Clipping da Concorrência – 30.11


Cade lança estudo sobre mercados de bancos e seguradoras

Commission sends Statement of Objections to six companies and one trade association in automotive starter battery cartel case

Commission sends Amazon Statement of Objections over proposed acquisition of iRobot

Mobilités : l’Autorité rend public son avis sur le fonctionnement concurrentiel du secteur des transports terrestres de personnes

Referral of the proposed subsidy to Post Office Limited by the Department for Business and Trade

CMA takes action against 3XD Limited for charging an administration fee under the CMA’s PPI Order

CMA sets out Autumn update in review of competition in groceries sector

Price inflation and competition in food and grocery manufacturing and supply



Geveran Trading Co. Limited (Geveran) e DOF Group ASA (DOF).

Ato de Concentração n° 08700.006159/2023-57

Requerentes: Geveran Trading Co. Limited (Geveran) e DOF Group ASA (DOF).

Advogados: Ana Paula Paschoalini e Vitor Jardim Barbosa, pela Geveran.

Com fulcro no §1º do artigo 50 da Lei 9.784, de 1999, integro as razões do Parecer N° 13/2023/CGAA4/SGA1/SG/CADE (SEI 1314666) à presente decisão, inclusive quanto à sua motivação. Nos termos dos artigos 13, inciso XII, e 57, inciso I, da Lei nº 12.529, de 30 de novembro de 2011, combinados com os artigos 10, inciso XII, e 121, inciso I, do Regimento Interno do Cade, decido pela aprovação sem restrições do presente Ato de Concentração.

Comissão Europeia




Last decision date: 28.11.2023 Super simplified procedure




Last decision date:27.11.2023


Investigation phase: 2

Autorité de la Concurrence

relatif au secteur des transports terrestres de personnes


Pharmacy2U / Lloyds Direct assets merger inquiry

  • The CMA is investigating the completed acquisition by Pharmacy2U of Lloyds Direct.
    • Updated: 30 November 2023

Hitachi / Thales merger inquiry

  • The CMA is investigating the anticipated acquisition by Hitachi Rail, Ltd of Thales SA’s Ground Transportation Systems Business.
    • Updated: 29 November 2023