMA has responded to the West Yorkshire Combined Authority Bus Reform Consultation led by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA).
The CMA is a statutory consultee on bus franchising proposals in England. Franchising has the potential to deliver significant benefits to the WYCA region, the CMA’s response explores these benefits as well as highlighting potential competition risks and mitigations to WYCA’s proposals. The response to this consultation builds on the CMA’s views on set out in its responses to the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority bus franchising consultations.
For queries relating to the CMA’s response, please contact the CMA advocacy team by email at advocacy@cma.gov.uk.
Published 18 January 2024
Ato de Concentração nº 08700.000195/2024-98
Requerentes: Athon Geração Distribuída III S.A., Raízen Gera Desenvolvedora S.A. e RGD Solar Desenvolvimento Ltda. Advogados: Sérgio Varella Bruna, Natalia Salzedas Pinheiro da Silveira, Marina Lissa Oda Horita, Paola Pugliese, Milena Mundim e Marília Cruz Avila. Decido pela aprovação sem restrições.
Ato de Concentração nº 08700.009317/2023-21
Requerentes: Stefanini Participações S.A. e STF Rafael Segurança e Defesa S.A. Advogadas: Luciana Martorano e Maria Wagner. Decido pela aprovação sem restrições.
Comissão Europeia
Online rail ticket distribution in Spain
Last decision date:17.01.2024
Last decision date: 18.01.2024 Simplified procedure
Last decision date: 18.01.2024 Simplified procedure
Last decision date: 18.01.2024 Simplified procedure