A Comissão Europeia publica Guia Antitruste para a Sustentabilidade na Agricultura

A Comissão Europeia publicou nesta quinta-feira (07.12.2023) o Guia Antitruste para Sustentabilidade na Agricultura[1] para tratar de um item da Política Agrícola Comum (PAC) da União Europeia recentemente reformada: art. 210a da Regulação nº 1308/2013 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho[2].

O art. 210ºa da Regulação nº 1308/2013 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho considera que os acordos restritivos que são indispensáveis para alcançar a sustentabilidade na agricultura estão acima das regras obrigatórias da União Europeia[3][4], acordos estes que, em geral, não são permitidos pelo art 101 do Tratado de Funcionamento da União Europeia (TFEU), uma vez que ferem o ambiente concorrencial (como acordos entre empresas que elevam preços, reduzem quantidade produzida e pioram a qualidade dos produtos)

O objetivo do Guia Antitruste para a Sustentabilidade na Agricultura é contribuir para que os agricultores e os operadores da cadeia produtiva do agronegócio europeu façam acordos sustentáveis respeitando as regras concorrenciais previstas na legislação concorrencial da União Europeia.

É com esse objetivo que o Guia orienta:

  1. o alcance pessoal do artigo 210ºa e os produtos abrangidos pelo dispositivo;
  2. o alcance material do artigo 210ºa;
  3. os tipos de restrições a concorrência que são excluídos da aplicação do artigo 101º, nº 1, TFUE nos termos do artigo 210ºa;
  4. o conceito de indispensabilidade previsto no artigo 210ºa;
  5. o alcance temporal do artigo 210ºa; e
  6. o procedimento de pedido de parecer à Comissão sobre se um determinado acordo de sustentabilidade satisfaz os requisitos do artigo 210º a.

Da redação

Fonte: WebAdvocacy – Direito e Economia

[1] 2023_EC_guidelines_for_sustainability_agreements_of_agricultural_producers.pdf (europa.eu)

[2] L_2013347PT.01067101.xml (europa.eu)

[3] 1.1.2 Exclusion from Article 101(1) TFEU created by Article 210a (9) Article 210a creates an exclusion from Article 101(1) TFEU.

(9) Article 210a creates an exclusion from Article 101(1) TFEU. It was adopted by the European Parliament and the Council pursuant to Article 42 TFEU. It covers agreements, decisions and concerted practices of producers of agricultural products that relate to the production of or trade in agricultural products and that aim to apply a higher sustainability standard than mandated by Union or national law. Such agreements may be either between producers (‘horizontal agreements’) or between producers and other operators at different levels of the agri-food supply chain (‘vertical agreements’).

(10) For the purposes of these guidelines, the term ‘sustainability agreement’ refers to any type of agreement, decision or concerted practice involving producers, both horizontally and vertically, that relates to the production of or trade in agricultural products and that aims to apply a higher sustainability standard than mandated by Union or national law, irrespective of the form of cooperation. (11) Sustainability agreements that fulfil the conditions laid down in Article 210a are excluded from the application of Article 101(1) TFEU and no prior decision to that effect is required.

[4] Contexto legal da exclusão:

(12) Article 101(1) TFEU contains a general prohibition against agreements, decisions of associations of undertakings and concerted practices that restrict competition. If an agreement restricts competition, it is automatically null and void and may expose the parties to fines, unless it qualifies for an exemption under Article 101(3) TFEU, for the exclusion under Article 210a, or for another exclusion from Article 101(1) TFEU. Article 101(1) TFEU applies to agreements, which may affect trade between Member States and that may appreciably restrict competition. Article 210a applies only to sustainability agreements falling under Article 101(1) TFEU. Therefore, it does not apply to agreements that fall under the de minimis regime ( 10) or that do not affect trade between Members States ( 11).

(13) Under certain conditions, agreements relating to sustainability standards may restrict competition. Article 210a excludes from the application of Article 101(1) TFEU certain types of sustainability agreements that meet the conditions laid down in Article 210a.

(14) As with all exceptions to a general principle, the scope of Article 210a needs to be interpreted strictly while taking into account the objectives pursued by the exclusion ( 12). The objectives of and the conditions for the application of Article 210a, as well as the limits to its application, derive exclusively from the CMO Regulation. [pag. 6].

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